Omaha monitor. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1928-????, December 07, 1928, Image 1

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    Successor to The Monitor
m the militant defender of the rights of the race
a Year—5 Cents a Copy
Omaha, Nebraska, Friday, December 7, 1928
Vol. XIV—No. 23
Whole Number 695
Par Excellence
■ i?8« Underwood and_UnderwQQd
— — " ,,, —
President of the United States
“And he who had received the five talents came and
said, Lord thou delivered unto me five talents, and be
hold beside them I have gained five talents more. And
his Lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful
servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I
will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into
the Joy of the Lord.”
Survey Shows Great Strides of Colored Peoph
In Business and Industrial Field
I The Christmas'Spirit J
Mrs. Hankins’ Description of Prowler Does
Not Square With “Indentification” of Bird
What Is It That Makes These Supposedly Intelligent and Obesrving
5 Women to So Reverse Themselves as to Wholly Discredit
Their Former Testimony?
* _
That our readers may fully appreciate the position taken by The Monitor that we find
it difficult to reconcile the discrepancies in the descriptions furnished by Mrs. Stribling of
i her murderous attacker and that furnished by Mrs. Mary G. Hankins, a neighbor who re- ?
ported the appearance of a suspicious character at her home the morning of the attack,
with their identification of Jake Bird, we print here in parallel columns one article from
the Omaha Bee-News and two from the World-Herald, which tell their own story.
- —
Retiring Editor of The Monitor
“And he who had received the two talents came and
said, Lord thou delivered unto me two talents and behold
beside them I have gained two talents more. And his
Lord said unto him, Well done, thou faithful servant.
Thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make
THEE ruler over many things. Enter THOU into the
Joy of Thy Lord.”
Nfeval Thomas Proves Negro Won Prestige By
Breaking With Republican Party While
Losing Election for A1 Smith
.■— ■ ■ ..
(For A. N. P., Dec. 7)
Louisville, Ky., Dec. 7—(By the
A. N. P.)—A survey of the city of
Louisville, Ky., shows a Negro popu
lation of 40,087 in 1920. In this
city Negroes own and operate the
following retail outlets:
6 drug stores
12 groceries and markets
3 music shops
1 haberdashery
30 restaurants
2 other retail stores
Negroes also own and operate:
30 barber shops
12 beauty parlors
1 laundry
2 banks
2 loan associations
4 printing establishments
2 newspapers
5 public dance halls
4 theaters
1 ice factory
ouisville is the home office of
tv sick and accident insurance com
ps es and of two life insurance com
pa es. It also maintains branch of
fi< for three out-of-town sick and
a< lent companies, and likewise for
th foreign life insurance com
ps es.
ii: city boasts 40 physicians, 17
de, is s, 16 lawyers, 11 undertakers,
20 .1 estate operators, and 10 or
ch, il organizations. There are
eigh Negroes in the police depart
men of the city, 200 in the school
„yBt ■, 80 in the post office, five in
tbe ty health department and ap
prox .lately 25 others are holding
city oaid positions. The bulk of the
colored wage earners are employed
by the American Tobacco company,
The Standard Sanitary Manufactur
ing company, and the numerous ho
tels of the city.
(Editor’s comment: This survey
shows that colored citizens of Louis
ville are awakening to the possibili
ties of manufacture and industrial
activity. Their two newspapers and
two banks lay the foundation for ed
ucational work and thrift movements
to expand the already numerous lines
of activity. A considerable amount
of employment is given the group
because of the separate school sys
tem but lack of political influence
holds the number engaged in muni
cipal employment much lower than
is evident from the survey that th
city has a number of leading spirit!
New York—At a recent meetini
of the stockholders of the Victor
Life Insurance company in this citj
a report was filed showing that th
company has paid $147,000 in sal
aries and commissions to its worker
in the New York office during th
past year.
Indianapolis, Ind.—The entire bus
iness assets, etc., of the Communit
Mutual Life Insurance company,
newly organized company in this citj
have been purchased by the Mam
moth Life & Accident company o
Louisville, Kentucky. The latte
company, with assets of more tha
$470,000 was recently authorized t
do business in the state of Indian!
A recent nationwide survey
shows that there are only 50 Ne
gro architects, 184 engineers, 145
designers, draftsmen, and invent
ors and 207 chemists in the United
Durham, N. C.—A pamphlet r«
cently issued by the North Carolin
Mutual Life Insurance companj
shows that there are eleven Negroe
who carry from $100,000 to $660
000 of life insurance. Watt Terr
of New York leads the list wit
Chicago, 111.—The United State
Consumers company, a coal compan
with headquarters in St. Louis, Mo
has opened offices in this city. Th
company is headed by C. C. William!
formerly employed by the Famou
Barr company. The company di
$100,000 worth of business during it
first six months.
