The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 12, 1901, Page 6, Image 8

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    ft " ""WOf! VKfi
The Commoner.
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THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
Entered at the postoflice at Lincoln, Nebraska,
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Careful inquiry is made as to tho standing
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in tlieso columns and readers arc asked to rc
port any dishonesty or unfairness practiced by
the advertisers herein. Please mention The
Commoner in corresponding with the advertis
ers. 00
A patriot is a rebel who succeeds. : '
000 !. t
"MiBB Civil Service has ample -grounds for. a
breach of promise suit. "" . ,
Sonic men achieve failure by being most
The end of the Boer war is still in sight,
but to Kitchener's sorrow it is the front end.
Sam Jones will have at least two years more
in which to apply the Golden Rule to the 'city
go'vernment of Toledo.
Mr. Carnegie has offered New York five
millions and St. Louis one million lor the es
tablishment of libraries.
Denmark imposes too many conditions in
tho negotiations for the Danish West Indies.
There is no room left for speculation.
The men behind the steel combine are ne
gotiating for the control of 'the isthmian canal.
Perhaps they need it for irrigating purposes.
Does tho delay of the supreme court in
announcing its decision in the Porto Rican
case portend another income tax change of
The latest news concerning the management
of military affairs in Manila indicates that apol
ogies are. due those doported editors.
Our "code of morals" has received some
severe wronohes in the postal and military de
partments of tho "insular possessions."
Tho Nebraska Experiment, Station has just
issued bulletin No. 00. It contains reports on
pasturage tests of a number of annual forage
plants, and also a comparison of pasturing and
The Commoner.
feeding cut forage. The bulletin may be ob
tained free of cost by residents of Nebraska
upon writing to tho Agricultural Experiment
Station, Lincoln, Neb.
The employer who does best by his eni
. ploycs is tho one who pays good wages all tho
time instead of providing a fund for possible
General Funston has been rewarded for
capturing Aguinaldo and now it is reported that
Aguinaldo is to be rewarded for allowing him
self to be captured.
The Sultan of Turkey has recently been
badly frightened by an earthquake shock. This
is a tip to Uncle Sam. Perhaps that $100,000
can be shaken out of the sick mail.
Mayor Harrison won a great victory. To
be elected the third time, mayor of the sec
ond city of the United States is a high compli
ment to him personally and officially.
If the Trans-Continental railroad lines can
get hold of the canal across the isthmus, that
waterway will be of very little value to the
public, so far as the lowering, of freight rates
is concerned.-
. . .
National lawmakers who have not pledged r
themselves to vote, for the shipping subsidy
bill need not remain away from Europe this
Bunimor on account of the expense incident to
the ocean voyage. .
Missionaries in China, in making out their
claims for damages against the Chinese, itemized
their destroyed sermons at $100 each. This is.
rather a steop price for property offered to tho
Chinese for nothing.
When he looks at Governor Odell, Mr.
Piatt has occasion to recall the story of the
man who, finding a frozen viper in the .road,
warmed it back to life in his bosom only to be
rewarded by a fatal bite.
' Speculative army officers are now engaged
in giving the Filipinos object lessons in good
government. The Cubans had their lesson
while Rathbonejind Neeley were running the
Cuban postal department.
Of course, national pride would make one
of our citizens prefer to be run over by a train in
America rather than killed by a Chinaman,
but it is possible that this pride may be given
to much pecuniary consideration.
The arrest of eight Americans at Manila,
accused of fraud in the purchase of army sup!
plies, will probably be charged up to "dqstiny."
Stealing can hardly be considered a "plain
duty," unless the sum stolen is considerable.
It was stated in the beginning that The
Commoner would be increased in size when it
was ready to admit advertising to its columns.
The time has now come for this enlargement.
Sample copies will be sent on application, and
-subscribers are invited to send in the names of
p'ei'sons who would like to seo the paper; .
If MaoArthur continues his deportation
policy Guam will not be big enough to hold
all those who "menace tho military situation."
The latest from Luzon is to the effect that
some officers are engaged in doing that
very thing.
As executive does not deserve much credit
for having a mind and will of his own. ' That
much ought to be expected of him, but Gov
ernor Odell is actually gaining considerable
notoriety by showing himself independent of
Senator Piatt. "
Senator Hanna can now congratulate, him
self that he is soon to live under the administra
tion of one of the best mayors in the country.
Tom L. Johnson will disappoint a multitude of
friends if he does not give Cleveland a.model
The Kansas City Times owes Mayor-eleo
Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland an apology. It
classes him with Wells and gives him some ad
vice. The fact is that Johnson was an enthus
iastic supporter of the democratic ticket in
both 189C and 1900.
It is reported that J. Pierpont Morgan re
ceived over $7,000,000 for his services in the orr
ganization of the steel trust. In view of this
fact It. is hardly probable that Mr.Morgan. will
look with favor on any effort to maketlie 'for
mation of trusts illegal.
Civil Service Commissioner Rodenberg is
such a stalwart advocate of the merit system
that he used his utmost endeavor to destroy the
civil service by refusing to appropriate money'
to carry on the work of the commission.
Then, being repudiated by his constituents, ho
accepts a job as civil service commissioner and
draws the money he tried to keep from .being
expended that way.
The loyal democrats. ofMissouri are re
spectfully invited to read the Courier-Journal's
rdport of the St. Louis election. It says:
"The old guard take hold again." "Old lino
democrats take charge ' and cause a J'clean
sweep;" "The election of Wells will ultimately,
mean the restoration to power of old line dem
ocratic leaders, who left the party during tho
existence of 'the free silver craze.' " And this
is the little "local election" which was of on
interest to "outiders."
The sentiment in favor of municipal owner,
ship seems to be growing very satisfactorily.
Four mayors, Harrison in Chicago, Johnson in
Cleveland, JoneB in Toledo, and Hinkle of Co
lumbus, have recently been eleoted on munici
pal ownership platforms, and Morri wether polled
thirty thousand votes in St. Louis on a similar
platform. Even Lincoln, Nebraska, republi
can Lincoln by a vote of three to one author
ized the issuance of bonds for tho oreotionof a,
city lighting plant.
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