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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1901)
r,r- tm-rTii ff , lp"- c ""!'-"1Hl tW 4 IP lowed a contest of a year's duration between tho gold clement on the one side, led by the ad ministration and supported by tho banks, rail roads and most of the daily papers, and on the other side the bimotallio element, led by the silver committee. The battle was fought out at tho primaries and the administration, in apito of its powerful allies, lost. When tho convention met, about two-thirds of tho delegates were under instructions to vote for a platform favoring tho free coinage of gold and silver at sixteen to one, and yet, nqt withstanding this well known fact, the ad ministration forces, undor the direction of Mr. Whitnoy, tried to induce tho delegates to vio late their instructions and betray their constit uents. t The minority opposod the money plank of tho platform and offered a substitue favoring international bimetallism. A few weeks later the same men met at Indianapolis and, forget ting all about international bimetallism, de clared for tho gold standard and nominated a separate ticket. Thon forgetting all about the ticket which they had nominated, they for the moat part voted the republican ticket. During tho campaign every conceivable fraud was re sorted to. Wherever a republican court would aid them (as in Nebraska) they had the bolting electors put on tho ticket as "democrats" to de ceive tho voters. Tho Palmer and Buckner ticket. carried just -oiio precinct in the United States-and yet the .men who put that ticket in the field volunteer aa leaders of the democratic party and promise to win a .glorious victory. " ' . They do not seem to think it necessary to discuss the principles which the platform shall contain or to suggest' any remedy for existing ills. When the election of 1890 was over, the leading gold democrats of the nation met at tho Waldorf lEotol, boasted of their opposition to the democratic ticket and claimed credit for the eleotion of a republican president. After four years of republican administra tion, marked by high tariff legislation which the gold democrats always professed to abhor, marked by trust domination which the gold democrats always pretended to dislike and char acterized by imperialistic tendencies against which the leading gold democrats loudly pro tested, another national campaign was fought. Some of the men who left the party in '90 re turned in 1900 and were warmly welcomed-, but a majority of the prominent gold democrats supported the republican ticket again last 'year, proving either that they regard the money question "as more important than industrial in dependence, which is attacked by tho trust, and the declaration of independence, .which is at tacked by imperialism, or else that 4 the same principles which lead them to support the finan cial policy of the republican party also lead them to support the other policies of that party. The election of 1900 resulted in a second defeat more pronounced than that of 1890, b.ut not as overwhelming as tho defeat of 1894. Now the men who wore responsible for two national defeats are talking about harmony and The Commoner. offering to guarantee success, provided the party will follow the instructions which they give. And what are the conditions? First, that the party shall abandon the doc trines set forth in the platform of 1890, re affirmed by nearly every democratic state con vention in 1900 and reiterated by the national convention of that year. . Second, That it shall drive away the popu lists and silver republicans who came to the support of the democratic ticket when the gold democrats went over to the enemy. These conditions are impossible ones. The men who make these demands would not feel at home in any democratic party worthy of the name, and they would not only drive democrats out of the party, but would repel allies and keep young men with democratic inclination from coming into the party. Whether circum stances reduce or increase the importance of the silver question, the samqjnunciples are involved in other phases of the money question, in the question of monopoly and, in fact, in all the other questions now before the country. The harmonizing of personal differences is an easy matter. Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Hill were thought to be personal enemieB, but the money question brought them together and at the Chicago con vention the latter offered the resolution endors ing the administration of the former. Mr. Hanna and Mr; Foraker are supposed - to be personally unfriendly but they act together when the roll is called. The harmonizing of radical differences of opinion between consci entious men is, however, more difficult. Reconciliation between the two elements of the democratic party must be brought about, if at all, in one of two wayB: First by such a change of opinion in. either element as will, pro duce "concord or agreement." The minority denies -that it has changed and there is no evidence of change in the ma jority. Second, the two elements might be brought together by some question of sufficient .import ance to overshadow the questions about which they differ. But in such case the platform must represent the views of the majority on minor questions. When the gold democrats supported the republican ticket in '96 they did so on account of the money question and were willing to overlook the tariff plank in the re publican platform. So in 1900, some of the most loyal and earnest supporters of' the demo cratic ticket were republicans who were' op posed to imperialism and who wpre willing to overlook differences on minor questions. ! The struggle between plutocracy and democ racy must be fought put and the democratic party must take one side or the otlicr. TTiere is no middle ground. If those who have opposed the party in recent years are willing to take the democratic side in this fight there will be no difficulty in "getting together" and there will be no lack of harmony. If, however, the men who have been voting the republican ticket ex pect to comeaqk and convert the democratic party into a plutocratic party, to be run along republican lines and according to republican methods they -will have to announce their plat- form and make the issue at the primaries. The six million and jnore voters who supported tho ticket will not be led into the republican party without a struggle. There is no sense in in viting an opponent into your house to . see which can put the other out and those who re mained faithful have a right to know whether the reorganizes come as friends or as enemies. The objection to the reorganizes is not based so much upon what they have done as upon what they are doing and propose to do, if. they obtain control of the party. Fining the Family. Hearst's Chicago American takes exception to the present method of fining a man for drunkenness, and then keeping him in jail un til he works out' (or stays out) his fine at so much per day. It'vcry properly suggests that this method is a. .pensive to the city because the city has to pay the prisoner's board, and that it is a burden to his family because the family loses the benefit of his labor. The American sa!Js: But we are bound to say that we think our public magistrates might find some way cf Viscour aging drunkenness without making women and children suffer. A man gets drunk and is locked up. He is fined ten dollars. If he pays the ten dollars -l usually, means that his wife has pawned some of the furni ture, besides scraping up every penny in the house. Meanwhile, having appeared drunk in a police court, the man has lost his work. He and his wife and children then begin life again without any money, with some necessary articles in pawn and without any visible source of income. Drunkenness is a hideous thing, of course, but .it; pecms a little out of reason to, inflict on, a pooir man for drunkenness a fine 'that mearis ruin, when a prosperous man can get drunk in his club or afc home, with obliging cabs to act as: intermediaries between the club and the homo and with all the conveniences. In Boston a system prevails of allowing a man fined for drunkenness to pay his lino in inta.11 .ments. We wish, that our magistrates would con sider the advisability of adoptii g this system. It has one great advantage in the eyes of men who don't care much what happens to ths poor. It real ly means a saving to the prosperous class, byi-di-minishing public expenses. :. , When a man is fined on the installment plan ho can nearly always pay. This puts money into tho public treasury, since he does not have to go to jail. The system also saves the self-respect of a great many men whose getting drunk was probably no worse than jthat of college boys in holiday time or Wall street brokers after ?. very big day oh 'change. The system also enables a man who has ,go,t drunk to go on supporting his family. It is better than the system which locks the father up in 'jail and leaves the rest of the family to shift for itself. W The Watch on the Rhine BY MAX SCIWECKENBUItqUR. A voice resounds like thunder-peal, 'Mid dashing waves and clash of steel: ' "The Rhine, the Rhine, the German Rhinoi! Who guards today my stream divine?" Chorus:, Dear Fatherland, no danger thine: .. Firm stand thy sons to watch the Rhine! ' - They stand, a hundred thousand strong, , Quick' to avenge their country's wrong;"'' With filial love their bosoms swell, They'll guard the sacred landmark well!.. The dead of a heroic race From heaven look down and meet their gaze;; They swear with dauntless heart, "0, Rhine, ' Be German 'as this breast of mine!" While flows one drop of German blood, Or sword remains to guard thy flood, " While rifle rests in patriot hand ,t No foe shall tread thy sacred strand! , Our oath resounds, the river flows, In golden light our banner glows; Our hearts will guard thy stream divine: The Rhine, the Rhine, the German Rhino. : A V. w: wi ..: ,Jt W'l Tf,W rtfZ dLik JtaJawMn-'r-rt nsiTi