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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1901)
$ffmpvwtfi,,-iimwt&n-rii r wmw iw-r w-vjewsp1'1 1 'jciF't's- Iirvsy,"iiiyi wfflv anp''B!,5Wf 77!jw It-n W . preaching and "While professing to be liostilo Practice to the trust system, Mr. Mc- :" Kinley selects as his Attorney General the attorney of the steel trust. While professing to be partial to the civil service sys tem, Mr. McKinley selects as his civil service commissioner a man, who, while in congress, voted against an appropriation for the enforce- ment of the civil service system. Such actions as these speak louder than .ill the platitudes which Mr. McKinley could frame in a life time. A Soldier's Opinion. A soldier in the Philippines writes a letter to a New York paper describing our new pos sessions in the Orient thus: Tho Filipinos aro a bunch of. trouble gathered together -on tho western horizon of uncivilization. They aro bounded on the north by rocks and de Btruction, on the east by typhoons, on tho south by cannibals and earthquakes, on tho west by hoodoos and smugglers, The soil is extraordinarily fertile, producing large crops of insurrection and trickery. The' climate is pleasant and healthful for scorpions, centipedes, snakes and alligators. The principal exports aro rice, hemp, sick soldiers and war bulletins. Tho principal imports are American soldiers, arms, am munition, beer and tobacco. An-Act of . Gallantry. The London Truth is much taken with the gallantry of the King of Italy. It says: '" :Whata compliment Victor Err -vanuel III. lias paid to' Queen Helena! Her head not his is" to figure by his wish on tne forthcoming issue of Italian postage stamps. This is the first time any Queen Consort has been so honored. The king has a wide, long and somewhat under-hung chin, which is not pleasing. It may be a case of atavist rever sion, as it is a good deal the chin of the Empercrs Maximilian I. and Charles V. If they are very far-back ancestors. He is very often descended from tnem through the House of Savoy and the Royal House of Saxony. The Queen of Italy seems to euit the king exactly. She is a happy mean be tween the Oriental and the European woman. Kruger's It is reported that Paul Kru- Prophecy ger said that if the British Fulfilled. wanted to take his country, he would make them pay $100,000,000 lor it. The London Saturday Review, referring to this statement, says that it was greeted with laughter in England. The Review adds: But it was the laughter of fools and is already crackling like thorns under the pot of the ex president at The Hague. The facts are that we have already spent on the South African war 146,000,000 and, as it is admitted that our expen diture is at the rate of 6,000,000 a month and we shall have to pay large sums for compensation and assistance to ruined farmers, that the total prob 'abl'e cost will not be far short of 200,000,000. This would be five times what the Crimean war cost us and nearly a third of the debt incurred in the great struggle with Napoleon. Rev. James M. Pullman is the presiding elder of the New England Conference and lives at Lynn, Massachusetts. Mr. Pullman is a brother of tho late George M. Pullman. On April 9th in the New York Con ference of the Methodist Church, Mr. Pullman r '' Pullman near T the Treason Line. 'The Commoner. declared that tho rapid growth of tho trusts was fast eating away tho vitality of the nation. He charged the trust magnates with closing many factories by taking away manufacturing industries. To corner the market on every thing, he said, was their idea. Mr. Pullman added: Sovoral of the churchos in my district, as, woll as tho towns in which thoy aro situated, havo been al most ruined by those modern missionary societies called trusts. Factories and houses aro to lot in many of tho townn where once varied industries fur nished bread and indopondonco to a church-going people. Tho church of tho plain people is bound to suffer, and that is tho Methodist Church." This statement was greeted with prolonged applause. So it seems after all that there are some eminent men who do not regard a criti cism of the trust system as treasonable. Strange The Chicago Chronicle has al- Doctrine ways made sport of "the crime for the of "73." Referring to a report Chronicle. that J. Picrpont Morgan has gone to London for the pur pose of engineering a scheme to place the finances of Mexico on a gold basis, the Chronicle says: "An attempt to introduce a gold dollar substantially the same in value as our dollar and lift the Mexican silver dollar to its level would, if successful, practically double every individual debt' in the country." Is this not a remarkable statement to come from a newspaper that could see no immorality in "the crime of '73?" .That act doubled the value of dqbts, but the process was gradual. -Ky Freedom of Speech and of the Press. The constitution prohibits con