1" "-- I'' The Commoner. rrfMymfrftrXfw t,JW- iy i B century and indeed at tlio end of every year, and at no timo in the history of our country wag it more important that such things as Webster sought to impress upon the people in this ad drees should bo impressed upon the people of the present generation. This speech of Webster's was delivered in commemoration of the first settlement of New England. Webster began by speaking lightly of that regard for ancestry "which nourishes only a weak pride," but he referred to that "moral and philosophical respect for our an cestors which elevates the character and im proves the heart," and he said that next to the sense of religious duty and moral feeling ho hardly knew "what should bear with stronger obligation on a liberal and enlightened mind than the consciousness of alliance with excel lence which has departed; and a consciousness, too, that in its acts and conduct, and even in its sentiments and. thoughts it may be actively operating on the happiness of those who come after it." It will bo well for the people of today to ponder upon Webster's appeal that we give duo consideration and respect not only to the individuality of our ancestors, but also to the lessons and the principles which they sought to impress upon posterity. Listen to Webster: "Poetry is found to have few stronger concep tions, by which it would affect "or overwhelm the mind than those in which it presents the moving and speaking immage of the, departed, dead ..to. thp senses of the .living This belongs to pqetryonly because it is Congenial to our nature. Poetry is, 1ji this respect, but the hand-maid of true phil osophy and morality; it deals with us as human jbeings, naturally reverencing those whose visible connection with this state of existence is sev eredi and who may yet exercise we .know not What sympathy with ourselves; and when it car ries us forward also, and shows us the long continued result of all the good we do, in the prosperity of those who follow us, till it bears us from ourselves, and absorbs us in an intense interest for what shall happen to the generations after us it speaks only in the . language of our nature, and affects us with sentiments which be long to us as human beings. "Standing in this relation to our ancestors, and our posterity, we are' assembled on thjs me morable spot, to perform the duties which that relation and the present occasion impose upon' us. iWe have come to this Eock, to record here our homage for our Pilgrim Fathers; our sympathy in their HufL'erings; our gratitude for their labors; our admiration of their virtues; our veneration for their piety; and our attachment to those prin ciples of civil and religious liberty which they en countered the dangers of the ocean, the storms of heaven, the violence of savages, disease, exile, and famine, to enjoy and establish.. And we should leave here also, for the generations which are rising up rapidly to fill our places, some propf that we have endeavored to transmit the great in heritance unimpaired; that in our estimate of public principles and private virtue, in our Vener ation of religion and piety, in our devotion to religious and civil liberty, in our regard to what ever advances human knowledge or -improves hap piness, we are not . altogether unworthy of our origin. "The hours of this day are rapidly flying, and this occasion will soon be past. Neither we nor our children can expect to behold its return. They are in the distant regions of futurity; they exist only in the all-creating power of God, who shall stand hero a hundred years hence, to trace through us, their descent from the Pilgrims, -and to survey, as wo have now surveyed, the progress of their country during the lapse of a century. We would anticipate their concurrence with us in our senti ments of deep regard for our common ancestors. Wo would anticipate and partake the pleasure with which they will then recount the steps of New England's advancement. On the morning of that day, although it will not disturb us in our re pose, the voice of acclamation and gratitude, com mencing on the Rock of Plymouth, shall bo trans mitted through millions of the sons of the Pil grims, till it lose itself in the murmurs of t.ho Pacific seas. "We would leave for the consideration of theso who shall then occupy our places some proof that wo hold the blessings transmitted from our fathers in just estimation; some proof of our attachment" to the cause of good government and of civil and religious liberty; some proof of a aincore and ard ent desire to promoto everything which may en large the understandings and improve the hearts of men. And when, from the long distance of a hundred years, they shall look back upon us, they shall know at least that wo possessed affections, which, running backward and warming with grati tude for what our ancestors have done for Bur happiness, run forward also to our posterity, and meet them with cordial salutation, ere yet-they' have arrived on the shore of being," . i When, from the. long distance-of a hundred years wo nor lookback upon the men of 'Web- ster's time," do we ribV in fact' know that they did possess affectionsy which, running back ward and warming with gratitude for what their ancestors did for their happiness, ran for ward also to their posterity? . Id't what may be said" of the people of to day? Do wo possess affections which, "run ning backward and warming with gratitude for what our ancestors -have done for our happi ness, run forward also to our posterity and meet them with cordial salutation ere yet they have arrived on the shore of being?" w Origin of a Famous Phrase. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Meriwether, mother of the municipal ownership candidate for mayor of St. Louis, recently wrote an article for the . St. Louis Republic in which she traced Lin coln's famous phrase, "A government of the people, by the people and for the people," back to the Wickliffe Bible of 1324. It is in teresting to know the origin of that particu lar phraseology and space io gladly given to the article. The idea is an old one, for the doctrine that the people are tho source of political power and that governments should be ad ministered by them and in their interests must have been advocated for ages, even though not clearly expressed. At this time when a con trary doctrine is showing surprising strength in the United States it is instructive to know who first gave apt verbal expression to the doctrine and still more important to know how many still cherish and revere it as a self-evident and eternal truth. Mrs. Meriwether says: . In his Gettysburg speech, Mr. Lincoln gave voice to the grand apothegm: "This Is a government of the people, by the people and for the people." In tho February number Of Review of Re views, Mr. George Parkor, lato consul at Birming ham, wri(e3 that ho thinks ho has discovered the author of that colebrated phrase. In a book pub lished .in London, England, in 1705," Mr. Parker' found theso words: "Tho American government Is a government of tho people and for tho people." I beg leave to say to the consul at Birmingham and to tho editor of the Roview of Reviews that they will have to go further back than 1705 to find the originator of that saying. In tho preface to tho old Wickliffe Biblo, published in 1324, aro tho words: "This Bible is for. the governmont of tho peo ple, by tho people and for the people." Since that Bible was published, a number of persons in America have used tho phrase, and some in Europe. In 1830, as Mr. Laraon states, In Switzerland, a speaker declared: "All the governments of Switzerland (meaning tho different cantons) must acknowledge that they aro simply all the people, by all the people and for all tho people." 'In 1850, in a public spccoli in Boston, Theodore Parker defined democracy to be: "A government of all the people, by all the pso ple and for all the people." It is said tho same words were used In a Mas sachusetts convention by Judgo Joel Parker in 163. (See Lamon.) .. When, standing as ho did on tho awful field of Gettysburg, all around him tho bloody ghosts of ,50,000 American men so fecontly slain, Mr. Lin coln 'voiced those immortal words, they struck the ear and the heart of the world as never before. They seem to have slumbered through the years from 1324 up to tho nineteenth century. Never again will they slumber, Words have souls; the soul of those words r can never .again sleep. Even though this country be made an empire, oven though despots Should come to sit where once Washington and Jefferson sat, still would those words live and breatho and go down tho ages an inspiration, a prophecy more: a tocsin in the hearts of men, calling them to arms to fight again for the freedom which Is their right. Slavery in the Philippines. Colonel J. "8. Morrison, Judgo Advocate U. S. A., is well known in the west. Colonel Morrison was a Missouri lawyer who, in 1893, was appointed by President Cleveland to be a clerjk in. thq judge advocate's office at Washing ton. When a vacancy occurred in the office of judge advocate, Morrison was appointed to tho place with the rank of major. During tho Philippine trouble he was assigned to duty in the Philippine Islands, and recently was pro moted to the rank of Colonel. The New York World has discovered that more than one year ago Colonel Morrison made a report to Wash ington relative to the conditions of the slave trade in the Philippines This report was sup pressed and was not made public until the World printed it in its issue of July 21. Col onel Morrison's report deals in full with slavery in the Philippines, and, according to the World, bears every evidence of careful inquiry. Here, are some of the most pertinent of tho results of his observations: "The slavery here has all of the essentials of the negro slavery formerly existing in the United States. - - "For Instance, a person man, woman or child will be captured in war or kidnapped (privately and secretly or otherwise) in time of absolute peace; or one person will owe another a debt i. - sAii