TvrvVJVf iwyQH J Wf' mlF -Jp?$? ir-w rr - - r -flf -i-t ,- Jt- v '." The Commoner. ii triumph of political feeling over that calm, judicial spirit and that forbear ance in critical emergencies that are essential to the carrying on of our sys tem of popular government. Mr. Evarts' argument was on the loftiest grounds, and it was he who succeeded in infusing something of the judicial spirit into what might otherwise have been strictly a political proceeding. A vacancy just then occurred in the office of attorney general, and Mr. Evarts went into President Johnson's cabinet for the remainig year of the term. The period was one of impor tant negotiations with England, Mr. Evarts' friend Seward still remaining at his post as secretary of state. The ,new attorney general ; was in these matters in close association with the secretary of state as in every well- constituted American -cabinet the at torney general always is and must be. .Hamilton Fish, as Seward's successor, was able to complete negotiations with England which led to the most memorable arbitration proceedings in 'all history those before the Geneva tribunal, for settlement of the so called Alabama claims of the United States against England. Mr. Evarts was appointed as the leading counsel of the United States and associated with him were his college classmates, Morrison R. Waite and Caleb Cushing. It is. enough to say ihpt Mr; Evarts' conduct of the case for the United States entitled him to rank as the foremost international, lawyer of his generation his conduct of the case of Andrew Johnson having fixed his place a's pur ;own. foremost constitu tional lawyer. We Were on the verge of. a war with England before the ar bitration project had been agreed upon; and England's attitude and con duct at more than one stage of the . -subsequent proceedings threatened i abrupt termination and the resort to 'arms. Through this anxious period , Mr. Evarts' services were of incalcul able value for law and for the peace, and he exhibited the rarest diplomatic skill. His honors at the hands of the re publican party never made him ac quiescent in what he thought to be wrong in practice qr in principle. I flQT MortioLovoll.of Aclfloy, Iowa, wants to LUO I know tho whereabouts of her brother, Byron Lovoll. An estate wllj. bo duo him. ORN PLASTERS Positively Qure... Corns, Bunions and Callouses. Don't believe it? Try them. ' Money back, if they don't. All Pruggists df by Mail. National Drugnd Chemical Company PhiIadelphla,',Pa.,U.S.A.' AGENT9 MAKE Money selling' pur .ueveriuge Sanitary Cooler, atest and best cookiucr utensil ever invent ed. Sells at flight. Qno Agent sold over 8000 y? town. Sample Cooker frqo to good agents, mivcruaiiiK uinnci iui nisHed. 10 Sizes and Styles. AMERICAN MFC.' ASSN.' 963. BALT MORE. KID. Thus he came forward in a great speech in January, 1875, to protest against the high-handedness of the re publican party in Louisiana in count ing out democratic votes and seating a republican state government by aid of federal soldiers. The next year came the presidential election of 187G, followed by contests over the result of the election in Florida, South Caro lina and Louisiana upon the decision of which rested the question whether Mr. Hayes or Mr. Tilden should be president of the United States. Tilden was then governor of New York, and, as it happened, he had been for a time in Mr. Evarts' class at Yale. As gov ernor he had recently made Mr. Ev arts head of a commission to report on the better government of cities. The truth is that Mr. Evarts' argu ment before the electoral commission was in its basic principle exactly the same as the contention he had made in his Cooper Union speech. It was a great constitutional argument for our permanent American idea that the sovereign states must carry on their own elections and govern themselves without federal interference. In 1874 the democrats had won in the state elections of Louisiana on the face of the returns; and with this result, Mr. Evarts contended, . President Grant's administration had no right to inter fere. In 1876 the regular and