inaraifi : . The Commoner. 13 EZZTTHBMHHMMMVH THE JEFFERSONIAN CYCLOPEDIA EDITED BY JOHN P. FOLEY. One Thousand PagesA Storehouse of Wisdom for Speakers, Writers; Students and Thinkers. The contents are arranged under" topics in alphabetical order. The volume also contains an. exhaustive cross-reference index, from which the following representative extracts have been selected. A glance over these will partially show the immense scope and thoroughness of the work. HISTORICAL. Anti-Federalists, Alexander of Russia, Bacon's Rebellion, Berlin Decree, Bonaparte, Aaron Burr, France, Hartford Convention, Alexander Hamil ton, Patrick Henry, Louisiana, Mass., Shay's Re bellion, Cuba. SCIENCE, ART, EDUCATION, RELIGION. Agriculture, Art, Astronomy, Chomistry, Clas sical Learning, Gardening, Geology, Grammar, History, Language, Christianity, Bigotry, Deity, Genius, Life, Mind, Happiness, Honesty, Immoral ity, The Soul, Schools, Teachers, Science, Animals. LITERATURE. 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Other monuments have preserved his physical characteristics. Hero we perceive his mind, his patriotic purpose,- his wisdom, his liberality, his toleration, his vision o the true position of the people in states, his 'largo discourses of reason,' in short, all the moral and intellectual qualities that made him great." Price, carriage prepaid Cloth $7.50; Sheep, $10; Half Morocco, $12.50; Full ilorocco, $15.00. SEND A COPY OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT WITH YOUR ORDER TO FUNK & WAGNALLS CO., PUBLISHERS 30 Lafayette Place, New York. -:. v ; I receive numerous inquiries from persons w7io desire to secure Jefferson? s worlcs and since the publication, of the Jef fMSpnian Cyclopedia-1 have taken pleaswe in recommending it. I find it of great value and would not be without it. . ' W. J. BRYAN. A HISTORY OF MONETARY SYSTEMS IN THE VARIOUS STATES OP 'THE WORLD. FROMB. C. 369 TO DATE. AS DRAWN FROM THEIR LAWS, TREATIES, MINT CODES, COINS, ARCHAEOLOGICAL REMAINS AND OTHER AUTHENTIC SOURCES. By ALEX. 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