-tf The Commoner VOL. I. NO. 8. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH 15, 1901. $1.00 a Year V" Williajm J. Bryan, Editor and Proprietor. The Fifty-Sixth Congress. The record of the Fifty-sixth congress is com pleted, and it is not an enviable one. For ex travagance it has never been equaled, and no pre vious congress has ever shown anything like the contempt for American principles and traditions. . The republican party in 1896 promised interna tional bimetalism and this Congress redeemed the promise by retiring the greenbacks and giving the country as large a dose of the gold standard as it thought the patient was able to bear. It has fastened a large army upon the, United States an army larger than the President would have been willing to defend during the late cam paign. It has violated the solemn promise made to Cuba and demanded a supervision of Cuban affairs which amount to a denial of independence. It has conferred upon the President authority over the Philippines as unlimited, as arbitrary and as tyrannicalvasx George IHNever exercised'over the colonists. In addition to its sins of commission it has sins of omission to answer for. It has failed to respond to the demand of the wage-earners for relief in the way of shorter hours and it has neglected to abolish government by injunction. It has refused to give the people any relief from" extortionate railroad rates and has 'declined to enact anti-trust legislation, although a billion dollar trust was organized while it was in session. It has repudiated the party's promise in re gard to the inter-oceanic canal. For years the re publicans advocated the Nicaraugua canal; in 1900 they substituted an endorsement of an Isthmian canal, but the trans-continental railroad lines have sufficient influence with the republican party to prevent its carrying out any canal project. It has failed to recognize the desire of the people for election of senators by a popular vote; and it would have committed the country to the infa mous ship subsidy legislation but for the filibus tering reported. to by the democrats, populists and silver republicans. A fifty million dollars River and Harbor bill was also defeated by a few fili busters led by Senator Carter of Montana. This is the record not all of it, but enough of it. These things are known to the reading public and yet republican farmers continue to vote the re publican ticket, republican laboring men continue to defend their party and republican business men raise no protest against what is going on. Great corporate interests furnish campaign funds, dic tate platforms, make nominations and dominate administrations. To what extreme can the repub lican leaders go before they provoke remonBtance and repudiation? A Pathetic Statement. A most pathetic interviow was that given to the Pall Mall Magazine by President Kruger of the South African Republic. Mr. Kruger referred feelingly to his reception by individuals and societies, in which receptions he was welcomed with flowers and words of kindness. Ho ex pressed his appreciation of these evidences of sympathy, but he added that he cared little for flowers or words of kindness, although ho was grateful for the sentiment which they represented. What he wanted was a fair hearing; what ho longed for was justice; what ho desired was arbi tration and the right to defend the integrity and the existence of his government before the organ ized governments of the world. In the same interview Mr. Kruger said: Two of my sons have died on the battle-field. Two were captured. I believe two more are dead also, as I have not heard from them for two months, and i know they were in the thick of the fight. Thirty-one sons and grandsons I have in the field Here is a man torn not only from the country to whose service ho has given the best years of his life, but torn from the wife and the children and the grand-children whom he doubtless loves more than life itself. Convinced, of the integrity of his nation's position, confident of the righteous ness of his own attitude, he has struggled with his countrymen against a powerful foe, and the courts of Europe dare not raise a voice in his be half, although they know him to be the victim of one of the most outrageous conspiracies against constitutional government in the history of the world. It is not a new thing for the world to observe European courts silent in the presence of a great national wrong. It is, however, something new for the world to see the United States of America and its authorities tied down and hindered by the same bonds that tie down and hinder the courts of Europe. It is something new for the United States of America to withold its sympathy from a republic struggling against an empire from a weak yet brave people struggling for freedom and con stitutional government against the aggressions of a formidable adversary. Applied Christianity. Dr. W. M. Hindman, of the First Presbyter ian church of Lincoln, Neb., in a recent sermon on the Good Samaritan, drew a practical distinc tion between pity and sympathy. He said: All believe in the Good Samaritan; all admire him for the sympathy he bore the unfortunate. His sym pathy was more than sentiment; it is deeper than pity. Men of independence despise pity; they crave sympathy. lie who pities feels for you; he who sym pathizes feels with you. Thcro is a vast difference between the two. The priest and Lovito pitied, and passed by on the other side. The Samaritan sympa thized and got down with the man in his suffering, lie sacrificed his own comfort to make the needy com fortable; ho suffered with the sufferer; ho helped him out of his trouble. Sympathy is applied Christianity; it is a fulfill ment of the command, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." In the course of the sermon Dr. Hindman em phasized the fact that those who would help their fellow-men must go among them and share their burdens, and quoted the lines so often used as a rebuke to those pastors who never get within hailing distance of their flock: A parish priest of austerity Climbed up in a high church steeple To be near to God, that he might hand God's word unto the pcote. And in sermon script ho daily wrote What he thought was sent from heaven, And he dropped it down on the people's heads Two times, one day in seven. In his time God said, "come down and die," And he cried from out his steeple: "Where art thou, Lord?" and the Lord replied,' "Down here among the people." Should be Above Suspicion. The position taken by Congressman Hull in regard to his investment in the Philippine island opens up a question which ought to receive se rious consideration at the hands of tho American people. He is chairman of tho house committee on military affairs, and is also president of the Philippine Lumber and Development Company. As chairman of tho committee, Mr. Hull had charge of the bill for the increase of the army;' as president of the Philippine Lumber and De velopment Company he was interested in increas ing the army for the protection of his Philippine investments. He confesses that the investment in the Philippines depended upon political con ditions, for in explaining lis connection with the company he said: I will say further to the gentleman from Tennea. see, and to. this House, that while the campaign was on, the company with which I am associated called a halt in their enterprise and notified every one of the stockholders that if Bryan should bo elected not one dollar would we invest in the Philippines, but if Mc Kinley should be elected we would invest all the money that we pleased, belipving it would have fa vorable return by the restoration of order and good government in the Philippines. It will be remembered that the democratic party declared against a large army; tho size of the army was, therefore, an issue in the campaign. The question arises, can Mr. Hull discharge his duty to the public and fairly and impartially do the work of a congressman and committeeman, and at the same time look after investments i the Philippine islands which are so intimately con s V (I Q JUt-iArttotftlfri .. dte.