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About Omaha monitor. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1928-???? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1928)
Doings About Town Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ter* Trust Building, Jackson 3841 or HArney 2156. H. J. Pinkett, attorney, 319-20 Ne ville Block, Sixteenth and Harney streets. Atlantic 9344.—Adv. W. B. BRYANT, Attorney and Coun aelior-at-Law. 320 Nevilte Block. Office, At. 9344; Res., Web. 5859. Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Hattie Johnson, director in charge of the Poro substation, lo cated at Twenty-fourth and Grant streets, is spending a few days in St. Louis. On her return she will stop in W'ichita, Kansas. After a five^months’ visit in Atlan tic City, Philadelphia and Smyna, Del., ilrs. Lather Whyte has return ed to her home at 959 North Twenty eighth avenue. flf you have. anything you would care to see printed in these columns, call v_ /- N Hi-School Hi-Brows By CATHERINE WILLIAMS Web.ter 4243 In the recent presentation of Vic tor Herbert’s operetta, “Naughty Marietta,” by the senior glee clubs, ' Theodore Bell took the part of the night watchman. Among those who have been on the sick list are Helen Jenkins, Clar * etta Biddiex, Edna James, and Louise Ousely. Tigue Bass, who has been out of school for several weeks, as a result of an injury received while he was playing on the school football team, returned to scnool Monday. In a recent edition of The Register the following poem, which was writ ten by Ollie Mattison, was published: An Eruption of Mount Etna The mighty port unmoved by ap proach of the winds, But Etna thunders with dread de struction, And sometimes belched a black cloud to the sky, With glowing sparks and black with whirlwind smoking, And raising balls of fire it licked the stars; At times while belching forth it cast up rocks, And torn vitals of the mountain cast up To the heavens, rolled up melted rocks with A groan, and hailed up from the deep abyss. The story goes; Eneeladus’ body, Half-burned by thunder bolts, was pressed by his weight From broken chimneys Etna placed above, A flame breathes forth; with smoke covered heaven, As often as it changed its wearied side. Flip of The Flapperettes By JOSEPHINE MARTIN Web*ter 4236 The Flapperette club was enter tained by Miss Sarah Brown at 2875 Binney street, Friday afternoon. Af ter the business meeting, the rest of the time was spent in playing cards. There were two tables of cards. The winners of the first table were Miss Catherine Williams and Miss Joseph- j ine Martin. Those of the second ta ble were Miss Louise Scott and Miss Sarah Brown. A lovely afternoon was spent by all. Doings Among The Staggs By JOHN PEGG Atlantic 7555 ^ -/ Overheard in the court house: Joe: “I understand that Dillard Crawford has joined the navy.” “Joined the navy?” asked Bill in surprise. “Yes, some one told me that he was a sailor or had gone to sea or something like that.” “Oh,” exclaimed Bill, seeing the light. "Yes, he did. He joined the army of home guards and set sail on the sea of matrimony for the land of happiness. The weather condi tions were very favorable and the water* were calm and tranquil. It was his first journey on the sea but he likes it and the atmosphere agrees with him. May they have a pleasant voyage.” In the laet few weeks I have no ticed that some of the young men about town have not been seen in company with so many different girls and are seen alone very freqnently. It was a pussle to me at first, but I soon realised that Christmas is very near. A1 Smith’s defeat evidently didn’t affect the boose market. The prices diy use. Jim Easley shouldn’t have any trouble keeping on friendly terms with people. He is a big fellow and whe nhe gets inside of that new coat of his, we know that the cartoonist’s drawings of college boys in their big fur coats are not greatly exagger ated. Bridge is becoming more and more popular. Jimmy Jewell got a lesson the other day in “How and When to Bid No Trumps.” He made a fairly large bid viilSuut having every suit stopped, and his opponents turned seven tricks before he could get the lead. The Bachelor Benedict club gave a smoker last Friday night and Joe Thomas entertained the boys with