legal electoral return sent to Washington from Louisiana declared the choice of Hayes electors rather than .Tilden electors. Behind this return, Mr. Ev arts argued, Congress could not safe ly go to ascertain what measure of ir regularity there might have been in the polling and counting of votes. His view embraced the future as well as tho immediate emergency; and he stood on the solid rock of constitu tional principle. Mark the result. Mr. Hayes was made president -on the face of the re turns, and Mr. Evarts, with the ut most propriety, was made secretary of state. On the Jinn advice of his emi nent secretary, and against much party protest, Mr. Hayes removed the federal troops from the south and left the southern states in possession of their constitutional liberties, free .to work out their anxious and painful problems as they alone could solve them. A different decision in 1876 would have involved endless future strife -and confusion; and, far from be ing of benefit to the south in the as sertion of its demand for non-interference, exactly the opposite conse quences would have ensued. It is time that this should be understood. ., Four years after his retirement from the state department, namely in 1885, Mr. Evarts was elected to the United States senate. He made speeches that adorned -the Senate chamber; but his greatest work for the country had al ready been done. The details of leg islative work at Washington were not especially' to his taste. With the end ing of his senatorial term. in 1891 he was seventy-three years of age, and was losing, his eyesight. sons and four daughters, survive, and all were gathered at tho death-bed of the venerable statesman in tho large, old-fashioned New York mansion where the family had lived for thirty two years. He died on February 28, and was buried at Windsor. He had entered his eighty-fourth year. Books Received. Holiday Tales Christmas in tho Adirondack, by W. II. H. j furray; published by the author at Guilford, Conn. Fables and Essays, by John Bryan; published by tho Arts and Lettres Co., New York. The Fluctuations of Gold, by Baron Alexander von Humboldt, and Tho Law of Payment, by Francois Grimau det, (both in one volume), translated into English, revised and annotated by William Maude; published by the Cambridge Encyclopedia Co., New New York. Letters of Love and Labor, by Sam uel M. Jones; published by tho Frank lin Printing and Engrrving Co., To ledo. Poems and Prose, by 0. O. Bracke; published by 0. 0. Bracke & Co., Chi cago and Minneapolis. The School Speaker and Reader, by William DeWitt Hyde; published .by GInn & Co., Boston. Springtime and Harvest, a romance, by Upton B. Sinclair, jr;; published by the Sinclair roes, New York. When Love s King, poems, by Isa bel Rchoy; publishedi by George F. Lasher, Philadelphia. Hermapiiro-Deity: The Mystery of Divine 'Genius, by Eliza carton Ly man; miblis,hod by Saginaw- Printing & Publishing Co., Saginaw,, Mich, Financial' Phil.ophy, or 'the Prin ciples of' the Science of Money, by George Wilson; published by Dono hue, Henneberry & Co., .Chicago. Waifs from the Wayside, poems, by Aaron G. Davis; published by the au thor, Dyersburg, Tenn. Civitas, the Romance of Our Na tion's Life, a poem, by Walter L. Campbell; published by G. P. Putnam Sons, New York. The Way the Preachers Pray with notes by one of them; published by William C. Smith & Co., Minneapolis, Minn. When the Light Goes Out, and other poems, by Harry S. Chester; pub lished by Truth Publishing House, Elkhart, Ind. In the appointment of Philander C. Knox of Pittsburg as attorney gen eral, Mr. McKinley secures a lawyer of marked ability, according to the testi mony of all who know him. It must always be account. 1 something of a drawback, however, when the presi dent picks out as his law adviser a man who has no public reputation, in preference to one whom the people have come to know and respect. It seems also rather unfortunate that, when there are laws on the statute books against trusts, the attorney gen eralship should be given to a lawyer who has been the adviser of great pro moters of trusts. This is not to say that Mr. Knor: may not prove impar tial as well as able; only that, human nature being what ic is, a man with his record has to overcome a measure of distrust and suspicion. From this point of view the appointment of the Pittsburgher does not maintain Mr. McKinley's well-earned reputation for political shrewdness. New York Ev ening Post. L. A. RUSSELL-LAWYER, CLEVELAND, O. TO DBALHRS WHO WANT PURE MAPLE SYRUP which hns tho flnost flavor in existence, for their fancy trndo and in tho ilncst packago in tho Unitod States write to : : : : R. E. FRENCH, - - Medina, Ohio BUILD YOUR OWN INCUBATOR. Tt nll tuat!n ImUIn al Trait !rjtr. Vtw fiutj jvtt !; (pU ml ipplltit (ar)ilf rrjuWttDg htt,lr al matalurr, mint U p-U, rmttitcapwlij, Wftmutli; bj tu Um Uilwwl tpw lcvtar v1 . eta t mJ to lt4I I ft) tu '" 1 w :. 2 lmp farnliUt LmI Fwm right, Aint, InttnKtloni, tte., at to mj MrrM for $3,00. Satisfaction gunrnntood or nionoy refunded. AGENTS WANTED. Y. S. BELL, Hnyosvillo, Iowa. AGENTSWANTED .w ,p, mn, rtuu dtftut nlgli'i. HimpUi tttt. 1UJM Huppl Ca, Kntlt.l, llllnoit. pit I I QCDWIPC Uxu" l'' VmpntUn, I. UIVIL O L ii V I VJ L lortmrsul, u I Cl.ll tknU Htltl rom.tlj .niwftM. Jimit CorrMon. OH Writ tl K W. WttMaxUA, I, C IDEAL SUPPORTER huh soar. iu tZ. B.n'l tit to H. A. Umlwq, Kamm Clly. Mlmmrl, tmA M. Mrtlitnlei, KnjtiiMtt, Flrrm.n, KLctrirUnf, YAk., 44t ioiiMtt cnUlnlaj (lucitloai uknl br Kumlnln llotnl of KngiiKtri. Beat tn. (IKOItUE A. ZEMXK, I'diukii, Hoom US-lfl S HUi 8t. HT. M)lM, MO. TREES SUCCEED WHERE LarKt Nurwry. OTHERS FAIL.' f-ruU loot Frtt. Remit of 70 yrarV exitcf lencc. STAilK BROS.. LouUiana, Mo. ; Danivillo, N.Y. Dollars savod by a 2ic investment un nbiolutoly dust proof wntcli pockbt. Sond for ono today. Stumps taken. Hutisfnclion gunrnntccd. A. C. I'urno, Jeweler, Urucn, Iowa. jrv III K TO LET - FurniBhod summor cottnfo.tcri rooms, Jqcatcd in Hnrwichport, south-eastern Mofb ncliusottd, within f minutes wnik of P. O,, church and ojcnn. For partfctilurH address Elishn II. Jloarso, Harwich port, iMuss., box 11. Tito Whito Miin'ji Uurdon, " by TagKart. A fonu of tho Filipinos, with puthotlc story in mo lodioua intifeicnl drosa. r. Soldjby Lyon & Tfcaly. ChlcaKQ. IU. nnillll Morphine, Whiskey Habit Cured. Ul llllwl No c,Iro tio l,ay Dr' M c' Bonliam w " Company, Richmond, Indianu. ItKAD. $8.00 SKT DISIIKS l'KEE, Hundsomoly decorated dinner, tea, or toilet act, ABSOLUTELY VIIISIS. For dotaiLs of thia generous offer writo ROYAL MFO. CO., Now Cumberland, IV. Vo. Tito International Soclallnt Kevlcur. Ii tit on r!olIrt thit iliov. Jtiit vltit l)i .flrlUlili cf tht worM in Mnt IUXI jr,10 titi cit;. A.M. 8lnai,K4ltor. (A filtU Afl'tilcill The Little Hotel Wiirr.ot J406, 1408 and 1410 South Penn Square, Philadelphia, Penna. The Ryerson 7. Jennings Co The ono thousand readers of tho Commoner in Philadelphia are invitod to test its luncheon and Grill rooms and ite thousands of readers throughout the country can get a first rate room at one dollar per day 200 Egg Incubator For $1 2.00. The simplest, moat perfect Incubator made In the world. Thl la a newone at a remark ably low price. It Is an enlargement or the famous WOODEN HEN and made an thoroughly good asany Incubator on the market. It will natch every fertile egg put in it, and atand up to regular usage as well aa the .most costly. Write for froo catalogue. GEO. H.STAHL.QuIncy.lll. J - t -7 . Mrs. Evarts and eight children, four COi is l '" " o '" wSi7,"-!s3A WlMm "WHAT FOOLS THESE MORTALS WLV'Puck. to par MO to CO for a Stool Ban go that doea not cot over $12 at the Factory toliulld, no longer necessary, as wo offer oar Hapgood "Anti-Trust" Steel Range ut one-halt agenti prices, fiuarantccd for6yonr. Money refnndeil If notontlrolr oatisfnetnry. Sond for 13 Ik Free Catalogue of Hcivlnjr Machine, Uuggicm nt Old I'rlcCK. iiiirncon. lyuUn8wlnirae;S.7r. nml 1UOU other tlilitcm at linlf dealer prices. Reference this paper. Ilareyonr UanJclook nsup, Adurees HAPCOOD MANUFACTURING CO., Box 295 Alton, III. Tha only mfe. company iu the world lathoirllnoselltaeatrocttoth3coxiaaao& i I LMi