Q Qi r r-'AfltiM ilVi ., . ' U is. communicated and cauglit, and the o oitcn, l admit, is tno overtnrow 01 Dispersed over such an immense that on -which the people of Spanish i are spread, their physical, and I bo- !0 their moral condition, both favor jrty." Who Wrote It? are words of weighty import. They consequences or, tne most momentous r. I take leave to say that if the prin- us announced should ever receive the of a majority of this court, a radical ihievous change in our system of gov- t will be the result. We will, in that pass from the era of constitutional lib- arded and protected by a written con- pn into an era of legislative absolutism." xe is a serious charge brought against ajority of the Supreme Court of the States. The court is accused of bring- ut a "change in our system of govern- not only a change but "radical and lovous" cnanore. it is cnargea mat in ent of that decision and the decision iiade "constitutional liberty" would be ,nd "an era of legislative absolutism in. hat graver indictment could be brought nst our highest judicial tribunal? Who rote it? Who is eruilty of thus reflecting. n the patriotism and purpose of the court? t the republican papers ferret out the .culprit visit condign punishment upon him. Let feel the righteous wrath of those pure and .maculate souls who always bow to a court ecision (when it is on their side), and never tter a reflection against a judge (unless he do dos against them). Who wrote the words above quoted? Did ey emanate from a demagogue; was this the ail of a defeated candidate; was it the speech if some disturber of the peace some stirrer of discontent? No, the words will be found in a dissenting fpinion of a justice of the supreme court of the nited States of America. A democratic jud- ice? No. A populist justice r Jno. A sil- er republican justice? No. What then? They arc the words of a re- ublican justice of the supreme court Justice arlan appointed by a republican president. Hereafter, when republican papers desire to sondemn those who criticise a supreme court r decision, let them begin at tho top and assail Justice Harlan first. After they have adminis tered to him the rebuke which he, from their standpoint, deserves, they will be too much ex hausted to attack those who quote Justice Har lan against the court. w "":' Let the Dispatch Answer. The Pittsburg Dispatch is very much dis turbed because tho editor of The Commonek ig 'egotistic" enough to differ from the Su preme Court. Why does the Dispatch single me out for condemnation? Why does ;it not criticise the four Supreme Judges' who had the temerity to The Commoner. dissent from tho majority? Why does it not castigate Justico Harlan f 05 saying that the de cision marks tho beginning of an "era of legis lative absolutism"? If the editor of Tho Dispatch desires em ployment that will last during the heated term, lot him try to answer tho following questions: Is a constitution a good thing for the people of the "United States? If he answers "No" he at tacks constitutional liberty. If he answers "Yes", then let him answer tho second ques tion, why is a constitution good for the people of the United States but not good for tho people of Porto Rico? These two questions look easy, but he can not answer them to his own satisfaction or to tho satisfaction of his readers. Therefore, ho will content himself with scolding those who refuse to accept the court's decision as binding upon a great political question. But those questions will have to be answored. W Be Vigilant! Several states hold elections this fall and these elections will have an important bearing upon the party as well as upon the nation. The reorganizing element is seeking to se cure control of the party; it does not openly proclaim its hostility to the Kansas City plat form, nor does it propose a platform for tho consideration of tho voters. Its plan of operation is to put forward can didates for the party organization who are. not in harmony with tho principles or purposes ot the party. They work under cover of a desire for harmony, but it is tho harmony which tho burglar desires when ho hopes that the mem bers of the family will not awake until the val uables are removed from the house. Tho dem ocratic party has no reason for existence ex cept as it champions the rights and interests of the masses. It has made its recent campaigns, begin ning with 1896, almost without money and yet the party has polled a larger vote than it ever polled when it had a largo campaign fund. It can secure a campaign fund again whenever tho leaders of the party make secret pledges to the corporations, but these pledges will not be made by leaders whom tho people trust. If the men who deserted tho party in 1896 or in 1900 are put at tho head of the party be fore they give evidence of a change of heart they will drive more voters away from the party than they will bring to it. The rank and file of the democratic party can respect an honest republican who calls himself a republican, but they will not respect a dishonest republican who calls himself a dem ocrat. Tho democratic party has adopted a patriotic platform; it has asserted the right of the American people to have a financial policy of their own, to have industrial independence among the people and constitutional govern ment wherever the flag floats. If the party will stand firm it can expect victory whenever the people realize the dangerous tendency of republican policies. But if the democratic party passes under the control of men who are in harmony with republican ideas the party will be in no position to appeal to the confi dence of the people. If republican policies are good tho republican party has a right to ad minister them, and it should bo permitted to enjoy the protection of its copyright. Those who boliovo in democratic principles as sot forth in tho Kansas City platform must bo vig ilant and that vigilance must begin with tho primaries. Do not allow a man to bo placed upon any committee, precinct, county, stato or national, unless he is a believer in the Kansas City platform. If a man opposed to the Kan sas City platform is sent as a delegate to any convention ho should bo bound by instructions and should have associated with him a suffic ient majority who are sound on tho platform. If a man objects to instructions, leave him at homo; no democratic delogato will object to an expression from the voters whom he seeks to represent. ' W Chandler Locates the Hero. The republican national platform in 1800 declared in favor of international bimetallism, and referring.to this used the language, "Which wo pledge ourselves to promote." One year ago, William E. Chandler, then asonator from the state of Vermont, offered a reward of $100 to tho delegate to the republican convention at St. Louis who inserted the words: "Which we promise to promote." Mr. Chandler has discovered that theso words were interlined in tho concluding draft of tho platform in the handwriting of Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, Mr.. Chandler has., therefore sent to Sonator Lodge his check for , $100., accompanying the same with a letter from which this extract is taken: . "By reason of tho promises you should with out hesitancy accept tho ono hundred dollars aa rightfully your money. All wlso A Bit of mem know that McKinloy and Vermont Hobart would not have beon Sarcasm. elected if tho platform had not, while declaring opposition to tho free coinage of silver, except as tho result of an in ternational agreement, also declared that tho re publican party favored such an international agree ment If It could bo secured'. If McKInley and Ho bart had not been elected in 1896, Mr. McKInley would not have beon re-elected in 1900. "Therefore those six words were of priceless value, and I trust that when all tho facts 'are known my humble offering of one hundred dollars will bo supplemented by such generous donations, not only from many members of the republican par ty, but as well from democrats who have so much trembled at every prospect of tho election of Mr. Bryan as to adequately recognize the sagacity and courage which led you not merely to conceive, but to actually Insert into the platform of 189G con cerning bimetallism the words 'which we pledge ' ourselves to promote.' "That immortal declaration twice made Mr. McKInley president, and tho fidelity with which the pledge has been fulfilled the world knows." The Washington Times commenting upon this letter makes an interesting analysis as fol lows: - "The peculiar significance and yalue of this let ter lie in the extreme probability that every state ment contained In It is literally Deliberate true. That this pledge was in- Hypoc- serted to conciliate the silver rj5y. men in the republican party and hold them to the support of MV. . McKInley Is beyond 'any question. That it was