r U Tfife Commoner. ii - - -t r havo been' established by an order of even date herewith. And, whereas, all of the conditions required by law to be performed prior to the opening of said tracts of land to settlement and entry have been, as I hereby declare, duly performed. OPENING ON AUGUST G. Now, therefore, I, William McKln ley, president of the United States of America, by virtue or tlie power vested in my by law, do hereby declare and make known that all of the lands so, as aforesaid, ceded by the Wichita and affiliated bands of Indians, and the Comanche. Kiowa and Apache tribes of Indians, respectively, saving and excepting sections 16, 36, 13 and 33 in each township, and all lands lo cated or selected by the territory of Oklahoma as indemnity school or edu cational lands, and saving and except ing all lands allotted in severalty to individual Indians, and saving and excepting all lands allotted and con firmed to religious societies and other organizations, and saving and except ing the lands selected and set aside as grazing lands for the use in common for said Comanche, Kiowa and Apache tribes of Indians, and saving and ex cepting the lands set aside and re served at each of said county seats for disposition as town sites, and saving and 'excepting the lands now used, oc cupied or set apart for military, agen cy, school, school farm, religious, Ind ian cemetery, wo.-d reserve, forest re serve or other public uses, will, on tho sixth day of August, 1901, at 9 o'clock a. m., in the manner herein pre scribed and not otherwise, be opened to entry and settlement and to disposi tion under the general provisions of tho homestead and 'town site laws of tho United States. REGISTRATION BEGINS JULY 10 Commencing at 9 o'clock a. m., Wed nesday, July 10, 1901, and ending at" 6 o'clock p. m., Friday, July 26, 1901, 'a registration will be had at the United States land offices at El Reno and Law ton, in the territory of Oklahoma (the office at Lawton to occupy provisional quarters -in tho immediate vicinity of Fort Sill, Okla., until suitable quar ters can be provided at Lawton, for the purpose of ascertaining what persons desire to enter, settle upon, and ac quire title to any of safd lands under tho homestead law, and of ascertaining their qualifications so to do. The reg istration at each office will be for both land districts, but at the time of reg istration each applicant will be re quired to elect and state in which dis trict he desires to make entry. To ob tain registration each applicant will be required to show himself duly qualified to make homestead entry of those lands under existing laws and to givo the registering officer such ap propriate matters of description and identitiy as will protect, the applicant and the government against any at tempted impersonation. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS FAVORED Registration cannot be effected through the use of the mails or the employment of an agent, excepting that honorably discharged soldiers and sailors entitled to the benefits of sec tion 2304 of the revised statutes of the United States, as amended by the act of congress approved March 1, 1901, (31 Stat., 847), may present their ap plications for registration and due proofs of their qualifications through an agent of their own selection, but no person will be permitted to act as agent for mors than one such soldier or sailor. No person will be per mitted to register more than once or in any other than his true name. MAY EXAMINE LANDS. Each applicant who shows himself duly qualified will be registered and given a non-transferable certificate to that effect, which will entitle him to go upon and examine the lands to be opened hereunder In the land district in which ho elects to make his en try; but tho only purpose for which he may go upon and examino said lands is that of enabling him later on, as herein provided, to understand ing select the lands for which ho will mako entry. "SOONERS" ARE BARRED. No one will be permitted to mako settlement upon any of said lands in advance of the opening herein provid ed for, and during tho first sixty days following said opening no one but reg istered applicants will bo permitted to mako homestead settlement upon any of said lands, and then only in pur suance of a homestead entry, duly al lowed by tho local land officers, or of a soldier's declaratory statement, duly accepted by such officers. DETAILS OF LOTTERY SYSTEM. The order in which, during the first sixty days following the opening, the registered applicants will be permitted to make homestead entry of tho lands opened hereunder, will be determined by drawing for both the El Reno and Lawton districts, publicly held at tho United States land office at El Reno, Okla., commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Monday, July 29, 1901, and continu ing for such period as may be neces sary to complete the same. The drawings will be had under