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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1952)
j Social Briefs j jj BY DOROTHY ORKHN • TJ < Bronze Matrons club met at the home of Mrs. Oscar Moss on Sunday, They discussed plans for a “CONSCIOUS TEA” which they will have Sunday, February 24th, at the home of Mrs. John Humbert, president of the club. Mrs. C. Bell ond grandson, Llewellan Bowler, returned Thursday from Arkansas where they spent several weeks. Mrs. Ralph Johnson' gave a party for Brownie Troop 17, of which Miss Robbie Lee Powell is leader, at her home on Friday afternoon. The afternoon was spent playing games and listening to story records. The refresh ments served were roasted wieners, pop, potato chtps and ice cream cones. Brownies attending were: Ave Lee Brame, Anne Betts, Claudett McWilliams, Wil lene A. Letcher, Jean Mosley, Marva Lee Mosley, Qwen Bowler, Pat Johnson, Annette Winston, Carlotta Venerable, Sandra Davis, Donna Peterson and Natalie Na than. Other guests included the assistant leaders of Troop 17, Mrs. R. G. Nathan, Mrs. Harry Peter son and her son, Jerry. On Thursday evening Mrs.: Vashti Mosby gave a supper hon-, oring her house guest, Miss Ruth Friends of Louisville, Kentucky Guests attending were: Mrs. Phyllis Alexandra, Mattie Chase. Dorothy Green, Mrs. Barbara Moore, Robbie Powell and Betty I Wilson. On Friday evening Mrs. Mosby 1 gave a party for her son William 1 and Miss Ruth Fields in the - Urban League lounge. A number J of guests were invited. The eve- < ning was spent informally. Quinn Chapel A.M.E. church ' youth gathered at the church Sunday night to form a Youth Fel lowship. Hot chocolate and cookies were served. Next Sun day the group will participate in the United Christian Youth Move- | ment parade. ' Mrs. Odessa Johnson and Mrs. I W. B. Davis spent the week end; in Kansas City, Missouri. The pur-; pose of the visit was to attend an: organ recital at St. Stevens Bap-' tist church given by Mrs. Edna Mahammit of California. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tapp are the proud parents of a daughter,; Penelope Ruth, born Wednesday morning Children of Mrs. Rozena Dean were called to her bedside the past week. She was taken to St. Eliza beth hospital where she is re reen Age Chatter H_H li. By Mattie Sue Nevela — - -—Courtesy Lincoln Journal I Editor’s Note.—Following is an article that I clipped from The Little Merchant, published monthly by The Lincoln Journal. It was written by Street Sales Manager, Bob Patton, and sent to us through the courtesy of Mr. Fred Seacrest. Joe Moore ha' been selected as top street salesman for the month. Joe is very deserving of this honor; he works very hard and gets the job done. He is a fine young man, the kind I really en-, joy working with. Joe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J Moore of 1204 Z Huskerviile. He is in the fifth grade at H«yward school. His bobby is sports and I can attest to this because he loves to talk about it. Joe sells papers at 13th and N (Sears Building comer). He earns close to one dollar for the time he sells each day and he has a savings account at the bank. We are very proud of Joe. We know he has a fine future ported seriously .11. Other hospitals patients are: Mr. George Saunders, St. Elizabeth; Mr. Louis Reynolds, Veterans hos pital; John Davis, Veterans hos pital. Miss Birdie Powell and Gilbert Hubbard, jr., were released and are recuperating at home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Moore were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wad kins recently. The Moores are from Casper, Wyo. Indoor Dryer — f l89 30 Fool Drying Space—Special! Fold in( indoor dryer of strong wood, with sand ed bars. Fine for apartments, d o r m i t ories, home and hotel jj rooms where Nrn Exact dryin* *■ » *™b lllustration lem. GOLD'S Housewares . , . Third Floor Household ' Hints By * M iss Mary Sampson 2811 S. 24 — 3-6212 •ad Mrs. Odessa Johnson Miss Sampson 1,10 * **' “ :Mr5#1 Mrs. Johnson Sixteen Sandwich Fillings 1. American cheese, grated, with chopped onion, mushrooms and catsup. 2. Guava jelly, grated orange rind, chopped pistachio nuts. 3. Avocado, mashed with chopped salted nuts (almonds)— and lemon juice. 