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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1952)
ChuAchsiA Quinn Chapel A. M. K. Church 9th and C Streets. Rev. J. B. Brooks. Pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:00 p. m. Young People's Fellowship. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. Tuesday b:00 p m. Prayer Meeting. North side Church of God Vrd and T Street. Mrs. Alice Britt. 10:00 a. m. Church School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. 7:30 p. m. Midwcejt Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p. m. Friday Bible Study. For place of meeting call 2-4673. Allen Chapel (Seventh-day Adventist) LeCounl Butler. Associate Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sabboth School. 10:45 a. tn. Missionary Meeting. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 4:00 p. ra. Young People’s Sosiety. CHRIST TEMPLE 2149 U Street. Phone 2-3901. Rev. T. 0. McWilliams, Jr., Pastor. Order of W orship Sunday School, 10 a. tn. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Service at Carver Nursing Home, 2001 1 ine Street, 5 o'clock. Evening Service, 7:30 p. tn. Ml. Zion Raptist Church Corner 12th anu F Streets: Rev. Win. I Monroe, pastoi. 10:00 a.m., Sunday school 11:00 a.m.'. Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.. Baptist Training Union. , 8:00 P.m., Evening worship. Newman Methodist *3rd and S; Ralph G. Nahan, pastor. SUNDAY—Church at study, 10; church at worship, 11 a.m. MONDAY—Trustee board meeting. WEDNESDAY—Gladstone service. 7 to 8 P.m. FRIDAY—Ministry of music. 8 p.m. CME Church 2030 T Street; Rev. W. M. Johnson, pastor 9:30 a.m., Sunday school. 10:30 a.m., Methodist Training Uot0" 11:00 a.m., Morning worship. Church of God in Christ 9:00 a.m., Sunday school. 11:00 a.m.. Morning worship 6:30 P.m., Y.P.W.W. 8:00 p.m., Evening worship 8:00 p.m., Tuesday and Friday, regular , service. . _... 7:30 P.m. Thursday, prayer and Bible Pastor Rev. Charles Williams. Okla. A&M Barred From Drake Relays DES MOINES, la. (ANP)—The Drake Relays committee an-! nounced this week that it will bar Oklahoma A. & M. from the 1952 Drake Relays because of the “Johnny Bright incident.” A spokesman for the^committee asserted: “Consistent with the policy adopted by University, the relays See Nebraska Jewelry Co. SCOOP! at a Sensationally LOW PRICE! $100 I EACH J_\ Many styles to choose from. Buy several of them now at this remakarble money saving price! Sunday School Lessons Scripture—Luke 7:36-50. Memory Selection—Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, for giving one another. Ephesians 4:22. Present Day Application, By Frederick D. Jordan, Los Angeles, Calif. The self-righteous are with us today. I used to listen to the presi dent of my Stewardess Board pray. She would thank God that she was not like others, particu larly her husband, who rarely, if ever, came to church. Always some member is criticising an other because he does not attend or contribute as they do. Some are not content with parading the riow’n righteousness, but want others to call attention to it also. Are you satisfied with your good ness? Do you think the churcn would be fine if the other mem-1 bers were as faithful as you? Have! I drawn your picture today? Seej if any of these instances describes! you. Do not shut Christ out of your life. The desire to be better than what you are, the admission of your imperfections, will draw you the closer to Christ. committee has voted not to ex tend an invitation to Oklahoma A. & M. Drake University broke off re lations with Oklahoma and with drew from the Missouri Valley j conference after Johnny Bright suffered his famous broken jaw. New Drug Developed ST. LOUIS, Mo. (ANP)—A new drug for the treatment of tuber culosis has been developed by the Lederle Laboratories Division of American Cynamid Co. ! A description of the drug-al dinamide-and its use was made public last week at the 11th an I nual Veterans Administration Army-Navy Conference on Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis. The drug is related to niacin, a i vitamin commonly found in milk ! and egg yolks. It was tested in Along TIip Party Lino Traveling can prove both amus ing and trying, sometimes almost at the same time. While at Daven port, Iowa we had a nice room but we also seemed to be in a1 busy