The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 17, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Why Not The New York - "bankers pur-
Buy Farm -chased $50,000,000 of the
Lands? British war loan, and it is re
ported that a Russian loan for
a largo sum is being negotiated by the same
financiers. A republican newspaper points to
this as an evidence of our wonderful pros
perity. Have any of our republican friends stopped
to think that it would look much better for the
material prosperity of this countiy, if these
New York bankers were seeking investments
in our own country? Why do these financiers
who, during campaigns, talk so much about the
prosperity of the farmer, neglect the opportun
ity to invest their money in farm lands?
Have they ever stopped to think that much
of our own country is yet undeveloped, and
that while any considerable portion of it re
mains undeveloped, the fact that American
money seeks investment in foreign lands is a
bad rather than a good indication?
Heath on . Perry Heath, Secretary of the
Manna. Republican National Commit
tee, more than hints that Mr.
Hanna may be the next republican nominee for
president. He recognizes that some difficulty
will be experienced in getting the boom started,
but is disposed to think that reflection on the
part of the republican leaders will reveal Mr.
Hanna's availability. After announcing that
there isno one who could get the republican
nomination 'so .surely" as Mr. Hanna and no
one who' could be elected "so easily,"' ' Mr.'
Heath said:
"I know it sounds a bit startling at first, hut,
when you come to think over it, you will agree
with what I say. Some days before congress
adjourned I was talking in Washington on the
same subject with a number of prominent poli- .
ticians. One of them was a strong candidate for
the nomination himself. They, too, looked sur
prised at the suggestion, but, when they came to
think it all over, they agreed exactly with me."
If Mr. Heath's interview is put forth as a
feeler to ascertain the public sentiment, it will
be interesting to read Mr. Roosevelt's response
to the suggestion.
Bribing With The St. Louis Globe-Dcmo-Patronage.
crat prints a special dispatch
from Charleston, S. C. to the
effect that the president has appointed a f ormcr
democratic sheriff to bo chief deputy TJ. S.
marshall, and it is added that the appointment
"is accepted as an indication of wider develop
ment in the formation of the white republican
party in South Carolina." The dispatch' says,
"Senator McLaurin, who is engineering the
new movement, is said to have urged the ap
pointment of McCravy for obvious reasons."
The republican papers talk about the use of
patronage to make converts and the making of
appointments "for obvious reasons" as if they
had no more scruples about the purchase of in
fluence with office than they have about the
purchase of votes with money.
The Baltimore Sun is Authority for the
Rtatement that Senator McXaiirin offered Gen
eral "Wade Hampton the Columbia postmaster-
ship, but that the General refused and added
with emphasis: "I would not accept anything
in the world from that source. The people of
South Carolina should know by this time that
I cannot be bought."
Captain Otto von Lossberg,
who was a captain of artillery
in the Boer army, recently ar
rived in the United States. The captain was
incapacitated by wounds and received an hon
orable discharge from General Botha. In a
newspaper interview he said:
The Holland societies sent us three ambulances
and nurses several months ago via Lorenzo Mar
quez. The British there had them held up, and
.they are there yet, while our men are dying for
the need of them.
Hospital supplies and ambulance corps are
supposed to have right of way, irrespective of
the side for which they arc intended, in civil
ized warfare. If Great Britain were at war
with a powerful nation and should do what
she is here charged with she would bo ar
raigned as an outlaw by all civilized nations.
Is it not significant that the nation claiming to
be the greatest of all civilized nations, so re
ligious that it must have a ohurch of its
own, so righteous that it denies the, right of. .
anyone to question its motives,, should stoop to,
an act repugnant to every religious fsentimentj' .
in violation of the rules of civilized warfare,
and hateful in the sight of men?
t . t ;.-. ftti . - i
Gompers on
Samuel Gompers, President of
the American Federation of
Labor, at a meeting in New
York, called in the interest of conciliation be
tween labor and capital said:
"We want industrial peace, but not at the sac
rifice of any of the elements of manhood. 'The
increased growth in the organization of labor has
brought greater responsibility. The work is going
ahead actively, however, anu we are meeting our
problems in a practical way. We are dealing with
living men and living women and living children,
in the hope of better things for all. The laboring
people insist that they be regarded as something
more than wage-earners. They are men with
rights and hopes and aspirations and love."
Mr Gompers has shown himself to be a
broad minded and far seeing representative of
the industrial classes. He is right in insisting
that the laboring man shall be considered as
something more than a money-making machine.
The wage earner is a citizen as well as a work
man; he is an important factor in our social
systemas well as a producer of wealth. He
needs more than food, clothing and shelter; he
has a right to , demand industrial conditions
which will enable him by the exercise of reason
able diligence and ability to support his fam
ily and lay up something for old age.
Panic Still
The monometalist told us that
the adoption of the single gold
standard would provide insur
ance againBt panics. It will be remembered
that during the crusade for the repeal of the
purchasing clause of the Sherman law, we were
told that silver was responsible for the 'finan
cial dangers at that time confronting the coun
try. The purchasing clause was repealed and
the policy of the Cleveland administration was
to interpret all financial laws in favor of the
gold standard. Yet these facts did not pre
vent the disastrous panic of that year.
One of the greatest arguments used by the
defenders of the trust system is that that sys
tem provides an insurance against panics and
they have" insisted that this is an insurance
which insures.
Now that we have the single gold standard,
and a trust system sucli as was. never dreamed
of a few years ago, it would seem that we
should be exempt from panics. And yet today
business circles are full of dire predictions.
Russell Sage, who says we will soon have dis
astrous financial troubles, is not alone in this
view. Bankers all over the country arc shrug
ging their shoulders. Last week the bankers
of "Wall Street held a conference and decided
to gradually raise the rates on money and to
insist on better collateral. U was agreed that
something must be done to discourage the
"speculative frenzy." It seems to be genarally
agreed that this "speculative frenzy," more
acute at this time than ever in the history of
the country, forbodes a crisis in financial affairs.
' ' ' -vS-Q.
What Became
of Susan.
The New York Journal has
discovered a little book called
, .'. . "Good Manners and Success,"
published by Mr. Orison Sweet Maiden. In
this volume the Journal has found a delightful
story which it epitomizes in this way:
There was a very handsome young doctor with
a fine, curly beard well cared for and there is no
use concealing the fact that his name was Seward
There was a little sweet-faced child named
Susan Baker, who broke her leg and was taken to
St. Luke's hospital, in Now York.
There was a very interesting young woman,
whose name was Miss Vanderbilt, who used to
come to the hospital to cheer the sick with flowers
and good advice.
In the morning the handsome doctor took care
of Susan Baker's broken leg. In the afternoon tho
kind-hearted young woman came and' talked toj
Susan and tried to cheer her up. !
Susan Baker talked to Miss Vanderbiljabout
Dr. Seward Webb, and she talked to Dr. Sewardi
Webb about Miss Vanderbilt.
The little girl told how very kind the good
doctor always was to' her.
One fine day she introduced the kind young
doctor to the kind young lady. Not long afterward!
they were married.
The kind doctor and his wife now have a sum-?
mer home in New England, with three thousand
acres of land around it, a park of two hundred
thousand acres in the Adirondacks, a private car5
and a great many other useful and necessary,
This proves clearly that it pays to be kind to a.
little girl with a broken leg.
After this- interesting recital, the Journal
"We are not told, by the way, what became ot
Susan Baker. We hope that she also has a pri
vate car and two hundred thousand acres in the
Adirondacks, for she was at least as polite as tha
young doctor and the young lady.