6 Commoner. K "- ! . The Commoner ISSUED WEEKLY. Terms Payable In Advance. One Year $1.00 Six Months 50 Three Months... ? as Single Copy At Ncwstanda or at this Of Ice .. .65 Sample Copies Free. No Traveling Canvassers are Employed. Subscriptions can be sent direct to The Com moner. They can also be sent through newspapers which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through precinct agents where such agents have been ap pointed. All remittances should be sent by postoffice order, express order or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do Hot send individual checks, stamps, or monej'. Advertising rates furnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Entered at the postoffice at Iyincoln, Nebraska, as second class mail matter. Careful inquiry is made as to the standing and business methods of those who advertise in these columns and readers are asked to ro j)ort if any dishonesty or unfairness is prac ticed by the advertisers herein. Please men tion The Commoner in corresponding with ad vertisers. Wanted In every preoinct, .an. agent to take subscriptions for The Commoner. 'President Diaz of tho Mexican Republic: cent a special messenger to El Paso, Texas to extend greeting to President McKinley. Mr. Philander Knox has not yet shown a cHsposition to endanger the $50,000 a year por tion of his salary by trying to earn the $8,000 portion thereof.' - It has "been some time since Kitchener has said, "I regret to state." This may ho due to the f aot that Kitchener is managing to keep out of DcWct's way. Jacksonville, Fla., was recently visited by a disastrous fire which destroyed more than ten million dollars worth of property and left ton thousand people homeless. New York's "400" has just learned that it has been wining and dining a "bogus nobleman. But the "400V love for a real live lord' causes it to .take some desperate ohances. All the protection that an American indus try needs when backed by American skill and ingenuity is protection against the rapacity of modern jugglers of financial stocks. A London papr calls J. Pierpont Morgan tho "Bonaparte of trade." Napoleons ., ojf finance have existed before, but the St. Helena, of bankruptcy is covered with their bones. The soundness of Senator McLaurin's dem ocracy may be measured by noting that it is receiving tho plaudits of the men who have op posed democratic principles all their lives- Harvard univorsity might compromise tho dispute by conferring upon the president the C. D. degree He may not be a Doctor of Laws but ho has been doctoring tho constitution. Scientists are trying to frighten tho people by predicting tho exhaustion of the fuel sup ply, but it has no effect on Messrs. Carnegie, Morgan and Rockefeller. They have money to burn. The father of tho new secretary of tho Turkish legation at Washington can read, write and speak twenty different languages. He needs them all when he takes the stovo down for summer. The rumor that the republican party will abandon the doctrine of protection probably had its inception in the fact that one of tho in fants shows a sign of refusing to yield to tho persuasive power of the frying pan. It would be a good joke on the president if the Attorney-General should take advantage of his chief's absence to annihilate the billion dollar steel combine, but probably he would regard such an act as a breach of trust. The "bazaar" fafl seems to have died out in Great Britain. That handful of Dutch farmers has outlasted the British outburst of charitable patriotism. Tommy Atkins is now left to do the fighting and shift for himself. It appears that the banishing of editors from Manila would not serve to keep secret the peculations of army officers. It would seem that a mistake was made in not banishing tho army officers and allowing the editors to re main. TJp to date no word of protest has been heard concerning the hauling down of the flag from the Walls of Pekin, where it had been raised by American valor. The vociferous-patriots seem to be overlooking a few opportu nities for vocal exhibitions. The editor of The Commoner is 'grateful to the Seattle Times for defending him against the criticism of the San Francisco Call. But the Call is so completely and "hopelessly given over to tho worship of Mammon that its con demnation is highly complimentary. The fact that some of tho army officers in the Philippines have commenced to steal the rations of tho American soldiers, would indi cate that the native pasturage is getting short, for it is only fair to assume that American soldiers would be spared as long as possible. By carefully protecting the lumber indus try we have managed to denude our forests, make a few lumber barons rich and tax men enterprising and thrifty enough to build their own homes. Now Canada has the forests and we have tho stumps and drouth and lumber combines. It will bo perfectly proper for Americans to contribute to the fund to erect a memorial to tho late Queen Victoria, but it would bo better and much more in tasto if Americans would first erect memorials to a number of Americans. whose graves aro neglected. Minister Conger's reception in Do, Moines would have been much warmer had he taken the pains to announce beforehand that under no circumstances would he be a candidate for governor. Then all the candidates would have, turned out and made up an enthusiastic crowd of welcomers. ' Kaiser Wilhelm construes as lese majesto any cartoon of him and punishes the offender by throwing him into jail. General Wood does the same thing. Leso Majeste is some thing new under the American flag, but many new and strange things have crept in since tho adoption of the policy of imperialism. Our great and good friend, Abdul 'Hamid Woolomol, Sultan of Sulu and Defender of tho Faithful, may feel slighted because he is not on the visiting list of the president during tho present swing around tho circle. However, Abdul Hamid Woolbmel will call it square if his salary is slightly increased. - The Arkansas senate has passed a bill re- , quiring men who desire to drink1 to take out ?$? ' license. Will the legislators charge a small sum for a license to drink occasionally, a larger sum for a license to drink regularly and the maximum fee for a license to drink all tho time?' If the ability of the licensee to pay is taken into consideration the rule ought to be reversed. The army contractors and gold speculators of Great Britain who are profiting now or ex pect to profit in the future from the annexa- tion and subjugation of the Transvaal are in clined to look upon Sir Michael Hicks-Beach as a prophet of gloom. Sir Michael is show ing the British taxpayer that he is footing'the bills of an expensive scheme to enrich a few men. Since Aguinaklo Las learned from the Manila censor the views of his own countrymen -and . has reconciled himself to the methods employed" . in his capture, he is being treated with moro respect by the republican papers. If he will accept a lucrative position with Congressman Hull's Philippine Lumber and Development . N Co., he may yet become the George Wash ington of the Orient, In New Zealand a telegram containing twelve words is sent anywhere in that country . upon payment of twelve cents. In this coun try so many people who can afford to pay for their telegrams carry telegraph franks that. Now Zealand prices are impossible. Tho tel egraph companies take good otfre to distribute the franks whero they will do the most good to the telegraph companies. H lit 4. .. 1 . If f U.'.JUWM