4. Grated carrots, mixed with ground meat, chopped celery, rad ishes, scallions and chili sauce. 5. Caviar, fine-chopped onions, and lemon juice. 6. Peanut butter, chopped pine apple, honey and walnuts. 7. Cooked chicken • livers, chopped bacon and melted butter. 8. Equal amounts of chicken and tongue, ground, mixed with melted butter, beaten egg yolk and a lit— ahead. We wish him all the luck in the world. * * * Our two basketball teams jour neyed to Omaha on Saturday to play. Unfortunately I cannot re port that both teams won but I can say both games were very good. The Half-Century club lost to Omaha 45-25, but The Sharp Sharks won 40-39. Barbara Qualls and Beverly Brown left on Friday to spend a day in Omaha. Degrees Granted Degrees were* granted to 363 mid-year graduates by the Uni versity of Nebraska Saturday morning. There were no formal commencement exercises. The following are a few that received degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Howard M. Bean, Lincoln, and Henry L. Wiseman. Trinidad, B.W.I.; Bach elor of Fine Arts, Navajean D. Washington, St Joseph, Mo. Bachelor of Science in Education, Joyce A. Wiseman, Port of Spain Trinidad, B.WJ. and Doctor of Philosophy, Arthur C. Shropshire, St. Joseph, Mo. Hodgman-Splain MORTUARY 1335 L Street Lincoln. Nebraska — ROSE MANOR STUDIO 1319 O Street I * Phene 2-2247 Portraits by Appointment George Randol, P. A. of A. Prices reasonable * Work guaranteed GEO. H. WENTZ Incorporated Plumbing and Heating 11 1629 N St Phone 2-1293 tie Worcestershire sauce. 9. Tongue, fresh tomato, chopped pickles and Worcestershire sauce. 10. Cottage cheese and minced crisp bacon. 11. Cottage cheese, chopped olives and seasoning, best on rye bread. i 12. Cream cheese, ground dates arid candied orange peel, all 1 creamed together. 13. Thin-sliced cucumbers with mayonnaise spread, on brown I bread. 14. Cream cheese and raspberry ijam, or currant jelly. 15. Watercress, ground fine and creamed into butter, on graham bread. 16. Youngster’s favorite — Crisp rolls, hollowed out and filled with chopped meat moistened with cream dressing. Di. Robert C. Weaver Appointed to NAACP Board NEW YORK. (ANP—Dr. Robert C. Weaver, director of Opportun ity Fellowships for the John Hay Whitney Foundation, has been elected to the board of directors of the NAACP to fill the vacancy created by the death of Judge Charles E. Toney, Dr. Louis T. Wright, chairman of the board announced this week. A recognized authority on hous ing and labor problems. Dr. Wea ver is the author of ‘The Negro Ghetto” and “Negro Labor. A National Problem,” and has been a contributor to journals on vari ous issues of race relations. He also is chairman of the National ' Committee on Discrimination in I Housing. CLEANING and SANITATION SUPPLIES All Types Brooms—Furniture Polishes Mops—Floor Seal and Wax Sweeping Compounds Mopping Equipment Kelso Chemical 117 North 9th St. 2-2434 By Geo. H. Lemon . . we saw Goose Tatum with Harlem Globe Trotters per form the other evening up at Rochester. He is definitely up to his old tricks. _there are no tricks at the PEERLESS CLEANERS. Con sistently good cleaning, month in and month out—and we can save you money on your clothes oudget. We would love to be your groom-up coach during the 1952 season REMEMBER “GRIME NEVER PAYS” PEERLESS “ CLEANERS 232 3a. II Gea. H. Lemon Broach Office 3719 Na. 4£tk For Heller 9 alum | • Driiy* • Cosmetics • Stationery • Candy • Prescriptions CHEAPPER DRUGS 1325 O St. Lincoln PLISSE HOUSECOATS W r a p a r ound, coachman or zip per front styles in crinkle cotton (little or no ironing!) with over three-yard sweeps . . . lots of prints, colors. Siz*>8 12 to 44 2nd Floor, Budget Shop SMITH Pharmacy 2146 Vine Prescriptions — Drugs Fountain — Sundries Phone 2-1958 9 % BRIGHAM’S _for cleaning .. 2-3624 2246 O St Wallpaper Book That Brings You * EASY-TO-HANG features ► LOW PRICES ► NEW 1952 STYLING ► EXCELLENT QUALITY \ delay ** * -oRpaper sample book roe *e been -oumg for. It features *" •*tr**e)r "»de selection of high b»ot't)r,Rr*e*y styled waUpfiperi Com. r'1!' -»»ructk>ni for self, bong,, ore in Ms boot By yom Own poperin, you can actually 40% *> 70% Of yj R~orc**9 **or Come i. today for roer woy Remember, if, FREE nc. rw* NCOUATTVS W*LLf»ratS AXB AUjfTt HaeeMmi • tan MW