The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, June 12, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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“Dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, social and spiritua
life of a great people."
Melvin L Shakespeare
Publisher and Editor
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if No Answer Cab 0-700.
Rubie W ahaKespeare . Advertising and. Business Manage
Dorothy Green........Office Secretar
Mrs, roe .reen. Circulation Manage
_ Member of .he Associated Negro Press and Nebraska Press Association
Entered as Second Class Matter, fune 0. 1047. a* the Post Office at Lincoln
Nebraska under the Act of March 3. 1871
1 year subscription . I? 50 Single copy.10i
Out ot State 1 Year Subscription 32.00— Single Copy 10c
The views expressed in these columns
are those of the writer and not
necessarily a reflection of the pollcj
of fhe Voice. —Pah.
Gen. Eisenhower Presents Stand
On Race Issues at Press Conference
ABILENE, Kan.—(ANP)—Manj
noted newspapermen and womer
last week attended Gen. Dwighl
D. Eisenhower’s press conference
here and heard the Republican
presidential hopeful present his
stand on vital issues facing the
Only a few representatives of
the Negro press were at the meet
ing. Perhaps the reason for their
absence was that very few colored
people live in Abilene.
Gen. Eisenhower commented on
two issues of interest to Negroes.
In answer to the question: “Do
you favor a compulsory FEPC,” he
“The FEPC—when you use
these initials, you are proposing, '
as I see it, a sort of shotgun ques
tion, because there are many
things involved in it.
“I have no objection whatso
ever to stating my unchangeable,
my unalterable support of fairness
and equality among all types of
American citizens, and I believe
that insofar as the federal govern- 1
ment has any influence or any (
constitutional authority in this
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field, all of its means, all of its
Expenditures, all of its policies
should adhere firmly and without
any kind of equivocation to that
! principle.
| “I do not believe that we can
cure all of the evils in men’s
jhearts by law, and when you get
to compulsory action in certain
specific phases of this thing, I
really believe we can do more by
leadership and getting states to do
it than to make it a federal com
pulsory thing.
“This I say with the 'utmost
sympathy for anyone who feels
himself to be a member of a group
that has been depressed or un
fairly treated; and I will say this:
5o far as my own personal in
fluence can extend in this coun
try, I shall never cease to fight
’or it . .
The other question relative to
Negroes was asked by a woman
vho identified herself as Mrs.
Smith of the Chicago Globe, a
low defunct weekly newspaper
published in Chicago. Her ques
ion was:
“Gen. Eisenhower, if you are
1319 O Street
Phone 2-2247
Portraits by Appointment
George lUndol, P. A. of A.
Prices reasonable
Work guaranteed
elected president, would you be
I willing to appoint to your cabinet
some Negro of competence, such
[as Dr. Bunche?”
I On this question the general was
jless specific. He said: j. i , .
I “Well, first, you are "jumping
'about two bridges to get to a par
i ticular spot. But accepting your
question, I should say this: By no
: manner of means have I even
given thought to the possibility of
the people I should appoint to
major positions.
“If I were confronted with such
responsibility, I can only say that
in all of the tasks I have held for
and on behalf of our government
in the past, I searched for the best
I could find.
“Whether or not it would be
best to use Dr. Bunche, I don’t
[know, but I tell you this: Not
only do I admire Dr. Bunche very
much but wKn I was president
of Columbia, we called him up
and gave him an honorary degree
—and we don’t give out too many
degrees there because we think a
great deal of our honorary degrees '
at Columbia university.
News Association Admits
Lincoln U. (Mo.) Pub.
—Overriding a motion to defer!
action until next year, the Mis
souri College Newspaper Associa-j
Lion last week voted unanimously
'+ [
May the future hold hap- l
piness and success for you. v
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