1 he LOmmoner. Vol. I. No. 22. Lincoln, Nebraska, June ai, 1901. $1.00 a Year CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY The worst feature of the supremo court de cision in the Downes case is that it strikes a Wow at constitutional liherty. In attempting to defend the position taken by the majority of the court, Justice Brown used' arguments which, if carried to their logical conclusion, would deny the necessity for a constitution anywhere. According to the decision of the court, Congress can govern Porto Rico as- a colony, without constitutional limitations, so far as the taxing power is concerned, and enough is said in the majority opinion to show that no political right is absolutely secure. The. question naturally arises: If the Porto Ricans do not need the protection of a written constitution, why do the people of the United States need a written,constitution? If we concede that the Porto Ricans are safe with out a constitution we must also admit that the American people would he safe without a con stitution. Justice Brown says: "Grave appre hensions of danger are felt by many eminent men a fear lest an unrestrained possession of ' power on the part of congress may lead to un just and oppressive legislation, in which the natural rights of territories, or their inhabi tants, may be engulfed in a centralized despo tism. These fears, however, find no justifica- tion in the action of Congress, nor in the con duct of the British parliament toward its out lying possessions since the American revolution. There are certain principles of natural justice inherent in the Anglo-Saxon character which need no expressions in constitutions or statutes to give them effect or to secure de pendencies against legislation manifestly hos tile to their real interests." I shall at another time treat of his refer ence to the benevolence of the British Parlia ment, but my purpose at this time is to empha size the fact that he repudiates the arguments which have always been given in support of a . written constitution. It was necessary to do so in order to justify the Porto Rican decis ion, and yet in doing so ho surrenders one of the most vital principles of government. Some of the republican papers have violently as sailed me because I pointed out the political heresy uttered by the court. Will any repub lican paper quote the language which I have quoted above, and then answer two questions? First: Is a Constitution a Good Thing for the People of the United States? Second. If so, do not the Porto Ricans also need a Constitution? ' A special invitation is extended to the edi tor of PoBtmaster General Smith's paper to answer these questions, but any republican paper, great or small, conspicuous or obsoure, is at liberty to try. The Porto Ricans do not elect the congress; we do, and yet wo have the protection of a constitution while the Porto . Ricans have none. Wo can retire the members of congress if we don't like their conduct; the Porto Ricans cannot, and yet we have a consti tution and the Porto Ricans have nono. The members of congress are chosen from among us, and they must live under the laws which they make for us; the congressmen are not chosen, from among the Porto Ricans, and do not live under the laws made for the Porto Ricans, and yet we have a constitution and the Porto Ricans have none. If "there are cer tain principles of natural justice inherent in the Anglo-Saxon character which need no ex pression in constitutions or statutes to give .them effeot or to secure dependencies against legislation manifestly hostile to their real in terests," why were the people of revolutionary days unwilling to rely upon that "natural jus tice?" If there is no danger in "an unre strained possession of power on the part of congress" why were our forefathers so careful to restrain that power? Has human nature so changed as to make unnecessary now the con stitutional limitations which were thought necessary a century ago? Constitutional liberty has been attacked and the attack must be met at once. The doc trine laid down by Justice Brown is antago nistic to all that the American people have been taught to believe sacred If wo admit his ar gument when applied to Porto Ricans, upon what ground can we stand when wo claim for ourselves the protection of the constitution or the bill of rights? If the principle contended for by Justice Brown is established for the government of colonies, it will by irresistible logic become operative in the United States. That the readers of The Commonee may for tify their own views by the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson, the following extracts are made from his writings as collected in that invalu able volume "The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia." In 1803 Mr. Jefferson said: "Our peculiar security is in the possession of a written con stitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction." - In 1802 he wrote: "Though written con stitutions may be violated in moments of pas sion or delusion, yet they furnish a text to which those who are watchful may again rally and recall the people. They fix, too, for the people the principles of their political creed." At another time ho described our constitu tion as " the ark of our safety, and grand palla dium of our peace and happiness." It will bo remembered that the federal con stitution was opposed by some becauso it did not contain a bill of rights, and the first ten amendments were immediately adopted to rem edy this defect and provide additional guaran tees to life, liberty and property. Jefferson was a firm believer in the doctrine which led to the adoption of the bill of rights. In a let ter written in IT 89 ho said: "I disapproved from the first moment the want of a bill of rights (in the constitution) to guard liberty against the legislative as well as the executive branches of the government; that is to say, to secure freedom in religion, freedom of the press, ficedom from monopolies, freedom from un lawful imprisonment, freedom from a perma? nent military, and a trial by jury in all' cis&i determinable by the laws of the "land." In a letter to James Madison, written in 1787, Jefferson said: "A bill of rights is what thV people are entitled to against every govern ment on earth, general or particular; and what no just government should rofuse, or rest on inferences." At another time he defined his position as follows: "By a declaration of rights I mean one which shall stipulate freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of commerce against monopolies, trial by juries in all cases, no suspensions of the habeas corpus, no stand ing armies. These arc fetters against doing evil which no honeBt government should de cline." Jefferson was a believer in popular govern ment, but he ' also believed in the inalienable Tights of individuals rights which the govern ment does not give and ought not to take away rights which cannot be safely intrusted to the keeping of any legislative body. Until recently, Jefferson's position on this subject was unanimously endorsed. Every state ihas adopted a constitution placing restrictions upon the legislative branch as well as upon the other branches of the govern ment. The state of Ohio has a constitution and a bill of rights; how can Senator Hanna and Presi dent McKinley favor a constitution and a bill of rights for Ohio and then declare that the people of Porto Rico need no such protection? If the farmers, laborers, and business men of Ohio are not willing to trust the wisdom and justice of an unrestrained state legislature, by what process of reasoning do they reach the