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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1953)
Household Scrapbook . By Roberta Lee ______________ Bathroom Mirror Toothpaste and soap are alway being spattered on the bathroon mirror. Wipe it off each morninj with a dry cloth or towel and i will be found that these smal particles polish the glass as the: are being wiped away. Baking Cakes To keep a cake, that sticks t< the pan, from breaking to piece: when taken out, turn the pan up side down and lay on the bottorr of it a cloth wrung out of water In a few minutes the cake car be removed without crumbling. Candles Candles will burn and Iasi much longer if they are placed on ice for about twenty-four hours before using. Hot Compresses There is always a chance ol burning the hands when wringing hot clothes out of boiling water to be used as hot compresses, This can be avoided by using a potato ricer instead of wringing. Grease Spots Grease spots can be removed from silk by mixing and apply ing one ounce castile *soap shredded, one teaspoonful salt peter, two ounces ammonia, and one quart water. Call to the Garden-ettes Dear Friends: We, to whom the budding bush, t or the sprouting vine, holds a j keen fascination; the Universe de- j dares—“Time of Resurrection.” ( The loud voice, which bears a joy ous air; the cheerful singing of the 1 birds, the peal of the merry laugh-j ter of children, and the freshness' ^ of overturned earth, all saying,J “Look—He lives." Our inward, concept catches a whisper from1 the small blade of grass bursting * forth, out of winter’s grasp; “bej up and doing,” the brightness of , the morning sun challenged! the wayfarer to “reflect your beaming radiance all around you”; This is the outcry of the com-j1 ing to life, in their kind, and we, who are infected with this singu- (^ lar yearning, must answer; and to live is paramount. Ought we not study to live more abundantly? | Truly you who can understand j the mystery of the language spoken in the creation of growing things, the voice they speak tells1 you; that line in the book of books, which reads; “I will not leave you; or forsake you.” Members, the coming together is urgent; to tell the message that reviving gives us. R. E EDWARDS The Garden-ettes have had two meetings this month. One at the home of a member who displayed beautiful potted plants, and one at the Urban League. OSKALOOSA, IA , HERALD; “No one knows better than retail ers the bitter consequences of wasteful government measured in terms of inflation and depreciated money. They must explain it to consumers across every store counter in the nation, because ‘cheap’ money means ‘high prices.’ ’ Come in NOW—Big WATCH and DIAMOND Sale Save up to 50% Your Credit Is Good—Open An Account. Open Thursday Nights Dessert 3 A very delicious dessert can be 1 made by baking apples that are ; filled with broken nutmeats, rais t ins and honey. * Mending China r China or glass can be mended by melting some powdered alum in an old spoon. Before it hard ' ens rub over the pieces, press ’ I them together and set aside to ' dry. They will hold even if washed 1 in hot water. Soup 1 Fat can be removed from hot soup by pouring the soup through | a cloth that has been wrung out of cold water. Nearly all the fat will cling to the cloth. Fertilier To make a good plant fertilizer, water the plants with a solution | of 150 grains of glue to two gal lons of water. Bedspreads The bedspread will not wrinkle during the night if it is folded first in halves, to the middle of the bed, then folded in quarters over the foot of the bed. Mice | Sprinkle cayenne pepper around the places where mice frequent land it will keep them away. Disc Diggins By Jon Ann Botts Greetings Disc Fans: Great numbers have been discovered this week. Pearl Bailey’s “Hug Me a Hug” is a must for all music overs. “Can’t I” by Nat “King” ( ”ole is still hugging the top in all •ecording polls. The Clovers have ^ » cute thing in “Crawling.” j Steadily climbing to the top is Vlarty Robbins’ ‘T Couldn’t Keep •’rom Crying.” The Duke has a /ery unique number in a long playing record entitled “Ellington: Uptown.” A sure hit and destined to be long a favorite is Tony Bennett's “No One Will Ever Know,” which | has a wistful and appealing melody. . | All who enjoy Les Paul and Mary Ford will be doubly pleased with their rendition of “I’m Sit ting On Top of the World.” Be sure to purchase one of these numbers at your favorite record counter. So long, see you I next week Notes of Interest j Don’t forget The Voice harities 'Style Show given by the staff of The Voice Newspaper and The La Follets Club, on Sunday, April 119th, in the main ballroom of The Cornhusker Hotel ?.t 7:30 P.M There will be prizes and fun ga lore. For an evening of enter tainment this Style Show is well ‘ -1 Hodgman-Splain MOKTU iRY 1335 1 Street Lincoln. Nebraska CLEANING and SANITATION SUPPLIES All Types Brooms—Furniture Polishes Mops—Floor Seal und Wax Sweeping Compounds Mopping Equipment Kelso Chemical 117 North 9th St. 2-2434 Since 1871 The First National Bank of Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation I Baskets of gladioli, snapdragons 5 and jonquils banked the altar of : The Pilgrim Baptist Church in ' Omaha, Nebraska, for the Easter Sunday wedding of Miss Edna Songo of Oklahoma, and Charles t Sawyer of Omaha. 