jrfflPpPT "T , - ' ' T Y ,- s-niT - f w ?p r$&!&r'iBT,f v i iwpi n -fwy f T''1 WIWTTV"-' 8 Boutwell vs. flcKinley. Hon. George S. Boutwell, Kx-Govcrnpr of MnHHiiehuHettB, cx-cabinot officer, and for many years a leader among eastern republicans, Was one of the most active oppononls of imperial ism during the oampaign of J 900. Defeat did not reconcile him to the doctrine of empire, neither did it silence him. The following in dictment of the administration, reprinted from the columns of the Philadelphia Timet), shows that Governor Boutwell is more attached to the principles of our government than to the party of which he was for so long a time an honored member: Is tlio administration of President McKinley worthy of the,approval, or uoes It deserve the con demnation ot the country? As a political question, his administration 1ms been approved, but it is open, and it must ever re main open, for inquiry upon othlcal grounds. The election of. November, 1900, ended the contest ovor the presidqney, but it did not end the contest over the war in the Philippine Islands, nor did it check inquiry as to the wisdom of a public policy of which that War is but a symptom. How can a people organized as a nation be come a world power, and how can a natiom con tinue to be a world power? How is America to, be come a world power? These are the questions that l'avo been thrust upon the country by President McKinley. It Is assumed by the questions that previous to 1897 America did not have a rank as a world power, and it may be assumed further, that the president entered upon a policy which,, in,, his opinion, would advance the country to that(i;ank. The president is supported by bodies of rnen who think his policy an erroneous policy, a dan gerous policy, and who yet excuse him and tolerate liim upon the ground that he is under bad influ ences from which he may in time escape. They who belittle the president and condemn liis policy and yet siitfrnit themselves to his leadership, knowing'V?a,t) his policy means the overthrow of tlio repulil'iu;"and they who proclaim his greatness and condemn' his policy whilo they continue to tolerate it' and to give it support, are one and all alike witnfsssfef'to his supremacy over them. Do you expect me to auvancd a step and to indicate, th'e tnotlvo under which the president is acting? May there come a president with an over leaping ambition who will not bo satisfied to seo his name in the list and in rank with Polk and. Pierce and Buchanan and Hayes? Even Johnson may bo an historical personage when those whom I have mentioned shall be neglected or shall have been forgotten utterly. The president who can seize a republic of a crmtury of 75,000,000 strong, born to an inheritance of freedom, of great principles in self-government, illustrated by worthy examples, and can build an empire on foundations so laid with possibilities not attained by Rome nor possessed by Britain will have gained a place in history as permanent as that occupied by Washington, and such a presi dent is already assured of the approval of no in considerable portion of mankind. If you press me for more definite answer to the question, What motive? I ask you this ques tion as my answor: What vision of the future led .Napoleon to carry the eagles of franco under the "burning suns of Egypt and amid the .wintry storms of Russia" and concealed from his eye the dismal outlopk from the mid-ocean island, of St. Helena? An inquiry into the motives of tire president may have more interest for-the historian -than for us. .!. If there is a cardinal principle in the idea and in the organization' of a republic by .which it is distinguishable from .a monarchy or an lempire it must be found in this declaration: That .the. right The Commoner. to govern is in the man, and that the power to govern is not derivable from any other source whatsoever. An organized republican government must rest upon one or both of two conditions: First, the assent of the people expressed volun tarily and upon full opportunity, or, secondly, sub missive assent to an existing form of government when there is an opportunity for protest and re sistance. It that can be shown to be true which possibly is true, that no such government has ever existed, the fact cannot justify a people, claiming to be republicans, in a policy by which they pro ceed to violate with deliberation and system, the ideal in government, which is the only security for the bettering of that which is. It is an art of despotic governments, an art essential to the existence of despotic governments, that the facts on which public interests may cen ter shall be subordinated to circumstances as they may arise. When tlio presidential election was pending, the country was assured that the life of the insur rection in the Philippines was in the anti-imperialists of America, and that the defeat of Mr. Bryan would be followed in sixty days with sub mission, peace and happiness in the islands. The president made himself responsible for the first part of the statement. In October votes for' Mr. McKinley were needed. When the sixty days were ending votes were r.ceded for the army bill. Fortunately for the ad ministration the condition of affairs in the islands was favorable to the policy at Washington, and Senator Sewell,' from the committee on military 'affairs, was able to say in January that the insur rection had reached a height that it had not at tained at anytime previous. To be sure, the pre dictions of October had been falsified, the truth of ' the declaration' of peace which was made at the opening of the fccw year had not been vindicated, but destiny had 'come to the aid of the president, and the reasons for the passage of the army bill could no longer be resisted by any except those who were prepared to disgrace the country by the abandonment of a contest in which we were en gaged. The army bill has been passed, but insur rections are not suppressed by army bills unless army bills are followed by recruits. We commemorated the 19th of April, 1898, as a day of freedom in the annals of America, an'l on the 20th" we volunteered a tender of independence and unqualified sovereignty to Cuba, whose free dom from the dominion of Spain we had pro claimed. In that pledge of freedom to Cuba the president and the congress united, and with the general approval of the American people. We are now redeeming that pledge, and by what process? We demand concessions that are inconsistent with our pledge of independence and sovereignty. If such a power of supervision and interven tion existed in our congress over the states of this union there would remain not even a shadow of that sovereignty which was once claimed for them. We announced a purpose to protect American states against the injustice we are now to practice on Cuba. The Monroe doctrine was designed to protect American states from the injustice which we are imposing upon an embryo state which is powerless to defend itself. Thus does the admin istration subvert a policy of freedom and sover eignty in states into a policy by which strong .States may tyrannize over the weaker ones upon the pretext of aiding and defending them. And thus is the administration struggling to become a world power by alliances with the strong, as in the case of- China, and by usurpations over the weak, as in Hawaii, Porto Rico, Quba and the Philippines. . Let us -first of all perform our obligations to Cuba in their, fullness, and then, by. negqtiatlons with Cuba,0as a free, independent .and sovereign state, wonm.y, secure every concession that Cuba ought to nmftp or that we ought t,0j seek. To.en-- forced concession from Cuba can compensate tliai American people for' 'the willful violation of tha pledge of April, 1898. The purpose of the president' is so well known that there can be no hope for tho honor of America or for justice to Cuba if the con- duct of tho measure shall be left in his hands. The demand has been made in congress and In tho country that the Philippines should be put upon the basis of Cuba. If the terms named can be imposed upon Cuba with the approval of con gress and the consent of the country the president may accept like terms for the Philippines. Thus, upon the theory-of the president, the republic will have been far advanced as a world power, and thus the republic will have taken on, irretrievably, taken on; all the characteristics of an empire. I give the president credit for having contem plated all this as the outcome of the policy that he l& pursuing. Thus the steps by which the presi dent seeks to advance the country to the rank of a world power aid him in like degree in his ambition to create an empire on the foundations of the re public. The president has never faltered in his purpose. We can now trace his policy step by step from the 19th of April, when by the declaration of war against Spain a way was opened for the exe cution of the ambitious designs of the president. We entered China as one of the world powers for the protection of our minister. That purpose was accomplished many months ago and yet we remain. Why? The president says the integrity of China ought not to be disturbed. .In like man ner he has said that our pledge to Cuba is to be kept. That pledge has been in his keeping, and with what result? Why does the president retain his hold upon Pekin? The answer must be this: As a world power we were of the allies that achieved the conquest of the city. If China is to be divided why should not the United States as''a world power and as one of the allies take a share in the fruits of the conquest? By what authority did the'president make war upon China; a nation, with which we were at peace? Had he any pur- . pose in view but the acquisition of more territory? And now that our minister is secure, and when the missionaries have had an opportunity to leave the country, can the president have any other motive for remaining at Pekin than greed of ter ritory and lust for power?, A fragment of our army Is to remain In Pekin, not to prevent a di vision of the empire, but to' share in it, if division shall become inevitable. We have secured from England and Germany exclusive jurisdiction of islands in the Sampan group, -where we are engaged in keeping the peace by the presence of a naval force. Porto Rico has been annexed unconditionally. In that island we have a civil government that has been created by the order of the president. In disregard of our pledge of freedom and sov ereignty to Cuba we are imposing on that island conditions of colonial vassalage. The island of Guam has been made a penal colony and one person, whose name has become historical, has been deported by a military order without a trial and without an opportunity for de fence. Finally congress has given the president full power to govern Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philip pines and in none of these vast pos'sessions can the people appeal either to the constitution or the laws of the United States. Has power more unlimited been exercised by any despot in any age or country? We may not as yet 'doubt the disposition of the country to do what is right, but in these facts there is ground for denying to President McKinley the purpose to do what is right. The question is not as the president , would have the country believe whether we can conquer the Philippine Islands, the question is .not whether we have power to make Cuba a vassal slate, the question is, .this i ... Are we justified in the attempt to do eithr,,, h A