Salem, Ore.—After months of liti
gation, fighting injunctions and oti
er legal obstructions, Mr. Charles E
Maxwell has succeeded in openin
and commencing the operation of on
of the finest barbecue emporiums i
the northwest.
Keystone, W. Va.—The Pocahor
tas Transportation company, a Negr
owned bus line operating in McDov
ell and Mercer counties of West Vii
ginia ,hat recently added another 25
passenger bus to their present flee
^ Woman Tell* of Driving Away Ne
gro on Morning Stribling*
I Were Hacked.
3 Mrs. Mary G. Hankins, living in
s Lakeview Park addition, near Carter
Lake club, after viewing Friday a
photograph of Jake Bird shown to
her by Sheriff Lainson of Council
Bluffs, stated that Bird is not the
f Negro who appeared at her home the
morning of the ax attack on Mr. and
’ Mrs. Harold Stribling.
j “The man I saw was a light-col
ored mulatto, with large lips and a
dangerous look in his eyes. He wore
a gray overcoat and gray cap,” said
Mrs. Hankins.
Mrs. Hankins related that at 2
o’clock on the morning of the at
tack, she was awakened by a noise
at a window. When she arose later
she found thai a hand-ax had been
taken from an out-building and left
on the porch at the door.
At 7:30 o’clock, after Mr. Hankins
had departed, the man came to the
- door and asked admittance. “First
a he said he thought my dog, barking
» in the house, was his,” said Mrs.
s Hankins. “Next he asked to come
- in and get warm, and then asked for
f a cup of coffee. When he asked to
i use th etelephone, I got a gun and
threatened to shoot him. He walked
away." — World-Herald, Saturday,
g December 1, 1928.
e Washington, D. C., Dec. 7.—(A.
i, N. P.)—The high yield of Haiti’3
s leading agricultural crop and favor
i able markets for exportable products
s ni the fiscal year ended September
30, made that period one of the most
prosperous which Haiti has enjoyed,*
- according to the department of com
- merce.
. Expansion of the export trade re
suiting from greater agricultural re
t turns caused a steady expansion of
i business, although a seasonal slack
ening was in evidence in the final
quarter of the fiscal year, according
- to M. J. Meehan, division of regional
a information of the department. The
- foreign trade reached a value which
'- has been exceeded only in the year
m?dwidWhent ^iliStl^ iC tH*
Mrs. L. T. Hankins, Lakeview park
Tuesday morning drove away a prow
ler answering closely the descriptior
of the attacker of Mr. and Mrs. G
Harold Stribling, by brandishing a
revolver when the ycung man sought
to force his way into her home, it
became known Wednetday afternoon
Shortly after her huiband had left
for work, and several hours after the
ax-fiend had released Mrs. Stribling
in a swamp a short distance from the
Hankins home, a dark young man an
swering closely the description of the
ax-murderer sought an unlocked dooi
by which to enter the house, Mrs
Hankins reported.
Deicribei Prowler
Mrs. Hankins, whose residence is
about five blocks from the Cartel
Lake club, knew nothing of the as
sault on the Striblings until late
Tuesday afternoon, and failed to no
tify the police of the appearance oi
the prowler at her door.
The prowler appeared shortly be
fore 8 a. m. She described him as a
Spaniard, Mexican or a very light
Negp-o, about 5 feet 8 inches ir
height and about 26 years of age. He
wore a gray overcoat and cap, anc
spoke wit ha refined, soft voice, she
Runs for Pistol
Mrs. Hankins refused his request
of a cup of coffee, as she was in the
house alone. After talking with the
man for several minutes she orderec
him away, whereupon he started intc
the house. Mrs. Hankins slammec
the door in his face, ran for a re
volver, returned to the door, anc
again ordered the intruder away.
He finally left, and disappeared ir
the bottom land east of the park
Mrs. Hankins reported.—Omaha Bee
News, Thursday, November 22, 1928
Louisville, Ky., Dec. 7.—(A. N
P.)—Thomas Crawford, living in thi
west end of the city near state fail
ground, shot and killed George Bond
who was identified as the man whe
had assaulted his 13-year-old daugh
ter, Margie. Bond attempted to es
cape from Crawford when the twe
met Sunday and Crawford killed bin
instantly. Crawford was held with
out bond.
*- ■: .•"-wt Vi ' -.1 .
Mrs. M. C. Hankins Says He Sought
Entrance to Her Home at Seven
A. M.; Suspect Still Silent;
Taken to Ft. Madison.
