The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 19, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Immune to the There is one place in our new
Carpet Bagger, possessions Where the exploit
ers wiU not go. The Minne
apolis Tidies tells the story in these words:
There is at least one place whero tho consent of
tho governed has practical application. It is tho
island of Moloki, Hawaii's leper colony, whoso inhab
tants have been notified that they will bo permitted
to run their own affairs, just as they please. No am
bitious carpet bagger is looking for tho job of bossing
that select and exclusive colony.
An-Injustice to The Courier J-ournal was so
Its Readers. elated over the election of a
gold democrat in St. Louis that
it showed a disposition to ignore the facts. It
The election of Mr. Rolla Wells as mayor of
St Louis over five opponents who represented
every variety of political opinion, including all
the vagaries of socialism, is a distinct triumph for
the conservative element of the democratic pacty.
To win in the face of normal republican majority
of 15,000 is evidence of the sanity of the people of
St. Louis as well as a high personal tribute to Mr.
If the G.-T. would do justice to its readers
it would tell them that Mr. McKinley carried
St. Louis by less than 1,000 in 1900, and that
Mr. Wells received nearly 17,000 votes less than
the democratic candidate for president.'
Jameson Raid Several days ago-, Mr. Chain
On n Large Scale.berlain, the Colonial Secretary,
made a statement in the Ilouse
of Commons that the South African war has
, released,. tb.Q. British Chartered South Africa
Company of all financial liability for the
one million pounds as indemnity in con
nection with the Jameson raid. This indemnity
was in the nature of a fine for the participation
of the officers of this company in the raid. It
is not clear to a man on this side of the water
Why the war should relieve this great corporation-
from the payment of this fine. If Great
Britain has succeeded to the republic's rights
and to the republic's property, it would seem
that this corporation should pay the one mil
lion pounds to Great Britain. The truth is that
Great Britain's war in South Africa- is a
Jameson raid on a large scale. Perhaps Mr.
Chamberlain has at last felt a twinge of con
science. Perhaps he has concluded that inas
much as Great Britain is guilty of a thousand
times greater wrong against the South African
Republic than this corporation ever committed,
His Magesty is hardly in a position to require
the corporation to pay the indemnity.
Great Times for The St. Louis Post Dispatch
Speculators. has a special from "Wall Street
which says:
Some largo fortunes have been made in Wall
street since election day. There are half a dozen
new millionaires, while all the rich men have largely
increased their fortunes. James R. Keono is said to
have made ten millions since election day. Jacob
Fields and John W. Gates, formerly of St Louis, are
both said to have made several million dollars.
Thomas F.Ryan, Wm. C. Whitney, P. A. B. Widonor
and W. L. Elkins are cre'ditod with gaining enor
mously. J. P. Morgan, of course,has greatly added
to his fortuuo, while Hy. 3. RogoYs.iJohn D. RocKe-
The Commoner.
follor, William Rockofollor, James Stillman and tlio
group of millionaires associated with tho Standard
Oil Co. havo probably mado fabulous profits. Among
tho now millionaires aro Arthur A. Ilousman, Wil
liam L. Stow and Jofferson M. Lovy, who is said to
havo mado $2,000,000 in Northorn Pacific Consoli
dated Gas and Seaboard Air Lino. Mr. Lovy is said
now to bo worth at least $5,000,000. James B. Dill is
also ono of tho new millionaires in Wall stroot. Ho
was ono of tho directors of tho Carnegio Stool Co.,
but is said io havo sold his stock at a handsome
profit to Mr. Morgan.
No one donbts that republican policies pro
mote speculation and bring great advantage to
those who are on the inside. But what about
the producers of wealth,-who must give a hard
earned equivalent for every dollar they receive?
Are they making millions? Now that the elec
tion is over, the republican farmer and wage
earner can examine the terms of the partner
ship into which they have entered. The
monopolists arc getting the dividends, while
the fanner and wage earner are getting the ex
perience. How long can this one-sided part
nership last?
