hi i- h-h 1 1 1 1 1 i mi 11 inn i i 1 1 1 1 t h-m. j; Whether Common or Not HI III . H -H-H-H 1 H"8"H .H"frH i II I-t H HH-fr Staff and Line. There Is glitter and splendor In buttons and braid; In epaulettes, sword and chapeau; There is comfort and ease in staff office parade, And pleasuro in dancing and show. A carpet knight's berth in the Bureau of Ease Is something especially fine But what of the comfort of thousands like theso Bravo privates who light in tho line? A bureaucrat's berth and a bureaucrat's pay, And a snap through political pull; With a bright social life and Its pleasures so gay, Keep tho staff down in Washington full. But out at tho front where the grave dangers lurk, And there is lack of tho feathers so fine, Aro tho fellows who nover a plain duty shirk The privates who light in the line. 'T was the Washington staff that was back of the plan To double our bravo army's size; And its members are scheming, each sure he's the man Who should get tho "two stars" for a prize. But never a thought is bestowed on the men Who struggle on through rain and shine, And do their whole duty again and again ' ' . The honest, brave men of the line. Circumstances Alter Cases, i' But I thought you were in favor of electing" sen ators by direct vote of the people! " exclaimed the con stituent from Podunk. Senator Getthere smiled languidly and remarked: "Yes, but that was before I made my senatorial record. I find now that it is much easier to control a legislature." A Pertinent Question. " Friends and fellow-citizens," exclaimed the can didate for re-election, " my record is as clean as" "-Then why ask us to whitewash you?" queried the Mean Individual who occupied a. seat in the re- motest cornei. A Natural Query. Purchasing furniture, bric-a-brac and books on the installment plan has become one of the greatest of the fads. This explains a query propounded by an Omaha Miss of five summers. One morning she was aroused and told to go to mamma's room and see what mamma had for her. The little Miss went to the cosy bedroom and found a baby brother. Gazing with delight upon the little baby the Miss suddenly exclaimed: ' "Ain't it bootiful! B'ess its heart! What day will the agent come awound, mamma?" Water It. How form a combine big and grand And boom stock till it goes A kiting up to beat tho band? Why, organize in Jersey land, Get somo protective tariff, and Promote it with a hose. r The Commoner, your purpose to contend that the constitution is tho supreme law of the land?" "It is not. I would not be guilty of treason to our noble executive." "And you refrain from reiterating the old say ing about 'no taxation without representation?1 " "I have no faith in those old chestnuts, sir." "You never make mention of the word 'sympathy' when referring to people struggling for what they foolishly term -liberty.'" "There is no such word as 'sympathy' in my par ty's political' vocabulary." "Then here is your permit to proceed, sir. It is properly signed by the Stand In Oil Company, the Cuban Franchise Grabbing and Concession Promoting Syndicate, the Philippine Island Exploitation Combi nation and the Guam Consolidated Exchange of Po litical Favors for Party Considerations." A few moments later the populace was being spell bound to a finish. Revenue Item. Hope springs eternal in tho human breust; Man longs for time when ho no fortune lacks, Hut trusts, alert, aro novor known to rest, Hut inuke each hope bear stamps to pay the tax. Extract From United States History. (From Bamboozte's "Revised History of the Amer ican Republic." Published by Foolem & Co.) George Washington was a Virginian, who in early life developed a mania which biased biographers called 'love of liberty.' Being gifted with something akin to mesmeric power Washington deluded many people into rebelling against our great and good friend Great Britain. As Great Britain was at that time busy with a few other little jousts ove in Eu rope, Washington and his crowd succeeded. Wash ington was offered a crown, but made a grand stand play by refusing, although he knew the crown wouldn't fit. He was elected president and his lack of, mental balance was demonstrated by his belief that he was actually elected to administer the law for all the people. At various times in his career Washington said some very pretty things about 'equality,' the 'constitution,' and other things of like import, but which nobody pays any attention to these days, unless it be a few Little Americans. That Washington was not worthy of being classed among the republic's great statesmen is proved by the fact that he could not tell a lie. Ot course this would, were he alive today, keep him out of office and make him persona non grata with the trusts and corpora tions that exercise such benign rule over us. George may have been in all right in his day, but he was not worthy of a place in the same class with our states men of this Twentieth century. Mi 1 I 1 1 I IIHIHI-H-HHH-MH i 8 1 1 1H Trusts. m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ai 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! I Public Pawnshops, f -0- Must Be Very Careful. The closing rally of the administration party had been called to order and the chairman introduced the. speaker of the evening. "Fellow-citizens," he said, "I am here tonight for t "Excuse me," interrupted a gentleman whose very attitude suggested authority in the party ranks. "Ex cuse me, but before you proceed I must ask you a few questions." "Very well, sir," said the speaker of the evening. "You do not expect to .quote anything from Washington's Farewell Address,' do you?" "Certainly not; I'm