The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 03, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The Commoner.
Terms Payablo In Advance.
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Sample Copies Pree.
No Traveling Canvassers are Employed.
Subscriptions can be sent direct to The Com
moner. They can also be sent through newspapers
which liave advertised a clubbing rate, or through
precinct agents "where feuch agents have been ap
pointed. All remittances should be sent by postofficd
order, express order or by bank draft on New York or
Ghicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps, or
Advertising rates furnished upon application.
Address all communications to
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Entered at the postoffice at Lincoln, Nebraska,
as second class mail matter.
Careful inquiry is made as to the standing
and "business mothods of those who advertise
in theso columns and readers are asked to re
port if any dishonesty or unfairness is practiced
hy the advertisers heroin. Please montion This
Commoner in corresponding with advertisers.
The figures of the Chinese indemnity look
like the capital stock of a steel trust.
The cigar trust will find poor picking Jn
those districts where "long green" and corn
cobs grow side hy side. '
Russia may hanish Tolstof, hut not oven
tho Russian council of state can hanish Tol
stoi's ideas.
Captain Carter's health will not he regained
until he is free to dig up his planted swag and
divide' it with his tireless lawyers.
The Boers are a very valuahlo people if
their worth can ho estimated hy the amount
England is spending to seouro the ownership
of them.
It seems that tho Manila editor who was de
ported was made to suffer for having dared to
toll a truth long known hy the powers that de
ported him.
A numher of this country's industrial in
fants oxhihit symptoms of indigestion, super
induced hy too high living at the expense of
the general public.
The appointment of au attorney general
not only recommended but selected hy tho
trusts makes tho administration ' a, silent part
ner in the trusts.
The National Watchman is determined to
stand in tho front rank among the democratic
weeklies and it is only fair to say that it is
realizing its ambition.
. Tho youug men of tho country should take
an activo interest in politics. Not, necessarily
in partisan politics, hut in the study of politi-
The Commoner.
cal issues. Every man owes it to himself and
to his country to acquaint himself with politi
cal conditions and to do his best to solve po
litical questions aright.
Tho commercial agencies report 214 husi-
noss failures for last week as against 212 for
tho same week last year and 182 for the' cor
responding week of 1809.
The Irish World is printing a continued
story hy Michael Davitt on the Boer war. It
contains many interesting documents hearing
on the present struggle.
How many readers will try to increase tho
influence of Tiie Commoner hy securing one
or more new subscribers? The greater tho
paper's circulation the geater its power to do
The British rate payer is "beginning to real
ize the full portent of the "pay, pay, pay" re
frain of Rudyard Kipling's "Absent Minded
Beggar." Throttling republics is an expensive
business. - ,
"Painless identification with Russia" is a
phrase much used hy Russia in connection with
Manchuria. And it is a phras'c that is entitled
to rank with "benevolent assimilation." .Both
mean, tho same thing-"Grab."
V 'When 'Brother Marvin of the Beatrice
(Nehr.) Democrat asserts that Mi-: Cleveland
was tho greatest president since Lincoln, he is
ahle to produce a postmasters commission in
support of tho statement.
' On his swing around the circle tho presi
dent will avoid tho Plain Duty, Benevolent
Assimilation & Manifest Destiny R. R. That
road has been pretty well wrecked during tho
last twelve or fifteen months.
The Sultan of Sulu desires to call attention
to the fact that there have been no postal or
military frauds in his jurisdiction, arid. that ho
has not found it necessary to suppress, any
newspapers and deport their editors.
Senator McLaurin, elected hy democratic
votes as a democrat upon a democratic plat
form,. has deserted democracy and allied him
self with tho administration. Mr. McLaurin
is eligible to a front seat among the "jreorgan
izers." Russell Sago warns investors that railroad
stocks aro too high. Ho asks, "who would
pay twice as much for a house as it would cost
to duplicate it?" But he forgots that a house
has no monopoly while a railroad may have.
That makes a great difference. '
. The administration idea of fulfilling the
pledge to Cuba is to give the Cubans everything
they want with tho exception of the things the
administration does not want them to have.
As the administration insists on keeping tno
things most wanted hy the Cubans self gov
ernment and absolute ' independence tho
amount of pledge keeping involved is too
small to he visible to tho naked eye.
A young man iii Baltimore offers to raffle
himself off provided he can sell two thousand
tickets at five dollars apiece. He has prohahly
heard' that marriage is a lottery, hut he is
doomed to dissapointment if he thinks that any
girl will pay five dollars for a chance at him.
Some readers, have complained that they
could not find The Commoner at news" stands.
This is not the fault of the puhlisher. Any
news dealer who desires to keep TnE Com
moner on sale can secure copies either from
the wholesale news companies or direct from
this office.
The St Louis election contest will he help
ful no matter how it results. If, as N Parker
and Merriwethor assert, fraud has been com
mitted it ought to he exposed. If, on the other
hand, the election was an honest one, it is. due
to Mr. Wells that the cloud should he removed
from his title.
Senator McLaurin answers the charge of
plagerism made against him hy Senator Till
man hy saying that his secretary neglected to
use quotation marks at thejproper.piapev After
reading his Charlotte speech one as led to en
quire why the Senator did not use quotation
marks when he endorsed republican principles
and policies.
Governor Lon-V. Stephens has retired frptn
the executive office hut he has not retired irom -politics.
His nomination was due to the activo
part ho took in the silver fight prior to ?9G and
he announces his intentions to stand guard as
long as there 'is any danger of the reorganizes
trying to secure control of the .party in Mis
souri. The Cuhan representatives who visit Wash-:
ington discover that there is a good deal of
difference hetween official courtesy and politi-
cal support. The administration can ho "per
sonally friendly" without abandoning its im
perialistic plans. In an empire the delega
tions sent hy subjects to the seat of govern
ment are generally treated with great civility,
especially if the petition is certain to lie de
nied. , . . -, .... ;.
The American people may secure some idea
of tho change that has taken place in the opin
ion of the world concerning this republic hy
noting the attitude of the people of the Danish
West Indies. A few years ago they voted al
most unanimously in favor of annexation to tho
United States. ' Today they are said to hev al
most a unit in opposing annexation. A nation
that violates its pledged word and ignores its,
own fundamental principles can not hope to re
tain public respect
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