Living on A number of well meaning
$2.50 Per Week, women in the city of Chicago
have been discussing the prob
lem of how a girl may live on $2.50 per week.
It would s'eem that the energies of these people
could better be devoted to solving the problem
of how to secure for every girl who, is willing
to toil fair compensation for her- labor. v. ,
Mrs. Laura D. Pclham, President of the
Hull Ilouse "Woman's Club, in discussing this
' question, said that it was not possible for a
person to live on such a., salary. ' Then&Irs.
Pclham added:
Such a matter should novor have been bronchod.
A girl cannot live unless she has other means of sup
port. A life at that wage would bo misery and
shame. It is brutal for employers to take up such a
matter for 'consideration, and foolish for others to
debate it. I do not know so much about boys, but a
girl must have more than that. Her clothing is not
durable and sho needs constant changes. Her shoes
aro a good sample. Thoy aro light and wear, out
fast a boy's do not. I am perfectly astonishod that
women should advocate such a thing. Nono of us
Mrs. Pelham has hit the nail on the head.
She has said all that is to be said on this ques
tion, and she has spoken well.
Not all A republican reader reminds
Bad. the editor that republicans are
not all bad, and that demorats
are not all good. It is a wise and truthful,
although not an original, remark. No one is
so partisan as to believe that his own party is
jierfect, and that no- other party contains any
The republican party was entrusted with
power in 189G; it is now in control of the
Executive, the Legislative, and Judicial
branches of the government. The Commoner
points out from time to time the evil tendency
of republican policies. All republicans do not
approve of what the republican party is doing,
nor do aji -republicans fully realize .the extent
to w-hich the monied interest' have secured con
. trolof th'el republican organization.o.Ih' criti-
cising republican policies, The Commoner does
not wish to leave the impression that the dem
ocratic party, or any other party would admin
ister the government to perfection, but it docs
believe that tho democratic party would apply
safer principles, and support wiser policies than
the republican party is now doing.
The democratic party is not under obliga
tions to the corporations, and, therefore, would
be free to give the people protection from cor
porate greed; the republican party is under
obligation to the corporations, and cannot be
expected to give . the people relief from their
While not all of the democrats are opposed
to imperialism, nearly all are, and the majority
would control. Most of the republicans either
favor imperialism, or, if they oppose it, have
not the courage to overthrow the leadership
which has fastened the policy on the govern
ment. Kindness to The Evanston, Illinois, City
Dumb Animals. Council has adopted an ordin
ance providing a fine of from
three to ten dollars to be imposed upon any ono
who kills or wounds any of the squirrels that
run about on the boulevards and lawns of that
city. Several years ago a citizen of Evanston
brought a number of squirrels to that town and
turned them loose on the streets and alleys.
Recently many complaints have been made
concerning the killing of the animals, and the
city council has determined to do away with
the evil practice.
This is a good move and should be adopted
by every city council in the United States not
not only for the protection of squirrels, but for
the protection of birds and "animals of all
descriptions. " ' "'
Several years ago the humane society offered
a number of prizes for the best stories dealing
with kindness to dumb animals. One of tho
stories submitted was written by Marshall
Saunders, and entitled, " Beautiful Joe." This
was the autobiography of a dog that in the
beginning had experienced more than his share
of woe. Later in life he was taken up by a
kind hearted family and he is supposed to
relate his experiences. It is an unpretentious
little stoiy, and yet is a most impressive one.
It attracts, delights and instructs both the
young .and the old. It cannot fail to awaken in
the breast of everyone who reads it a sense of
duty towards dumb creatures.
It is of the highest importance that the
children be taught the lesson of kindness to
animals. Nothing can be expected 'of the boy
or girl who is cruel to a bird or an animal.
There is a future before every child that
cidtivates an affection for, and respects the
, rights of, every one of God's creatures to life
and happiness.
Mrv Carnegie will not entertain the idea of
running for mayor of New York on tho repub
lican ticket. Mr. Carnegie announced that he
hoped t6w-die poor, but he probably does not
want t'o 'spend all his money at" once
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