1 The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Liler Anderson, and the ’ bridegroom is the son of the late ' Allen and Mrs. Georgia Sawyer of ! Orr.aha. The Re /. Charles Favors, pastor of Pilgnm Baptist Churcn read the lines of the 6.00 P.M dounle ring ceremony As the 100 guests assembled, Mrs. Louise Crumbly, pianist, ac companied Miss Geraldine Taylor, soloist, who sang “Because” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. Given in marriage by her brother, Travis Songo, the bride appeared in an Ice Blue Satin bal lerina t’.mmed with an ice blue lace coat ruffle with a deep lace yoke and two-inch ruffle. Her feather bob curls lay softly around an ice blue velvet crown with a half-inch of f i.e baby lace. She carried an informal cascade bou quet of white snapdragons sur rounding a huge orchid with white ribbon streamers. Mrs. Fred Davis, the biide’s sis ter, was matron of honor, wear ing a chart- :use ballei ’.a with a deep lace yoke, cocktail length gloves with mate iit»g gold san dals Her bouquet was of yellow ;onquils. Andiew Thomas served as besti man. Following the ceremony the coupie were the recipients ol mar.v beautiful gifts at the recep tion given at the home of the bride-groom. Forgiving By LENCRE LETCHER How often should we forgive ourj brother? Is the question asked one day. j Should we forgive him seven i times And after that make him pay? | “No,” said the man of Galilee, “I’ve set this example for thee: That you forgive him seventy times seven” | As. He unfolded the Kingdom of Heaven. recommended. * * * j The Men’s club and the Trus ; tee’s Board of Quinn Chapel are having a Chicken Dinner in the auditorium of the church on Wed nesday evening, April 22nd, start ing at 5:30 p.m. Smith Pharmacy 2146 Vine PRESCRIPTIONS—DRUGS FOUNTA IN- SUNDRIES Phone 2-1958 Gilmour-Danielson Drug Co. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS 142 So. 13th St. 2-1246 THE EVANS i CLEANERS—LAUNDER FR* Save Money Use our Cash and Carry Plan I 333 No. 12th St. Dial 2-6961 Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee Q. How may a woman know whether or not she should offer her hand to a man when being 'introduced? A. There is no rule for this. ■ It is altogether optional with the woman. She may remember, [however, that the proferred hand j is her way of showing sincere and genuine pleasure over the intro duction. Q. Should a hostess take the men’s coats when they arrive at her home, and there is no servant? A. No. If the host is not pres ent, she should provide a place for the men to leave their wraps as they arrive. Q. Should the prongs of the fork be pointed upward when lifting the fork to the mouth? A. Yes, always. Q. When a person with whom one is talking mispronounces a word, would a tactful correction be in order—such as using the same word correctly a minute later? A. This would be anything but; a “tactful correction.’’ Unless the1 (person with whom you talk is; very stupid, it would be obvious to him that you are making a show of your knowledge. It is much better to ignore any gram matical slips. Q. Are club sandwiches sup- [ posed always to be eaten with the knife and fork? A. Yes. It is impossible to pick this type of sandwich up with! the fingers and bite into it without being messy. Q. Should one ever tip the conductor on a train, or the dining car steward? A. No; this is not expected. Q. Is it proper for parents to send out engraved announcements of their daughter’s engagement? A. Engraved announcements of an engagement are not usually sent. The announcement is usu ally given verbally, by written note, or through the newspaper. Q. What is the correct way to eat cherries and plums when they are served at the table? A Cherries, very small plums and grapes are taken into the jmouth whole, and the pits and stones carried from the lips to the plate between the thumb and forefinger. Q. When addressing an envel ope to a widow, should one write Open Letter To All Parents Dear Parent: On Wednesday evening, April 15, a Vocational Opportunity Pro gram will be held at the Urban League for junior high, senior high and out of school students. You are cordially invited to at tend. We know that you as a parent are interested in your child’s fu ture, and since this is true, we would like to co-operate with you as closely as possible in help ing the children of today to pre pare adequately for their future. Several business and profes sional leaders as well as the pub lic schools are helping us in our effort to help the youth to become aware of the importance of careful preparation for their ca reers. We feel your attendance at the meeting will help to bring about a closer home-school co-op eration in vocational training. The program will include an in troductory period at 7:30 p.m. in the lounge with Mr. Sidney H. Alexander, Jr., Executive Secre tary giving a talk on the impor tance of an educational prepara tion for a vocation and sugges tions that each youth confer with the consultant representing the vocation in which he or she has the greatest interest. This will be followed by a meeting in the auditorium where the representatives of business and professions will discuss prepara tion, qualifications, and opportuni ties in their specific fields. We are looking forward to wel coming you at our Vocational Op portunity Program. I hope that you will encourage your child to take advantage of this opportun ity. Sincerely yours, MRS. SARA K. WALKER, Group Worker. Cancer kills more children from 3 to 15 years of age than does any other disease, American Cancer Society statistics show. In one recent year cancer caused the loss of 1,109,000 working years among Americans, according to estimates of the American Cancer Society “Mrs. Henry J. Moore”? A. “Mrs. Henry J Moore” is the correct form. VINE STREET MARKET 2148 Vine Street 2-6583, 2-6584 Free—Fost—Delivery THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY Franco American Spaghetti 'CS 12c Fresh Ground Beef L» 39c Hills Bros. Coffee Reg or Drip Lb 89c Florida Juice Oranges 3 ,bs 25c