Jake Bird was identified Saturday
as the man who attempted to force ,
his way into the home of Mrs. Mary (
G. Hankins, in East Omaha, on the ■,
morning of the Stribling attack. ,
Mrs. Hankins made the identifica- j
tion in the offices of County Attor- (
ney Northrup in Council Bluffs. ]
“I am positive Bird is the man,” j
said Mrs. Hankins, “and since seeing ,
him with handcuffs about his wrists, )
a feeling of safety has come over ]
me.” i
There at 7 o'Clock |
Mrs. Hankins told authorities that ,
about 7:30 a. m., just after her hus- j
band, Lee, had driven away to work, (
a man came to her door and asked to ,
see her dog, explaining that his dog ,
ha n away and that the dog in her ]
homt might be his. ,
“Let your dog outside,’’ he asked, |
she said. ,
“I refused and told him that we 1
had had our dog for several years. ^
Then he asked me to let him come ,
into the house for a cup of coffee. t
“I’m near famished looking around ^
here for my dog,” he told me. I £
told him we did not drink coffee. £
Then he asked to come in to get j
warm. I told him that the fire was t
out in the stove.
Then She Got Pistol
“He insisted on coming into the ,
house. I got a revolver and told him
to move on and if he wanted coffee
to go into the park and get some j
from the caretaker.
“Instead of going where I directed ‘
him, he went across our lot to the ^
road and walked east." (
- 1
. i
Alexandria, La., Dec. 7.—(A. N. ]
P.)—Judge Lathay was shot and i
killed Saturday by George Brown in ■
a gun battle, during which seven i
shots were fired. Brown, after the ■
shooting, went to the residence of i
Armstead Burgess, woke him up and 1
| infonned^ him^that he^ had^ Wiled
inou we lost, we won! No longer
irill we be able to tell a man’s poli
ical opinion by his skin. Hereafter
fhen we want to know what a black
nan is thinking about, we must ask
lim. We will always be thought chil
Iren if men can divine our thinking
iy such a badge as color. I am hap
iy to have been a part of black
America’s great revolt. It has
irought us into the human family,
t attracted the attention of the lead
ng writers and thinkers of the na
ion, for they filled their columns
vith guesses and speculations about
he depth and breadth of our dis
ontent, and encouraged our ancient
memy to offer us ever the American
ongress for our alliance with them,
n feature writing and in editorial
omment black men and women in
10th parties were given credit for
tatesmanship, for serious political
hinking, and gifts of leadership. It
orced the republican party to in
est more money to hold the lines
han ever before in its history, and
:ave our country the unprecedented
cene of two great parties in titanic
truggle for the Negro vote. Amer
ea now knows that a party can lose
is, and another get us.
We sued for peace, and, as the
ioted writer, William S. Hard, put it,
Many a community in both north
nd south granted that peace.” The
lave state of Missouri answered with
ier offer of congress for the Negro,
,nd rolled up over 17 thousand votes
o place him there. In the defeat of
IcLemore, and the failure of a few
housand black voters in his district,
ost us a democratic black congress
nan. Think of what such a victory
vould mean—DePriest in the repub
ican caucus, and McLemore in the
lemocratic caucus, the meetings in
vhich legislation is really made. The
■ace could have kept track of the
lecrets of both parties, and helped
.ubstantially in shaping their atti
ancient bugaboo of Negro domina
tion. The Ku Klux Klan attacked
with millions of papers and pam
phlets the presence of Negroes en
joying civil rights and high offices
under Tammany Hall, and proclaim
ed the Pope as the American ruler in
case of a democratic victory; and by
this misrepresentation a great states
man, who reached the inner hearts of
mankind, was kept from his deserved
Mr. Hoover is not the president of
the republican party, but the servant
of all of the people, and I, for one,
shall appeal to him for full justice
to the Negro with as much earnest
ness, and as great expectations, as I
would had I urged his election. Who
ever is president leaves my duties
one and the same, for the reformer
cannot sheath his sword from war
until he has won every right for his
people that all other races enjay, and
neither of the two old parties is will
ing to take that forward step in gov
ernment. Then, more and more of
the militant spirit among Negroes!
Let us join all of the other discon
tented groups in the world, for our
cause is one. Let us vote and play
political parties against each other*;
let us agitate, boycott, and appeal to
conscience; always having but one
thought—the good of our fellowman.
New Orleans, La., Dec. 7.—(A. N.
been detained by the police awaiting
the outcome of injuries received by
cording to witnesses, Amos vi&M a
soft drink parlor where Handy waa
engaged as a piano player, 1816
Gravier street, and made i
remarks relative to the
music being turned ot
claim that Amoe struck 1_