The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 17, 1901, Image 1
The Commoner Vol. i. No. 17. Lincoln, Nebraska, May 17, 1901. $1.00 a Year William J. Bryan. Editor and Proprietor. Criminal Speculation. If a crime is defined as an act the doing of which is prohibited by law, stock speculation cannot be considered criminal, but when the word crime is used in its broader sense to de scribe an act which offends against morality or the public welfare, it certainly includes that species of gambling upon the market which en dangers the community as well as injures the participants. A record of Wall Street's doings for the last week is an indictment against our boasted civilization. That such transactions are allowed is as much a reflection upon the intelligence of the country as it is npon the conscience of the people. It is little less than amazing that a few men should be per mitted to corner the market for their own selfish purposes, beat down the price of one stock and ::kboom the price of another stook, demoralizing business and jeopardizing the interests of all classes of society. It is reported that the slump in stocks amounted to seven hundred mil lions in value, and that the New York banks had to put up nearly twenty millions of dol lars to prevent a panic. How will the his torian describe an age in which a petty thief is severely punished while great criminals go un whipped? It often takes an object lesson to arouse the people to the evils of a bad system and the recent fluctuations in the stock market, costly as they have been, will be cheap if they lead to legislation which will put an end to stock gambling, erroneously described as "business." Corporations Enter Parliament. From London dispatches it would seem that corporation influence is manifesting itself in the English parliament. The following is in point: The discussion in the house of commons today of a private bill conferring additional powers on the London & Northwestern railway led to a great deal of acrimonious recrimination. John Burns, who, with the opposition generally, opposed the measure; was called to order by the speaker for stigmatizing some of the railroad representatives in the house as "ornamental guinea pigs." Mr. Burns' special reference was to Mr. Macartney, who was elected a director of the London & North western railroad after having been appointed financial secretary to the admiralty. The bill was finally rejected by a vote of 210 to 202, amid prolonged cheering, Mr. Swift MaoNcill, a liberal member, en tered a protest against Mr. Macartney's vote in favor of the bill on the ground that he was pecuniarily interested. Mr. Macartney's right to vote wafl defended on the ground of prece dent, Mr. Balfour going to his rescue. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannorman and John Dillon advocated a rule prohibiting directors of cor porations from voting under such circum stances. Mr. Kier-Hardie said that the House ought to adopt a higher standard of purity and declared that there was a strong feeling in the country "that the House was becoming more and more corrupt financially." Ho declared that "the working people regarded the House as an annex to the stook exchange." All this goes to show that corporate influ ence is making itself felt on the other side of the Atlantic and that there, as here, it is being exerted in behalf of privileges and favors an tagonistic to the interests of .the common peo ple. It also shows that those who are under corporation influence lose all sense of propri- ples sot forth by the republican party of today. The reader referred to objectB to the preva lent practice of "ransacking antiquated centu ries to find a suitable standard for present day actions." Ho says: "All the nations are mov ing forward in conformity with the growth of knowledge, the birth of new thought, and the expansion of ideas; and it is neither wise, in telligent, nor patriotic to condemn progressive men and advanced measures." The difficulty with this republican reader is that he fails to distinguish between motion and progress. Motion is change of place; progress is movement forward. Ho fails to distinguish between growth and inflammation. The republi can party is not making progress; it is in motion, but the motion is backward instead of forward. ety and insist upon voting upon questions iii j The doctrines which it now advocates are not wllifVh tllO.V Jim TP.nnin.rilir int.nrrRf.ffl. " nvtrr flivtr nvn na nlrl no 1n'onmr Tmnnmnltm " J UUVsY CVJ.V UO ViVl UlOtUi Vi J.1I I lCl 11VI I Bill JtM! which they are pecuniarily interested. The Effect of Diet. It is reported from Havana that the Cuban Commissioneis upon their return gave ade is not an invention of modern origin; it is ancient. It rests upon the doctrine of brute force, and force was. the foundation of empires in the past and is the foundation of the mon archies of the old world today. SS&SL Sain-was-therstman to act.uponHhe im- eluding the social attention shown them. 'Sb'mo objection was made to the recording of the cn- tertainment part of the report, but the objec tion was very properly over-ruled. The republican leaders have expert knowl edge on the effect of diet. In the campaign of 1900 they addressed their arguments to the stomach rather than to the head or heart. They insisted that a full meal was the summit of human hope and their theory exhibited some signs of popularity. History testifies to the mollifying effect of food distributed to the poor in the days when plutocracy was destroying the glory of the Koman empire. If the Cuban commissioners were won over to the Piatt amendment at the banquet table, it is only fair that this new evidence of the potency of pleasant viands should be preserved in the Cuban archives. If they swallowed their ob jections to foreign interference and washed them down with wine the fact should be prop erly authenticated. There are those who insist that the disposi tion can bo changed by diet and much evidences can be adduced in support of the proposition. Many a man has visited Washington with a dis position to serve his constituents and has found that disposition gradually changed by a diet of champagne and terrapin. w Motion, Not Progress. A republican reader of The Commoner and The Commoner is glad to have republican readers cbmplainB because this paper refers with approval to the principles of Jefferson, Jackson and Monroe and condemns the princi- 4JcrjalisJj.o idea. He killed his brother and wore the brand of a murderer forever after ward. Imperialism has been killing ever since. It disregards human rights and moral princi ples. The fact that a nation instead of an in dividual commits a wrong does not change tho character of the act; neither does the fact that punishment is delayed justify us in believing that it can be avoided. There is only one sound rule, namely, that every violation of human rights will bring its punishment if a great many join in tho violation, the punish ment will be greater when it comes. The principles of Jefferson, Monroe and Jackson are referred to because they were sound principles at the time they were applied, and they are still sound. They can be forgot ten; they can be ignored, they can be trampled upon,, but their truth cannot be destroyed. Upsetting the Government, Kef erring to. the Porto Bico case now pend ing in the Supreme Court, Senator Spooner of Wisconsin recently predicted that the court'g decision would support the administration' policy of imperialism. He based his predic tion on the belief that "The Supreme Courd will not dare to upset the government." What Senator Spooner meant was that the Supreme Court would not dare to upset the administra tion. Since we have assumed imperialistic habits we have unconsciously employed im perialistic phraseology. For instance, in tho good old days when our republican form of government was jealously guarded, none 1