ippiiiiiiiipiiiwpjwiiiii iwt&.MMwmm & 6 V Ri The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. 1Lllliaum J Bryan, Editor And Proprietor Tcrmi Payable in Advance. One Year $i.o Six Months , ;..... s Three Months ag Single Copy At Newstand or at this Of flee 5 Sample Copies Free. No Traveling Canvassers are Employed. Subscriptions can be sent direct to The Com moner. They can also be sent through newspapera which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through precinct agents where such agents have been ap pointed. All remittances should be sent by postoffice order, express order or by bauk draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps, or money. Advertising rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to - THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. Violation of plain duty is perfectly' consti tutional. ' ' " What would have happened if a justice of the supreme court had suffered an . income tax lapse of mind over night? Democrats will not ho slow to note that the administration organs and leaders arc unani mous iii their support of- McLaurin. Do you like The Commoner? If so, you can increase its influence by increasing its cir culation. Ask your neighbor to subsoribo. The Sultan of Sulu is certainly not worry ing about his status. IIo continues to draw his salary, and add' to the number of his wives and slaves. The republican papers do not try to defend 'the majority-of-ono decision. They' content themselves with administering an anesthetic to their readers. Justice White's opinion was a lengthy one. It took a good many words to explain why he accepted Justice Brown's conclusions after re pudiating Justice Brown's logic The American people should bear in mind, the extraordinary powers conferred, upon con-, gress by the supremo court and bo more care ul in the election of congressmen. ' If valiant service in the conquest and sub jugation of a constitution has any military value the bravery displayed by Justice Mc Kenna ought to secure a promotion for his son. In a former issue of The Commoner, Sen ator Scott, of West Virginia, was spoken of as a senator from Virginia. The mistake is cor rected for the benefit of those who may not bo familiar with the personnel the senate. The Commoner. Lord Brassey was chosen to deliver the ad dress of welcome at a London banquet given in honor of J. Pierpont Morgan and yet many people besides Shakespeare ask, "What's in a name?" It is probable that Mr. Hanna will flood South Carolina with money to aid Senator Mc Laurin and then the republican party will claim credit for the good times which follow an in crease in the circulation. ' "Consent of the governed" was, it seems, but a little bit of fiction that our ignorant forefathers accepted as a great truth. Our fore fathers might have been great statesmen if they had lived a century or so later. The Star-Spangled Banner, 0, Long may it wave O'er the land of the forcibly annexed And the homo of the benevolently as similated. The recollection of the treatment accorded Russell Harrison when his father, the ex-presi-.dent, opposed imperialism would suggest the possibility that Justice Harlan's son may soon find that his services are no longer needed. It is remarkable to note the avidity with which the administration organs seize upon and reprint all the arguments against fusion ad vanced by the democratic newspapers that have either openly supported the republican ticket or sulked through the campaign. In view of the prominent part taken by Justices Brown and White in changing olir form of government, a reader of The Com moner suggests that the national colors should bo changed to Red, White, and Brown. But as Justice Gray also joined in the decision, why not'makc them Gray, Brown, and White? Some of the republican newspapers suggest that democratic editors should apologize to Judge Harlan for the criticism made against the appointment of his son. Not at all, but the republican editors ought to condole with the president because the appointment of Jus tice Harlan's son did not have any effect on the father. Clear the track for conquering Uncle Sam. Consent of the governed is a myth, taxation without representation haB become a vested right, and a republic may have citizens, subjects and slaves. When the constitution threatens to ourtail the privileges of exploiters arid ad venturers it must be kept at home. Truly wo have "progressed" during the past three or four years. . . The press dispatches report that Charles Foster, -former secretary of the treasury, has made application foradisoharge in bankruptcy. His assets are put down at nothing, while his debts amount to $747, 008.84. There was a time when Mr. Foster was considered a financier; and when his opinion upon a financial ques tion was regarded as infallible by the lessor lights in the financial world. .As one never knows how much credit to give to tho opinion of a great financier (until his debts are paid) it is a great deal better for each citizen to study publio questions for himself and not accept tho opinion of any one as conclusive. "We want to make people of distant lands familiar with our products," says President MoKinley. This is another sample of protec tion logic. Tho protectionist says: "Give us protection against tho foreigners because wo cannot compete with them; while we cannot undersell the foreigner in our own market, wo can undersell him in his own." The strange part of this logic is that so many people ac cept it as correct. Winston Churchill is credited with invent-1 ing a phrase. He speaks of "the official truth" and describes it as differing from "the truthj the whole truth and nothing but tho truth," in that it is made to conform to the wishes and interests of the government. He says: "It is a peculiar product grown in the hot houses . and conservatories of tho home office, tho colo nial office, tho foreign office, and in tho ohan-" cellories of the foreign embassies." '.- f American steel rails are sold in Great Britain in open competition with British rails and at a lower rate than they are sold at home. Yet we must protect the "steel ,rail infant" , St . ' t from tho competition of the foreign pauper made rails. Protection logic looks very much like a Virginia rail fence, or like the track of the famous snake that "Wriggled in and wriggled out. And left the people all in doubt Whcthjer the snake that made tho track Was going east or coming back." The reader will notice that considerable ad vertissng space is given to books. Nothing is more valuable than a library and the editor feels that he is conferring a favor upon tho reader as well as upon the publisher when he uses advertising space to bring the merits of a good book to the attention of tho public. As tho value of advertising space depends upon tho returns secured by the advertiser, tho reader will please remember to enclose a copy of tho advertisement when ordering a book or when corresponding with other advertisers. Some of the republican papers take excep tions to the statement in last week's Commoner to tho effect that the decision in the Downes case made the President an emperor. They contend that the arbitrary and absolute power conferred by tho court is to be "exercised by Congress, biit they forget that the President must join congress in making laws for the na tions subjects. As tho colonial system in creases the President will become a more and more powerful factor in legislation., Under the late decision the President is an emperor p the chief executive of an empire. Outside of the states he is not bound by the constitution and can exercise whatever power he can per suade Congress to grant. X i -.