gress from abridging the free dom of speech or of the press, and yet a newspaper editor in the, Philippines was deported, a newspaper at Havana was closed up and its editor arrested and two other editors at Havana were sentenced to imprisonment by the captain of the port. Practically these newspaper editors were guilty of lese majestie, that new offense that has come to be quite terrible under our policy of imper ialism. None of them were permitted to avail themselves of the constitutional privilege .of a trial by a jury of their peers and their cases were disposed of in true imperialistic fashion. Many strange things arc happening and must happen under the strange policies we are pur suing with respect to our new possessions. A witness who appeared be fore the industrial commission at Washington declared that the news print trust had im- ' posed upon the newspaper publishers of the country an increase of $4, 800,000 per year in the cost of news print pa per. This witness said he knew of two news papers, each of which was paying an increase of $150,000. a year on the paper used. It is generally agreed among newspaper men that relief would be obtained by the publishers if the tariff on woodpulp should be removed. Undoubtedly the removal of the tariff would give material relief to the consumers of paper; Republican Newspapers and Trust Products. and if this would bo a good thing for the newspaper publishers or for the consumers of paper, why would not tho removal of the tariff on other articles bo beneficial to the consumers of those articles? And if the republican news papers insist upon tho removal of this duty in order to give them relief from trust imposi tions, why do. they object to the consumers of other commodities obtaining similar relief? A Good Suggestion. Vaccination Against Disease. A reader makes the following suggestion: A number of re publican papers have ex pressed great indignation because the Com moner protested against the nomination of Mr. Wells in St. Louis who had never expressed any desire to return to the party which lie abandoned in 1800. These republican papers will havo an opportunity to apply to some of the democratic cities the logic which they ap llicd to tho St. Louis situation. A number of good republicans left their party on the ques tion of imperialism, and have, not returned to it. Why wouldn't it bo a good idea for the republicans of New York and other democratic cities, to nominate one of these former repub licans with a view to harmonizing the party? As the contest will be "purely local" the fact that the candidate is still opposed to republi can policies ought to make no difference, ac cording to the argument advanced in favor of Mr Wells. When these republican papers begin to pro pose the nomination of such men, wo shall know that their recent criticisms were sincere. Dr. John H. Girdner, one of the prominent physicians in New York City, has a very interesting article in the Junior Munsey on the virtue of vaccination. The following is an. ex tract: "The point of special interest in this connec tion is that the very fact that a virus has been found which renders the system Immune to the In fection of smallpox is excellent evidence that it ;; possible to obtain other lymphs which will estab lish immunity against other infectious diseases. We say it is excellent evidence, be r,use from what we know of nature s methods it is certain that or der and system prevail throughout J r kingdom. She does not do things in singles, but in series, and it is almost unreasonable to suppose that smallpox is the only disease in which it is possible to obtain an immunizing virus. "It was hoped and believed, a few years ago, that the serum taken from the tiood f a horse which had been injected peatfc'My with the virus of diphtheria would cure a person suffering from diphtheria if injected under the patient's skin early enough in the attack. It was also believed that if this antitoxin was injected into a healthy person it would render that person immune to the germs of diphtheria, just as vaccination with cowpox renders him immune to smallpox. This antitoxin treatment of diphtheria has not proved entirely satisfactory, either as a curative or pre ventive remedy; it is still under judgment. But if it is finally found not to be the remedy sought for, and has to be discarded, the mere fact that it was brought forward shows the trend of the medical In vestigations of these times, and strengthens the hope that the real immunizing agent sought for in this and other diseases may yet be found. It is not at all unlikely that before the close of the new century physicians and health authorities will be as careful to see that the public is properly in jected or vaccinated to protect them against meas les, scarlet fever, yellow fever, and other infec tious diseases, as they now are to- tee that the people generally are protected by vaccination from smallpox." a 1