Commoner. ,..Z'K'fr! fr- : " .X ?V t ' , '3- f r ' U' m. '-. i express his sympathy with the Republic's President on the ground that it might bo con strued as an. expression, of preferene be tween two friendly" powers tftafc ar now at war. It happened that the Quecni of England died while this war was- in 'prtigress and ho words of eulogy were too strong for our Presi- dent to convoy across the water by way of assuring the English people that wo sym pathized with them in their great loss. How then does it happen that although the President of a small republic is staggering un der the greatest load that can fall upon a man no word of sympathy has reached him from the President, of the greatest republic, on earth. How does it happen that although the Pres ident of this great republican government loses no timevm expressing sympathy with tings and emperors, that he utterly ignores the opportun ity to express sympathy with the president of a republic? It iff true that the mother of the German Emperor possessed "noble qualities." These did "endear her memory to the American peo ple exactly as the memory of any good woman is endeared to any good people. .But the wife of Paul. Kruger possessed "noble qualities." She made sacrifices which 'the good mother of the German Emperor was never called upon to make. She showed heroic devotion to her. hus. band and to her country which the good -mother: of the German Emperor never had an oppor-i tunity to display. She died a prisoner of War; tfcl6? prisoner of wai'liy the representatives of an empire and her life was sacrificed because of her devotion .to the principles which in the past we have been fond. ,of- calling "American principles." And yet the President of this republic has no v7ord of comfort to give to the Presi dent of the South. African republic; he has no word of consolation to offer to. the stricken people of rthe South African republic; he has no tribute to pay to the "noble qualities" of one of .the jriosfe heroic figures in the history of the world f or the wife of Paul Kruger was an heroic figure. But it cannot be doubted that the American people, regardless of political prejudice, do en tertain for President Kruger the most sincere sympathy in the hour of his bcreavementj and hey do entertain fdr the memory of his beloved wife that high and endearing respect which is due from a people who have lived and profited' by a great principle to any man or woman who has suffered and died because of devotion to that same principle. My. McKJnley missed an opportunity when lie permitted the time to pass away withSut . giving expression to American sympathy for the bereaved President of the -South African Republic. It is entirely proper that we should have tears: and love for the stricken people of a monarchy; but should we not also naye love and tears for the stricken people of a repub lic? Why Ostracise the Best? The loyal democrats who have borne the burden of recent campaigns and who have lade pecuniary sacrifice to support demo cratic principles ought to learn something of the meaning of reorganization by running over the list of, suggested presidential candidates; Among the men who supported the democratic ticket im 1806 and in 19O0'(not because of party regularity but because of conviction) were some of the best,, bravest and truest democrats ever known and yet none of them are men tioned in connection with the presidency. The reorganizes want "harmony" and their method of securing it is to place under the ban all who believe in the creed of the party as promul gated by recent national Conventions. The. re organizers consider three things essential to "success," viz., first, the aband'onment of the Kansas City platform;" second, the nomination of candidates who do not believe in that plat form and, third, the selection of a national committee composed of men Who either op posed the ticket in 1896 or gave it passive sup port. Why ostracise the best men in the party? Why place a-premium on disloyalty? W Hearing from the Voters. At the Democratic- convention recently hel&in the '83d Ohio Senatorial 'District the following resolutions were adopted: ' &esatvcuV That the democracy off 'the Thlrty thjrd Ohio, senatorial district Jin convention as-, scmbl'edlo most jemphatfcafljr indorse, the, national' platform adopted' at Kansas. .Gttyfii 19.0.0. and the state plai'form adopted 'at 'Columbus in'i.iwi; and be it further : Resolved, That the nominee of this cOnven--tion he. and he is hereby instructed Jand; pledged-to-support no man for United States senator w,ho is not and who has not been a faithful and consis tent exponent of each and every declaration of democratic faith enunciated, by said platforms and' who will not pledge- himself unequivocally to use every honorable means to secure the enactment of said declarations into law. Let the good work go on. The voters are being heard from and their voice is for demo cratic principles, pure and undefiled. United States. senators ought to. be elected by a direct vote of the people but until that re form is accomplished members of the state leg islature should be chosen with a view to their vote in the senatorial contest, and instructions are always proper. It is to be hoped that, other districts will f oltow the example set by the Democrats of tle 83d. . '.'...' W Inexcusable Misrepresentation." . The New York World seems to love dark-, ncss rather than light. The following para-, graph states what the World has ample reason, to know is a misrepresentation, It says: "It is rather a, pity that Mr. Bryan has discour aged the threatened bolt of the 16 to 1 lunatics in Ohio. It would have been interesting, to see the simon-pure Chicago and Kansas City platform democrats of that state stand up to be counted this year on a bolt, with the full approval of their 'matchless leader.' But Mr. Bryan is too shrewd a politician to give the sanction of his name to such a test. He is now a great stickler for reg ularity, though he supported the Weaver electoral ticket in 1892, and in the elections of the three following years, including the important congres sional election of 1894, he repudiated the sound ' money plank of the national democratic platform of 1892." It is a well known fact that the Democratic National Committee, acting, in the .interests of Mr. Cleveland, advised the Democrats of sev eral western states to vote for the populist elec tors in order to take the state out of the re publican column, it being impossible to olect the Democratic ticket. In this ' way Kansas, Colorado, Nevada; and Idaho were taken from the Republicans and the Republican majority in Nebraska reduced to about four thousand (it gave a republican majority of nearly thirty thousand in- 1888.) A man ought not to be called irregular when he follows the instruction of the national committee. It might be added that although Mr. Bryan tried to help Mr. Cleveland in 1892r Mr. Cleveland helped the Republican party in 18 96 while Mr. Weaver supported Mr. Bryan. The World is also in error as to the plat form of 1892. It contained the following plank: "We hold to the use of both gold and silver as the standard money of the country and to the coinage of both gold and silver without dis crimination against either metal or charge for mintage." Some qualifying words were added for use in the eastern states but. the above dec laration in favor of the double standard was used to hold the democrats- of the South and West- in . line. The principle of . bimetallism was repudiated by Mr, Cleveland and his cabi net waa made up of gold standard advocates. When it . became evident that the party had been betrayed by its leaders, an organization was formed within, the party not .-to repudiate the? platform? of 1-892, but to give to it an hoii est-interpretation. The platform of 189& (tb silver jjlank) was not different in principle from the platform of 1892, but was free from ambiguity. It was in harmony with the party's record in congress: until Mr. Cleveland used the patronage of his high office to force through a Republican measure the unconditional' re peal billr and even then he could not secure a majority of his party to approve of hjs veto! of the Seigniorage bill. The financiers wrote the platform of 1892 to deceive the people and trusted Mr. Cleve land to betray his constituents. In 1896 the party clung to democratic principles and' re pudiated the construction which Mr. Cleveland had placed on the preceding platform. rihese facts are known to the readers of the World and ought to be to the editor. Practical Respect For Ancestors. On December 22, 1820, at Plymouth, Dan iel Webster delivered an address.. One year la$er John Adais, referring, to this address, said: "This oration will be read 500 years hence, withas much rapture as it was heard. It oiigh't to be read at the end of every century, ana indeed at the end of every year forever and foreyer." Five hundred years, have not yet rolled away since Webster delivered this oration. In deed not 100 years have passed by, and yet even at this time it is doubtful if this address would be listened to with "as much rapture as it was heard." John Adams spoke well when he said that this address should bo read at the end of every