part o£ the hotel. The occu pant of the room across the way was an early riser but not of his own volition Each morning at ap proximately 5:30 a.m. someone with a masculine voice would rap sharply and call “Eddie, Eddie!” no answer again. “Eddie, Eddie come on, I’ll meet you in the lobby. From that time on, by vari ous means people were being [called all along the hall. Only^ I thing that would have been worse, I would have been that we were the first actually up. We took time off one evening to go to Carlock, Illinois, to visit I iwith Joe’s cousins. They are won derful people and we enjoyed our I visit. They are quite elderly and [have had some sickness but were 'all in good spirits. It was difficult for them to understand why we could not stay longer. Even a salesman has a pretty rigid sched ule to keep. One of the girls, who was a waitress where we had some of; our meals was also a professional basketball player and was leaving for a tour that week. It was to take them down into old Mexico. We also called on Otto Brink man at Davenport. He was a part ner of the Wekesser-Brinkman Publishing company which oper ated in Lincoln until 1945. If you would like to know what a turkey feels like in November just wait until March 15th. Your friend, Kathryn 43 patients at Summit Park Sana torium, Pomona, N. Y., with re ported favorable success. New Life for your Old Furniture 1 • 1 Our Entire Stock of Sure Fit Slipcovers for Chairs and Sofas i—--r 3yi Plain twills with contrasting fringed trim, floral knit patterns, and Redi Upholstery in solid colors ... all yours to select in Wine, Grey, Green, Sandlewood and Chartreuse slipcovers. All styles in cluded, but not all colors in each style. Come early while supply lasts! Chair Covers, formerly 7.95 to 12.95 ......NOW 5.30 to 8.67 Sofa Covers, formerly 15.95 to 25.95 -NOW 10.63 to 17.30 DRAPERIES . • . Sixth Floor mULERtPAME I Lincoln University Receives $7.(MM>: London Limes to Feature School LINCOLN UNIVERSITY. Pa — (ANP)—Lincoln university (Pa.) has been selected for honor from two different sources, it was an nounced last week. The late Joel L. DeCourcey, Havre de Grace, Maryland, who never went to college, was so con cerned over the future of Ne groes that he left $7,000 to Lin coln for the education of young poeple. The university received the money from his estate last week. Another honor came to the uni versity when the London Times, mos4 famous paper in the British empire, announced that it will run a special feature in the near future on Lincoln university. The article will be written in recognition of Lincoln’ approach ing centennial in 1954 and the ni fluence its African graduates have had upon the British empire. Among the outstanding African graduates of Lincoln are Dr. Kwamo Nkrumas, hed o- the re cently organized semi-domination status goveriment in the Gold Coast, and Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe who led his party to victory in the recent elections in Nigeria. DeCourcey stated in his will that his money be placed in £ trust for his sister, Mrs. Frances O. Brown, and at her death be di VALENTINES HIM—HER—KIDDIES Large Selection “GOLDENROD” 215 North 14th St. The Nebraska Typewriter Co. 125 No. 11th Lincoh 2-2157 Royal Typewriters Mimeograph - Duplicators Dictaphones - Clary Adders Sold - Rented - Repaired AUTO PARTS MOTOR REBUILDING MOTOR EXCHANGE BEN’S NEW WAY AUTO PARTS 2018-2024 “O” St. Ph. 2-7039 “9 out of 10 your be*t bet U Ben" vided equally between Lincoln. Morgan State college, and the AMK Aged Colored Peoples Home In Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Brown died in July 1951. The bequest made a total of more than $372,000 Lincoln has re ceived from Negroes, mostly alumni, in the last five years. BEAL'S GROCERY Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Meats 2101 R Tel. 2 6933 VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES & MEATS 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 THE EVANS CLEANERS — LACNDERERS Save Money Cse our Cash and Carry Plan 333 No. 12th St. Dia, 2-<>961 I For ALL Your Decorating Needs Visit The Van Sickle Glass & Paint Co. 1*3 So. 10th 2-6931 Bring Your Prescriptions to HAL J. Bowers Terminal Drug Company 947 O Street 2-8585 Make WHITE'S Your FURNITURE HEADQUARTERS It's 108 No. 10th Street Just 21 Steps North of 10th & O Sts.