The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, March 05, 1953, Page 4, Image 4
IP" W^IWWWWIWHHI|PW,,wiHpwiiRiniilJMI||||(IIWflHIII!IWlii>''’ii' n!IWIWPHfllBWBW!inwiHlHinilllHnH '"ww :nin,’'iiri!"»TjnifMrm»i'|{iifini|ini!n!iii'riiiuwii!|HmriniwiHiimiiHniii''i'imir '1H.. n 7..— •*.. mrmHHMHii mtm win* nniinnHimmin '"«*■ —. I’M EATING BETTER A SINCE MOMMY AND DADDY 1 BOUGHT A HOME OWNERS FOOD PLAN I’ pTam ki 1 Choose Your COMPARE THE BEST PLAN No. 1 MeQt pQcker 2u lw. u. s. o»;« M.ot II1E.I1 "EXT • Cudahy’* BUY LINCOLN’S r."'.” *10.00 ‘Armour’* BEST ™*43.72 • swift'$ FOOD PLAN • Wilson's ■ m rt#i- v^fiabitt | i ADULTS and • V.S. Choice Beef si!3d don’t delay-join 1 i . OUR FOOD PLAN TODAY j ^ PLAN No. 3 | 33S Us. Choic* U. S. Moot 1 Select Your JP 243 Pk§t. V«tetoblos I PoultrV 3 ADULTs-or 1 rouirry 2 Adults and 2 Childrta | • Schafer's WE'RE NOT CLOWNING! £2 J'£2T‘ ’105.00 •Swanson's * YOU'LL SAVE PLENTY! ”Sg£2Sl .* f I HERE ,S HOW * [plan No. 4_| IN SAVE I 1 WORKS • • • >W£*£sr I LINCOLN MONEY; because you buy 2 Adults, Out Teanagar, 1 AT LESS THAN RETAIL. YOU GET ... and ana tmal child g PHONE TIME- S TU D c r. . KA . ..— ‘.'*12000! rnwHC TIME: because you elim .. .The Best of U. S. Choice Meets, '"«*?£, ^ I O QQQC INATE SHOPPING HOURS. National Brand Frozen Foods at "««« »««’S3.03 | Z’WvvU a SUPER MARKET IN YOUR Much Less Than the Retail Prices HOME FREEZER . . . You Now Pov’ .___ NO LAST MINUTE RUSHES TO 1 y* , _ . d _B . . . . - THE STORE TO SUPPLY UNEX PUJS National Brand | PLAN NO. 5 pected guests ... A*BEAUTIFUL NEW Frozen Foods I BETTER HEALTH: CROSLEY ftomatic L^'JS ™ “TBETTER .1| FREEZER IS^sniTi placed in your home-for your very own J mrnmmmmmmmmmr And—Iron (he start both food and froour are placed on eaey monthly payments—no change in your present budget ^ necessary—pay as you go—hare the convenience of your nr AM own freeier and lower food costs immediately'. DC /Al N For full particulars of how you. too. can benefit from this EARLY revolutionary plan, talc# advantago of this ranaslng ©fieri BIRD! ;.. DIAL I if you’ll simply give us Hit chance to show you how • 2.9395 l Hie Homo Supply Food Plow will work for you • . • ; m. • without FREE CUTLERY SET; J es jeer Sect s • * Complete with Clearer, Twe Butcher Knives. VetetsMe Ksl«e j ! sn< Psrisf Kelfe. * ; Name .Obese. Jest Mill this Ceepee j J :AM”“ . sets "o" st. : JNember Is FseiUv Aielte .... sr CAIX l ! CbiMree Avrrsrr Weekly Feed t-SSH ■ * Bllle: $l*-S3»-St»-SS» LWCOfcH J (Circle One) • : yets Special Oiler limited te Wltble »•" CeUerr Set is se • * IS Miles e( Uerete. Keer ss Teer Pbsss . .ruin ..I .Choice of PLAN NO. 6 • . Delicious J uices 151 *»•• ~ 2 Adults, 2 Taauacars • Snow Crop Mi j ehJW • Welch* Ej Tm uw iptU f*r J1 HI mi I • C.InnA.l'i » "•»«. ■W,W roirmonr s T#tol -M4hlr tMl ... » toth Irmn ul in* 19.0V ALL LEADING FREEZERS ON DISPLAY AT OUR SALES ROOM 2023 "O" ST. I I PLAN NO. 7 I _ I .Iifciitukj*-. CALL 40$ Pk|(. Vtfttabltf 2 Adults, 2 Tutnigurs TODAY! uud 2 small chfldrM *•« >*w ««< i»r )|gg Q0 2-9395 S‘^''.r.a,w!i4 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. .Smllr, m | PLAN NO. 81 ^ ■"1 ♦asik.i.s.o.iMDum COME IN! CALL IN! WRITE IN! *— LINCOLN IiwmII, ONE OF OUR SALES FORCE WILL BE CLAD TO EXPLAIN OUR PLAN AT TOUR NOME B BINl S small ChlldTM Home Owners Food Supply, Inc. 7"' 6§g£Si 1 2023 “0” St Phone 2-9395 I H,u . .... ifiirfiiiiii-|||-jj^HiMMl''iiHiwniiiifrni—^■■,..rt,||i||KMMU|||||||||M||Mi»«ii||||i||||||iiiff|f|||H“-,"‘aM*"Miii,**Mi*M^,,‘,',iM,i,iiji,t^>saiw(iimHhrwMV‘:i‘mfc,mw,miM8^i::ia^wa^-‘-'"‘^iii!^";YMt"iH^ ,