the supervision and immediate observance of a committee of three persons, whoso integrity is such as to make their con trol of the drawing a guaranty of its fairness. Tho members of this com mittee will be appointed by the secre tary of the interior, who will prescribe suitable compensation for their ser vices. CARDS FOR HOMESTEADERS. Preparatory to these drawings tho registration officers will, at the time of registration each applicant who shows himself duly qualified, mako out a card, which must be signed by the applicant, stating the land district In which he desires to make homestead entry, and giving such a description of the applicant as will enable the lo cal land officers to thereafter identify him. This card will be at once sealed in a separate envelope, which will bear no other distinguishing label or mark than such as may be necessary to show that it is to go into the draw ing for the land district in which the applicant desires to make entry. EQUAL CHANCE FOR ALL. These envelopes will be separated according to land districts and will be carefully preserved and remain sealed until opened in the course of the drawing as herein provided. When the registration is completed all of these sealed envelopes will be brought together at the place of drawing and turned over to the committee in charge of tho drawing, who, in such manner as in their judgment will be attended with entire fairness and equality of opportunity, shall proceed to draw out and open the separate en velopes and to give to each inclosed card a number in the order in which the envelope containing the same is drawn. While tho drawings for the two districts will be separately con ducted, they will occur as nearly at the same time as is practicable. The result of the drawing for each district will be certified by the committee to the officers of the district and will de termine the order in which the appli cants may make homestead entry of said lands and settlement thereon. WINNERS TO BE NOTIFIED. Notice of the drawings stating the name of each applicant and number assigned to him by the drawing will be posted each day at the place of drawing, and each applicant will be notified of his number by a postal card, mailed to him at the address, if any, given by him at the time of regis tration. Each applicant should, how ever in his own behalf, employ such measures as will insure his obtaining prompt and accurate information of i$20 a weck Unity Of Otir ramir nm h4 . crnrlnai .iu.t.ii.i. . oven Inrgcr nalartes fornIiorthanU,lookkcoplne,)t. OorCollfi flu than boTongUly fta llekly lot rewfltlbl pwllloa. Iter jrnJault ki, f.reritc w ih butlnlMUtaUoaj. Oat M-put feet; illtrattdrUIotBerrr. IliUrUjoarfeht. rtuircaa, u. u. muaacmiAn, w uiy BMWtn CeUcge, QaliKy, Ills. tho order in which his application for homestead entry can bo presented as fixed by thq drawing. Applications for homestead entry of said lands during the first sixty days following the open ing can be made only by registered applicants, and in the order established by tho drawing. WHEN TO FILE APPLICATIONS. At each land office, commencing Tuesday, August 6, 1901, at 9 o'clock a. m., the applications of those draw ing numbers 1 to 125, Inclusive", for that district must be presented and will bo considered In their numerical order during the first day, and the ap plications of those drawing numbers 125 to 250, inclusive, must bo presented and will be considered in their numer ical order during tho second day, and so on at that rate until all of said lands subject to entry under the home stead law, and desired thereunder, have been entered. If any applicant fails to appear and present his appli cation for entry when the, number as signed to him by the drawing is reached, his right to enter will be passed until after the other applica tions assigned for that day havo been disposed of, when he will be given an other opportunity to make entry, fail ing in which he will be deemed to have abandoned his right to make en try under such drawing. CERTIFICATE IS REQUIRED. To obtain the allowance of a home stead entry each applicant must per sonally present tho certificate of reg istration therefore issued to him, to gether with a regular homestead ap plication and tho necessary accom panying proofs, and with tho regular land office fees, but an honorably dis charged soldier or sailor may file his declaratory statement through the agent representing him at the registra tion. The production of the certificate of registration will be dispensed with only upon satisfactory proof of its loss or destruction. If at the time of considering his regular application for entry it appears that any applicant is disqualified from making homestead entry of these lands his application will be rejected, notwithstanding his prior registration. PENALTY FOR FRAUD. If any applicant shall register more than once hereunder, or in any other than his true name, or shall transfer his registration certificate he will thereby lose all the benefits of the registration and drawing herein pro vided for, and will be precluded from entering or settling upon any of said lands during the first sixty days fol lowing said opening. "NEUTRAL STRIP" REGULATION. Because of the provision In the said act of congress approved June 6, 1900, "That the settlers who located on that part of said lands called and known a"s the 'neutral strip' shall have pref erence right for thirty days on the lands upon which they have located and improved," the said lands in the "neutral strip" shall for the period of thirty days after said opening be sub ject to homestead, entry and townsite entry only by those who have hereto fore located upon and improved the same, and who are accorded a pref erence right of entry for thirty days as aforesaid. Persons entitled to make entry under this preference right will be permitted to do so at any time during said period of thirty days fol lowing the opening without previous registration, and without regard to the drawing herein provided for, and at the expiration of that period the lands in said "noutral strip" for which no entry shall have been made will come under the general provisions of this proclamation. NOT EXCEEDING 160 ACRES. The intended beneficiaries of the TRENHAM the PRINTER. Alexandria, Minn. $75 Month ami Expense; seexpflrtanca needed; position permannnt; nolf-ncller, 1'kahk Mra. Co.,Blat'H &9 Cincinnati, O. m SMTixeiriafa. yfra&fc, 9. -. . jt JMCV m CrilA wr WANTED AGENTS MoRMlap'iLi u'irJlt) Campbell & CO., Oil Plum St., Klgln, 111 befituy teat-74 Years. YK PAY CA8I and wnntmoro Hnlcarnon. f I MIXIt Outfit mf. STARK NURSERY, Stark, Me CHARLES M. BROWER, HOS Radford Arc, Brooklyn, N. Y SfirTlrlnic Member or Co. "IV" First Itcpimont JNw York Volunteers, Col. Ward B. Burnett's Rclmont. MEXICAN WAR. Tho PreKont nddrcss of nil aurvirori of tha MEXICAN WAR is denirod. RANIER GRAND HOTEL Seattle Washington European Plan. Kotos $1.00 and upward. 225 rooms. 75 rooniH with bath. Finest Cnfo in the northwest, noted for tho peculiar oxcollenco of its Cuisino. RAN1ER GRAND HOTEL CO. II. B. Dunbar, President and Manager T hi $ELEG AWT Watch $3:23 It.. ,. Id a. Mltk ul ttta Mil amt lA tm nft kllS juf ni ftitdd.Irf,aJ t vlWnd jou bf tivrnt CHAIN vC.O. D. S3.7eL d'; huitjDg rM bullfullT tnfnitJ, li WID4 t&a lltn Mt,Pll4iWllurtmj(Wfta jnvvrimBt a (uaruiura corrrci linn icrprr. wura i.nj u.i. r.ui.tlitfllninlliiiaf MSZ.nu (7111.11 vlllVtl K-lTfll tVaranl.ft ' VKlliM n7 Hi. fipr.MffotM.7J nl II l ! Our l rr riMMlM ft with v fc rlct MttHn. If ti mnt 0t' at lAU' lit. Mirrti II.ViHBKK k CO.,23 UulnfjBl.,CmUiao. provision in the said acts of congress, approved, respectively, March 2, 1895, and Juno G, 1900, which authorizes a qualified entryman having lands ad joining Xhe ceded lands whose orig inal entry embraced less than J GO r.cres, to enter so much of the ceded lands as will make his homestead entry contain in the aggregate not ex ceeding 1G0 acres, may obtain such an extension of his existing entry, without previous registration and without regard to the drawing herein provided for, only by making appro priate application, accompanied by tho necessary proofs, at the proper new land office at some time prior to tho opening herein provided for. AS TO TOWN SITES. Any person or persons desiring to found or to suggest establishing a townsite upon any of said ceded lands at any point not in tho near vicinity of either of tho county seats therein heretofore selected and designated, as aforesaid, may, at any time before tho opening herein provided for, file in the proper local land office a written application to that effect describing by legal subdivisions the lands intend' ed to be affected and stating fully and under oath the necessity or propriety of founding or establishing a town at that place. Tho local officers will forthwith transmit said petition to c the commissioner of the general land office with their recommendation in tho premises. Such commissioner, if ho believes the public Interests will bo subserved thereby, will, if the .sec retary of the interior approve thereof, issue an order withdrawing the lands described in such petition or any por tion thereof from homestead entry and settlement and directing that the same be held for the timo being for town site settlement, entry and disposition only. In such event the lands so with held from homestead entry and settle ment will, at the time of said opening and not before, become subject to set tlement, entry and disposition under the general townsito laws of the United States. None of said ceded lands will be subject to settlement, entry or dis position under such general townsite laws except in the manner herein pre scribed, until after the expiration of sixty days from the time of said open ing. COUNTY SEAT LANDS. Attention is hereby especially called to the fact that under the special pro- :jl