his ukelele and songs. As usual, everyone present enjoyed hearing him. NOTH This is not a scandal column nor a church column. Anyone wishing to make suggestions, comments, etc., address the same to the editor of this newspaper or to the writer of this column. Doing About the College Campus By MADELINE SHIPMAN Webster 2416 V__ The social meeting of the Inter collegiate club, to have been held Friday, at the home of Mr. Maur ance James, was postponed because of the illness of so many of its members. The Flaming Youth Bridge club was entertained very delightfully last Sunday afternoon by Mr. Arthur Mc Caw and Miss Melba McCaw. The Petr Pan club, a club formed for the kindergarten department at Omaha university, was entertained Tuesday afternoon by a committee. Miss Consuella Cross was chairman of the entertainment committee and Miss Elaine Smith was one of the four on the committee. Miss Consuella Cross, a student of Omaha university, left Tuesday evening to spend the Christmas holi days with her parents in Kansas City, Mo. Miss Corinne Ferguson of Lincoln, Neb., and a student of Nebraska uni versity, plans to attend the Kappa convention in Indianapolis, during the holidays. Miss Grace Adams is expected to spend the holidays in Omaha with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adams. FOR RENT—7-room modern house. Call Webster 4482 or Harney 5669. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished room all modern, with kitchen privileges. Call. Webster 4072. 4t. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms at $3.50 and $4.50 per week. Strictly modern home. It. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished room in strictly modern home. Webstei 2207. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in a modern home. 919 North 26th street, Harney 1904. FOR RENT—Room for rent. 1425 N. 25th St. Also garage. Web. 4596. FOR RENT—large room in strictly modem home. Prefer working girl or woman. $2.00 week. Webster 4026. It. FOR RENT—Two modern furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ac cessible to all car lines. 2234 Lake street. Webster 5524. 2t. N. W. Ware, Attorney Notice by Publication on Petition for Settlement of Final Adminiitra Account. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF SILAS JOHNSON, DE CEASED. Persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 15th day of December, 1928, John Albert Williams filed a petition in said coun ty court, praying that his final ad ministration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as admin istrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 6th day of January, 1929, and that if you fail to appear before the said Court on the said 5th day of January, 1929, at 9 o’clock, A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said peti tion, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and de termined. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 12-21-28-2t County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Lillie Rushing, Deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, be fore me, county judge of Douglas county, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said county, on the 23rd day of February, 1929, and on the 23rd day of April, 1929, at 9 o’clock, A. M., each day, for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 19th day of January, 1929. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 4t-12-21-28. County Judge. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished room Modern home. With kitchen priv ilege. Call Web. 6498. —tf. NICELY furnished rooms. All mod ern. WE. 3960. FOR RENT—One three-room apart ment. Neatly furnished. Webster 6018. 2514 N. 31st street. I FOR RENT—Three and six room apartments at 1201 So. Eleventh i street. Call W’ebster 6613. N. W. Ware. FOR RENT—Five room house, 30th and Pinkney streets; modem ex cept furnace; newly decorated throughout; $20. Web. 5172. FOR RENT—Two light housekeep ing rooms, furnished or unfurnish ed. 2215 N. 27th Ave. I -- ■ FOR RENT — Furnished rooms in modem home. 2302 N. 29th St. Web. 2608. 2t FOR RENT—Two modern houses, one five and on seven rooms, in good condition. 947 and 949 No. 27th St. tf FOR RENT—Modern room for man and wife. Web. 2180. 2516 Pat rick Ave. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Web. 2089. 2510 Lake St. Mrs. Phelps. FOR RENT—Modern, nicely fur nished rooms. Twenty-second and Grant. Phone W’ebster 3946. Call evenings after 6 o’clock. SHOE REPAIRING BENJAMIN & THOMAS always give satisfaction. Best material, reason able prices. All work guaranteed 1415 North 24th St., Webster 5666. C. H. HALL, stand, 1403 No. 24th Baggage and express hauilng to all parts of the city. Phones, stand WE. 7100; Res., WE. 1066. BEAUTY PARLORS MADAM Z. C. SNOWDEN. Scientifi. scalp treatment. Hair dressing and manufacturing. 1154 No. 20th St WEbster 6194 UNDERTAKERS JONES & COMPANY, Undertaker* 24th and Grant Sts. WEbster 1100 Satisfactory service always. DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORE, 2306 North 24tt Street. Two phones, WEbster 2770 and 2771. Well equipped to suppl} your needs. Prompt service. HOTELS PATTON HOTEL, 1014, 1016, 101* South 11th St. Known from coar to coast. Terms reasonable. N. P Patton, proprietor. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT To Irene Lafayette Carter, non reiident defendant: You are hereby notified that Jo seph W. Carter filed a petition against you in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 27th day of August, 1928, in the case of Joseph W. Carter, Plaintiff, vs. Irene Lafayette Carter, Defend ant, Docket 250, No. 135, the prayer of which requested the court to an nul the marriage between you and the plaintiff on the ground that, at the time of contracting said mar riage, you had a living husband from whom you had never been divorced. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of January, 1929, or the allega tions thereof, will be held and con fessed as true. JOSEPH W. CARTER, Plaintiff By W. B. BRYANT, His Attorney. 12-7-14-21-28. Free Proctological Clinic FOR Piles and Rectal Ailments Treatment painless and does not interfere with work. Monday Evenings Phone for Engagements Jackson 1085 312 Paxton Block Ralph B. Conkling Osteopath Co-operative Mine to Consumer H. G. TRE: PRESTO SEMI All Lump, ton . _ $ 9.00 Mine Run, 50% Lump 8.00 PETROLEUM COKE 11.50 CHEROKEE NUT 7.00 KENTUCKY CHUNKS 7.50 <~x^~x«~x»x-<k~x-<~x~x~x~x~:~ • (Have You INSURANCE? I If Not, See HICKS 434-37-39 Keeline Building ' J ATlantic 3623 J» Re*. 3012 Miami Street * ' WEbster 6426 ” •:"X-X“X"X--X"X"X-X-*X~X“X“!“X 1C. P. WESIN | Grocery Company . * > Now one of the ‘1 Red and White :: Chain Stores 2 j Same Prompt and J \ Courteous Service •» Better Prices. ", 2001 Cuming Ja. 1248 I! -X~C-X~X~X~X-X-X“X-X~X~X~X-> .—..—.. -'" 11 Sam and Joe Say, II You Like Our Store Say "Lincoln." Lincoln Market 1406 No. 24th We. 1411 . .ggaag . . sm ———i—» All Minins Co. UAL AT. 9300 5TER, Mgr. PYROLITE SEMI— High Grade All Lump $10.00 Mine Run, 50% Lump 9.00 Nut Run 7.00 ILL. LARGE LUMP 7.50 ILLINOIS NUT 6.75 TO OUR MANY g FRIENDS AND PATRONS | We extend our sincere Greetings fg for this Xmas Season. We thank you « one and all for your attendance at g this Theatre during this year and re- ffi spectfully solicit your patronage in in the new year. Our policy has been jjj always to give you the very best ji shows to be had anywhere, and we g shall not change that policy in the | future. We wish you all the happi- 0 ness of the Xmastide, and health and prosperity. We call especial atten- jj tion to our Holiday Special Picture, g “POWER,” featuring William Boyd, g Jacqueline Logan and Alan Hale. J| This picture is the very latest word j| in screen production. To miss this « show is to miss your entire Xmas. g The show will be at the Alhambra g the 25th and 26th, with matinee 'M p. m. Xmas. ff iLHAMBRA THEATRE 3 The Management jgj * You Car Make the Joy of Christmas Last Throughout the Year -4 # « « * Extension Telephones are gifts for everyone in the family. They add convenience in the home “every day of the year.” , Call our business office, ATlantic 6000, to have one installed. An attractive gift card explaining your present will be fur nished you to hang on the tree or put in the stocking. Extension Telephones Cost Only A Few Cents a Day A wall type extension telephone in Omaha costs 75 cents a month. * * A desk type extension in Omaha costs 31 a month. A hand type extension in Omaha costs $1.25 NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY