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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1952)
Cnutorniu't, llojn'ful Son itoiLonib'1 'Vn.r.-.i ‘n Wesley In fltrain, 1 legate to Generdl Con ference, May, 1052; Chairman Historical Society Southern Cali fornia Conference A.M.E. Church, said; Don- Dr. Thornhill “The great woik you have accomplished in the building of the church at Santa Monica puts you in front as Leader of the church in the West. I congratulate you!” Honorable C. W. Stafford, Presi dent Laymen's League, Southern California Conference, said: “This outstanding work and this magnificant cathedral would not be here today were it not for this dynamic Christian leader with brains, Dr. Thornhill.” Attorney Vince Monroe Townsend, Jr., said: “Dr. Thornhill is the great and eminent builder of Sanctuaries A true and worthy and accept able metropolitan pastor of proven capacity to produce Thornhill is my 'candidate for Bishop in 1956.” Dr. Harley Akers, Pastor of Wal- 1 ker Temple, Los Angeles, said 1 “This work at Santa Mrnica is the greatest inspiration of my life.” Dr. Alvia A. Sliaw, Pastor of his toric First A.M.E. Church, Los * Angeles, said: j£ “The dedication of our new £ church at Santa Monica is a real F inspiration to us all.” Dr. Don Stephenson, Pastor of St. James A.M.E, Church, Los An geles, said: “I wish 1 knew Thornhill's se cret. His work at San Diego, plus matchless entertainment of the Annual Conference, to gether with the sweeping achievement at Santa Monies puts him in a class by himself. Dr. J. Austell Hall. Pastor of St Paul A.M.E. Church, Berkeley, said: “Thornhill is not only the prince of the Southern California Con ference, but the prince of the Fifth Episcopal District.” Dr. M. R, Dixon, Jr., Pastor of St. i Paul A.M.E. Church, St. Louis, < said: |i “Thornhill, you are a master ‘ pastor, well as i: a “or in the ! i * use of the Encl: h language.'; Congratulations for a noble ] achievement.” j Dr. G. YVayman Blakely, Pastor of Big Bethel A.M.E. Church, • Little Rock, Arkansas, (o.ic of the future Bishops of the A.M.E.1 Church, come 1952) said: “You have made a record there, that will endure. The great work which you have done ini California has not gone unno ticed.” Rev. T. H. Sadler, Pastor of Mount Zion Church of God in Christ,1 Santa Monica, and Junior Bishop of that denomination said: “Thornhill is God’s blessing to' the Bay Area. He is a modern California preacher who has built not a southern church or an dastern church, but who has built a modern California Church with distinction and honor to himself. I love Thorn hill as a pastor, child of God and a friend.” Bishop Joseph A. Allen said: “Thornhill has always been loyal. He was one among the1 younger men of our church in whom I became interested. I am his friend, and, Thornhill will see down the road that I am his friend.” Dr. Howard Thomas Primm, Pas ‘ tor Union Bethel Church, New Orleans, (and a future Bishop of the A.M.E. Church, come 1952) said: “My! my! my! Just imagine! Two metropolitan churches in three years! The Fifth Distrie and th entire connection shoulc pay yi j tribute." , *■ aron 1 I>a Mater, prominen nta W iica banker, said: “Con ulations on the fait! and to accomplish a jot in the face of insurmountable obstacles. The Dedicatory Ser vices were an inspiration.” >.»Lhop W. R. Wilkes, Presiding Bishop of the 12th and 16th Epis copal Districts, A.M.E. Church said: “Thornhill is one of the grea: preachers of the A.M.E. Church He is a great builder and finan cier; we are praying for him.” *>ishop I). O. Walker, Presiding Bishop of the 5th Episcopal Dis ict, said: ‘Thornhill is a super-salesman 'or African Methodism. He has istinguished himself as a builder »nH artist whe can in fluence people. He has the genius of getting things done. On behalf of the Annual Con ference wc congratulate him on this outstanding work of the year in California.” Bishop R. C. Ra isom, Director of Research, A.M.E. Church said: “Your work as a servant of Jesus Christ places you in the forefront as one of our most progressive ministers.” i)r. Jesse L. Glover. Pastor of the Second A.M.E. Church, Los An gles, and Editor of the Western Recorder, come 1952, said: “Dr. Thornhill is a genius and Pastor par excellent. Strong, fearless* leader and candidate for Bishop from the West coast. A man who has suffered hu miliation and defeats, but who can come back with a smile. He is the outstanding church builder of the 5th District, hav-, mg completed the work at San Diego and Santa Monica, which no one else would attempt to do. He is true to his friends! He would make a brotherly Bishop of our church, for Thornhill has come through the fire. Thorn hill has made it without resort ing to tricks or crushing his brother.” rhe Tliornhill-For-Bishop Committee presents just a sample of considered opinions rsprcssed in behalf of our CANDIDATE. The committee also believes, that, among all the good men regarded as in "the count*’ our candidate. Rev. I, T. Thornhill of the Southern California Conference, represents the finest type of successful pastor who has come' through suffering, want and the fire. He has T-arned by the hard road of trial and error the way to deal with Christians. We believe understanding to be the keynote of a good Bishop. H"w does your Bishop treat you? Check up. and see if your Pastor, Presiding Elder or Bishop fills the requirements of a modern day supervisor. Our candilte is aware of individuals as "unique human beings"; that human beings ■hotild have a chance to partici-atc in making decisions on rrob\ms that affect them; that human betn-s rais d on Christian, democratic principles u:‘! react most quickly and favor ably when tr -ted as persons with ideas that can be used for th * Glory of God and the Honor of Afrl an Methodism. Nebraska Conference The members of Bethel AME church, Hiawatha, Kas., met at the church on Thursday evening and elected the following special com mittee—Rev. A. S. Miller, chair man; Mrs. Etta Saunders, secre tary; Mrs. Emma Suggs, assistant secretary; Mrs. Amelia Maxey, treasurer. Arrangement commit tee, Mrs. Agnes Duncan, chair man, Mrs. Marie E. Hughes, Mrs. Lee Anna Russell and Mrs. Thelma Duncan. The purpose ol this committee is to raise funds for repairing the church and par sonage. # * * * Installation services were held Sunday, Dec. 3, at Allen Chapel AME church, Kansas City, Kas., where the Rev. F. D. Gregory is pastor. Congregational singing was directed by Mrs. Helen Hope, pianist. Duties of the stewards and trustees were given by J. J. Parks and G. J. Jackson, members of the steward and trustee boards of Trinity AME. The Rev. Eugene H. Kelly Jr., business administrator of Doug lass hospital, gave the address. He DR. JOSHUA M. BROWN. Candidate For t j Chief Secretary The laymen of the Chicago An nual Conference are presenting to you, Joshua M. Brown, M.D. as a candidate for Chief Secretary of the General Conference. Dr. Brown is a man of sterling quali ties, an ardent churchman, the son and brother of A.M.E. minis ters and a church worker from his youth, serving as secretary, teacher and superintendent of his Sunday School. j He attended the public schools of his city, received his B.A. de Igree from Clafin University, | Orangesburg, S. C., and his med ical degree from Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn. He is a trustee of St. Stephen Church, president of the Men’s Club, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Annual Conference, president of the Chi cago Annual Conference Layman League, one of the organizers andj a member of the Board of Direc-j tors of Maxwell Street Y.M.C.A. for more than twenty years. He is organizer and Mayor of West Town, chairman and treasurer of the Trustee Board of Tyre Ma sonic Lodge No. 70, an Odd Fel low and a Knights of Pythias. He is also a member of the Mayor j of Chicago Planning Commission.! We believe that in electing this1 man, we will have one, who will preserve the records of this great church of ours. He is ready, will ing and able to work for that preservation. We know that he is an honest, upright Christian gen tleman imbued with the spirit of Richard Allen and a desire to make the Church what it should be by honestly and justly giving 1 an account of laws and regula tions passed by the General Con ference. j We hereby sound the clarion | call for all delegates, both min isterial and lay for their hearty support in the forthcoming Gen eral Conference in May 1952, to elect a number one churchman to do a number one job for the [I church. Elect one who will stand by his i records and give you a.true and j complete book of discipline. 'installed the officers, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Gregory. The officers installed were: Stewards, Joseph Jones, Russell Davis, Ivah Mitchem, Ealta Mae I Devan, G. A. Page, Clarence Love, Rosetta Chew, Myrtle Grigsby, ! James Jones; trustees, Andrew Rollins, Jesse Hope, Williard W, i Murray,Anna Brown, » Mayme Davis, Olivia Gentry, Edward I Iverson, J. C. Davis, Luther Smith, John Walker, Issiah Jackson; hon orary stewards, J. H. Banks, J. H. Smith; stewardesses, Anna Wash ington, Goldie Grigsby, Daisy Tucker, Viola Hancock, Jazie Cov ington, Adelle Jackson, Ella Rol lins, Emma Grigsby, Effie Mc Cluney; superintendent of Sunday school, Cora Gordon; president ol 'senior missionary, J. Covington; president' of junior missionary Aliena Murray; user board, Zelma Hercey; pastor’s aid, Maude Slaughter; courtesy club, Agnes Clay; young matrons, Gladies Thomas; senior choir, Anna Brown; junior choir, Arnell Jack son anc^ A.C.E. league, Caroline Bradley. iT)r. O. A. Burks A>«iaii West. Va. V SEVEN POINT PKOOHAM IF I A A elected a ihshop in ioa2. i> CHICAGO, ILL. To the Fathers (The Bishops; >f the church, General Officers Presidents, Deans of our schools ministers and Laymen of this great church of ours: I hereby present myself as a candidate for the Episcopacy and I most earn estly, sincerely, and prayerfully solicit your support. The follow ■ig is my program: 1. I will be honest, fair, con enial, brotherly, and fatherly to all—both ministers and laymen. I shall endeavor to be all that the words father, and brother con veys. I am consecrating myself I to God, through fasting and ■ prayer for a Bishop in this church if God wants me and you will elect me. 2. I will look out for the bet ter interest of the church and my fellow’men. I will work to that REV J. S. BENN, JR. Rev. J. S. Benn Pastor Zion AME Philadelphia\ Pa. The second installment of a fi nancial drive to liquidate the 29 year old mortgage on historic Zion A.M.E. Church, at 21st and Tas ker Sts., Phila., was held Sunday, November 25. Officers of the church report that the first installment, reported Sunday, October 14, in a twelve week drive, netted $11,530.01. This amount is said to be unprece dented in size, and time realized ,and was culmination of efforts ol I the pastor, officers and members working under five “generals,’ each of whom had six “captains.’ The generals are Mrs. Birdie Ra gin, Mrs. Anna A. Wilson, Mrs Leola Haynes, Mrs. Claudia Har ris, and Mrs. Myrtle King. The present church building Was erected about thirty yearj ago under the administration ol the Rev. L. W. Stanford. The present pastor, the Rev. J. S Benn, Jr., who is prominently mentioned for episcopal honors at jthe May, 1952 general conference ;of the church convening in Chi cago, was appointed to the pas ! torate at the last Philadelphia con ference from the presiding elder ! ship of the South Philadelphia j district, of which Zion is a part | He led the conference’s financial j reports last year, the district re porting $10,261.50, an increase ol $1,800 over the previous year when the Rev. Mr. Benn was also at the helm of the district. At the recent meeting of the i National Negro Business League, in Washington, Rev. Mr. Benn was re-elected chaplain, and in stalled the officers. He is a mem ber of the executive board. Mrs. Benn, wife of the pastor, active in' thfe work at Zion, is a city school teacher \ an accom plished musician, and daughter of jthe late Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Cooper, veterans of the Phila delphia conference. REV. O. A. BERKS end. I will endeavor to observe 1 the laws of the church to the full est extent whether the law is in | my favor or not I shall execute 'it. ' 3. I will not deprive my fel lowmen of free speech. 4. I will not allow a pastor or layman to bring me news about a Presiding Elder unless they are willing to testify the same in his presence. I will apply the same rule to the presiding elders about their pastors and laymen. 5. I am of the opinion that we have too many school and periodi cals. Since we have schools in every state in the Union, sup ported by the states, we are car rying an unnecessary burden. Suppose we cut them down to three schools. To do justly to ourselves, we should cut them down to one, Wilberforce Univer sity, and make it a connectional school. (5a). We should merge the three recorders into one large worthwhile paper. Include the Voice of Missions, and the Wom jen’s Recorder. Retain the pres I ent editor of the Women’s re ] corder, and the Voice of Missions, i and elect three Editors. One chief ! editor, and two assistant editors. Zone the church into three zones, northern, southern and western Pay the chief editor a full salary, and official upkeep. And pay the two assistant editors a reasonable salary. 6. I favor a greater support for the mission preacher. It seems to me that the financial secretary can stand another five or ten cents out of the dollar money, without any real injury to his department and give it to the mission preach ; ers. I also suggest that another 110 percent deduction from the dol lar money and give it to the Pen sion department for retired min isters, their widows and orphans. 7. If I am elected a Bishop in ’52 I will always place ministers to the best advantage to the church. __ I (Second Annual Laymen Dinner Held in Calif. The second annual Christmas dinner of the Laymen of the A.M.E. Southern California Con ference was held recently at the Second A.M.E. church in Los Angeles where Dr. Jesse L. Glover is pastor. A five-course turkey dinner preceded a short, well planned program. Mrs. Cora John son of St. James A.M.E. church i was mistress of ceremonies. Mr. I Philip Robinson presented Mr. ,Henry Morton who gave a i special solo. Dr. A. K. Quinn led .the session in prayer. The history I of the lay movement was given ,by Ralph Jones of Santa Ana, (Calif. I Presiding Elder B. C. Allen i was guest speaker and Professor Arthur E. Prince gave the re sponse. The affair was sponsored by the (finance committee. Benjamin H. Inghram is chairman. Coley W. Stafford is president of the con ference lay organization and Mrs. Goldie Fant was chairman of the dinner committee.