no copperhead!" "And nowhere do you quote from any of the speeches of Abraham Lincoln?" "No, indeed! I am too loyal in mv support of our party's plain duty; too firm in my adherence to our plan of benevolent assimilation.". "That is good, sir. Now may I ask you if it is HHil I I Ifil I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 Chicago has furnished an excellent example for many cities by operating successfully a pawnshop on a small margin of profit. In France, the state runs the pawnshops, charg ing but a lov rate of interest that is hardly felt by the poor. It is a recognized institution where the care of the state has made small loans on personal property easily secured by those in need. The United States cannot adopt such plans. The loan agency of the Illinois State Pawners' Society is not a governmental affair. It is merely run on philanthropic plans that insure a minimum of cost to the borrower. As in French shops, low rates of interest are charged. There is no doubt that private pawnshops often charge such exorbitant usury that the interest soon eats up the principal. In every other way, the Chicago shop practically has the same rules that gov ern the ordinary pawnshop. The first annual report of the society makes an exceedingly gratifying show ing, the venture proving advantageous to the men and women who furnish the money and to the borrowers. It would seem that the philanthropic pawnshop is by no means 'the least form of charity.- St. Louis Republic. W I I $F :: i mum i in mi m tiinnnnnn .Not all trusts aro directly fostered by tho pro tective tariff, but many of the most oppressive and obnoxious of our monopolies owe their undue power to the system that once found reason for its existence in the fact that it was a stimulus to "infant indus tries." The infants have become giants but tho pap is still provided. It enables the manufacturers of many commodities to form unlawful combines and charge more for their wares at home than abroad. It hasr driven many a small industry to the wall, blighted many a hitherto prosperous community and robbed many a workman of nis means of a livelihood. In so far as the tariff fosters trusts the foregoing in dictment is a true bill. The American Tin Plate company is one of many striking examples of high protection for a trust and none at all for its victims. The annual meeting and report of that company, showing earnings of 10 per cent on a vastly inflated valuation, is eloquent testi mony to the patience of the American people under imposition. At the time of its organization in 181)8 the tin-plate combine comprised 95 per cent of the tin-plate capacity of the country. It is backed by a tariff of half a cent per pound, or about 47 per cent of the value of its product. At the annual meeting its surplus was shown to be $1,500,000 in excess of fixed charges and preferred dividends. The net cash assets after payment of the dividends and charges of the classes named were $5,471,003 A profit of 10 1-3 per cent in the common stock of $28,000,000 is shown. The directors ordered a quarterly dividend of 8 per cent and the statement was made that the surplus assets were sullicient for a dividend of 25 per cent if deemed advisable. The preferred stock of the tin plate trust is $18, 325,000 and its common stock $28,000,000, or a total of $15,325,000. The proportion of water is indicated by the fact that the trust's plants could be duplicated for $15,000,000. In order to make its enormous profits on a capital of three times the legitimate value of its products the tin trust is obliged to charge home con sumers more than its goods are legitimately worth and it is enabled to do this by a 47 per cent tariff. Its great earnings have brought competitors into the field. Independent plants are being built and this competition may in time force prices down. Bo it remembered, however, that the trust itself may do that very thing and to such a degree as to drive its competitors out of thebusines or compel them to ex change their plants for trust stock. Thus far compe tition has not affected the market. The tin trust is merely an example. There are four score others in this country that could have no monopolistic existence if it were not for the pro tection afforded by -the tariff. Minneapolis Times. The formation is reported of the "National Shoe Company," under the laws of Delaware, with a capi tal of $3,500,000, to take over all the leading shoe factories of the country. But it is not a trust, of course, according to the promoters, nor, designed of course to do more than make shoes cheaper to the consumer by doing away with commercial travelers and effecting other economies. According to R. F. Wolfe of Columbus, O., who is a promoter of the scheme, the new company is rather to be a distribut ing agency for a lot of independent concerns con nected with it. A meeting of the promoters will be held in Boston this week, it is said, to perfect the plans. Exchange. Of all the celebrations in honor of Abraham Lin coln this most impressive was that of the Republican club of New York city. The spectacle of Mr. Hanna, with tears of manly emotion rolling down his nose, proclaiming his undying devotion to the horny-handed proletariat, while such altruists as Mr. Whitelaw Reid, Mr. Depew and Mr. John M. Thurston wildly applauded the sentiment, was enough to recall the rail splitter from the great beyond. If he did look down upon the scene, however, he must have been forced t$' admit that as an emancipator and bene factor bt' the race he was not duce-high with the tenderUiearted philanthropist from Cuyahoga. Chi cago Chronicle. .: ' ; -sir1'