The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, September 18, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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ARSHIPS—When the nation’s colleges have com
pleted opening activities this month, the above 16
young women will have enrolled in school through
the earnings of scholarships of the National Sor
ority of Phi Delta Kappa. They are winners of
1952 awards of the teaching sorority, and they
plan to take up teaching as a career. Shown above
TOP ROW: Miss Maurice Pitts, southern re
gional winner, Nu chapter, Birmingham, Ala.;
Miss Ann Louise Greenfield, national winner
among 254 students of the first prize award of
$800, Theta chapter, New York; and Miss Barbara
Lynn Morgan, midwest regional winner, Kappa
chapter, Youngstown, Ohio.
SECOND ROW: Miss Nancy V. Aveilhe, Beta
chapter, Washington, D. C.; Miss Doris E. Ed
monds, Gamma chapter, Baltimore and Miss Aud
rey Maddox and Miss Josephine Gantt, Eta chap
ter, Camden, N. J.
* - -
THIRD ROW: Miss Dolores Harper (top),
Kappa chapter, Youngstown, O.; Miss Faye Crow
der, bottom, Alpha Beta chapter, Nashville, Tenn.;
Miss Carmella Coppola, Pi chapter, Trenton, N. J.;
Miss Marjorie L. Jenkins, Rho chapter, Wilming
ton, Del., and Miss Martha Sanders, Chi chapter,
BOTTOM ROW: Miss Eleanor D. Bridges,
Alpha Chi chapter, Portsmouth, Va.; Miss Gwen
dola Mitchell, Alpha Gamma chapter, Jackson
ville, Fla.; Miss Nancy E. Wood, Alpha Mu chap
ter, Annapolis, Md., and Miss Eleanor L. Davis,
Alpha Phi chapter, Pensacola, Fla.
More than 40 other girls won scholarships
through various local chapters throughout the na
tion. Mrs. Grace H. Racker, Brooklyn, national
program director of Phi Delta chapter, is in charge
of the national scholarship program. Mrs. Marian
H. Bluitt of Washington, D. C., is supreme
basileus.— (ANP)
The Nebraska
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Noire Dame Enrolls
African Student
CHICAGO (ANP)—Raphael C.
Nwakoby of Enugu, Nigeria, was
a visitor in Chicago last week,
enroute to Notre Dame univer
sity. A graduate of Lincoln Uni
versity (Pa.), class of 1952, Nwak
oby will work on a master's de
gree in the field of economics.
Before coming to America for
For Everything in
Baker Hardware
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Where Your Furniture Dollar Buys More
1532 O Street
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Shurtleff's Furniture Co.
Quinn Chapel A. M. hi. Church
9th and C Streets; Rev. J. B Brooks. Pastor.
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship.
6:00 p.m. Young People’s Fellowship
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
Tuesday 8 >10 p.m. Prayer Meeting.
Kortbside Church oi God
3rd and T Street. Mrs. Alice Britt.
10:00 s.m. Church School.
11:00 a.m Morning Worship
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship
7:30 P.m. Midweek Prayer Meeting.
7:30 p.m Friday Bible Study
For place of meeting call 2-4673.
Alien Chapel
9:45 a.m Saobath School.
10:45 a.m Missionary Meeting.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship.
4:00 p.m. Young People’s Society.
2149 U Street. Phone 2-3901
Rev T. O. McWilliams Jr. Pastor.
Order of Worship
Sunday Scnool, 10 am.
Morning Worship. 11 a.m.
Service at at Carver Nursing Home. 2001
Vine Street, 5 o’clock.
Evening Service. 7:30 p.m.
ML Zion Baptist Church
Corner 12th and F Streets; Rev. Wm. I.
Monroe, pastor.
10:00 a.m., Sunday school.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship.
6:30 p.m Baptist Training Union.
8:00 p.m. Evening Worship
Newman Methodist
23rd and S; Ralph G Nathan, pastor.
SUNDAY—Church at study. 10. church
at worship, 11 a.m.
MONDAY—Trustee board meeting.
WEDNESDAY—Gladstone service. 7 to
9 p.m
FRIDAY—Ministry of music. 8 P.m.
CME Church
2030 I Street; Rev W. M. Johnson, pastor
9:30 a.m. Sunday school.
10:30 a.m. Methodist Training Union. t
11:00 a.m. Morning worship.
Chorea of God Chrlai
9:00 a.m Sunday school.
6:30 P.m. Y.P.W.W
8:00 p.m. Evening worship.
8:00 p.m. Tuesday and Friday. reguia
Pastor Rev Charles Williams.
7:30 p.m. Thursday prayer and Bible.
study which he did on his ow:
resources, Nwakoby graduate^
from the College of Immaculat
Conception at Enugu.
His parents are Catholic. Tha
denomination is growing rapidly
in Eastern Nigeria, he said.
Patagonia is in southern South
Texas breeds the greatest num
ber of Jersey cows.
Drug Co.
142 So. 13th St. 2-1246
Sunday School
Scripture — I Kings, 1:28-40;
2:14-4; 3:1-15; 6:11-14:8.
Memory Selection—Trust in the
Lord with all thine heart; and
lean not to thine own under
standing. In all thy ways ac
knowledge Him, and He shall di
rect thy paths. Proverbs 35, 8.
Present-Day Application
By Bishop Frederick D. Jordan
Los Angeles, California
Solomon began his reign with a
recognition of the greatness of
God, of His universality and sov
ereignty. He began with a prayer
for wisdom. The most distinguish
ing feature of Solomon’s reign was
the development of the material
aspects of the kingdom. His
building projects, in addition to
that of the Temple, were note
worthy, his system of internal
revenue with its method of col
lection made his kingdom wealthy
and prosperous. Solomon was a
strong ruler and held the reins
of government firmly in his own
hands. He gave new prestige and
dignity to the worship‘of God by
building the beautiful Temple.
The Temple became of the deep
est spiritual significance to the
nation. Today there is a tendency
to return the Church to its right
ful place in our local communities
land in the nation. There is a
'great need for the recognition of
God in our national development
by giving God first place in our
own lives, in our homes and giv
ing the respect and reverence that
is due His house. We can stress
the importance of worship, beau
tify and cleanse our churches, etc.
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