The Commoner. IpjT ?t3HOTMSBH3WBtt!W x 9 i ji Hii'iir--! j x jfi ihk i- "vuvraHPrn jv. S:T7ML. X" 1 I ft II ,.. - f 1 t 111 S' X f II A i J 1801?" ''" f ' '- " ' Sleeping:, I dream love." t . ... . . , r-T- T5" - . V thl ' S M J lte" " . mit (c1' 7 i 'T- v' 4901. v Ukclb 3ak '.Gentlemen. bank this game V Sam is made to say Gentlemen,' I bank this game.' Under the first picture write 1801, under the other 1901.'? By the kind permission of Judge this car toon is reproduced above and the reader will see that Judge's artist" has faithfully car ried out Mr. Watterson's instructions. It would he difficult to illustrate more forcibly the change that has taken place within the last two years. It is hard to conceive of a more scathing condemnation of the innovation wrought by the republican administration. From the child dreaming of love to the suc cessful gambler is a transition, indeed! The remarkable thing about it all is that men who, like Mr. Watterson, recognize .the change, should attempt to defend it or should counsel democrats to accept it as final. The question that must occur to every reader is: Is this change necessary? And if not necessary, why should it be submitted to as a matter of des tiny? Is freedom only a toy cannon, and in dependence a noisy drum? Is there no other future for baby Jonathan than the career of a fortunate gambler? Is it not possible to con ceive of a republic developing and expanding without the abandonment of ideals or princi ples? This doctrine, that virtue and morality are good enough for a child but out of place in a man is a monstrous one, and one unworthy of the great brain and big heart of the man who seems to have fallen into the advocacy of it. It is impossible to exaggerate the demoralizing influence of such a doctrine; it paralyzes all at tempts to instruct or restrain youth. When you say to a young man that a nation when full grown must throw off restraint, ignore well-settled principles, and plunge into the ex citing but uncertain career of a gamester, you cannot blame him if he tells you that the same doctrine applied to him would lead him to dis card all the good advice given him in his boy hood The imperialistic doctrine lays the axe at the root of the tree and attacks every vital tent of our government and of our religion, and we already begin to see the evil effect of it. The embezzlement at Havana and the crooked ness at Manila are only illustrations of what , may be expected under a colonial system. If this nation adopts the principle that helpless races can be exploited because we are strong, carpet-bag officials will not be slow to adopt the same principle and appropriate everything within their r,each. Mr. Watterson knows something of the corruption that developed under Je carpet-bag reign which followed the civil war, and ought to be able to make some esti mate.of the mal-feasance and mis-feasance which can be expected when this nation denies self evident truths and encourages infidelity ' to moral precepts. As an individual can better afford to re tain his character rather than grow rich by dishonorable means, so the democratic party can better afford to appeal to the conscience of the people, even though it remains out of power, than to enjoy power at the expense of its prin ciples. "What shall it profit a man if ho gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" What shall it profit the democratic party if it gain power and lose the spirit that has made it in distructible? What shall it profit a nation if its flag floats over every sea and its garrisoni terrify every land if, in the language of Lin coln, it loses "the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all people in all lands everywhere?" 51