The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, December 27, 1951, Page 4, Image 4

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    \ Social Briefs j
Here’s wishing all of you a very
Happy New Year.
• * * «
Mrs. John C. Holland has re
turned from San Francisco and
Oakland, California where she
spent Thanksgiving with her
mother, sister and brother. On re
turning home she visited with
Mrs. Frances Green and daugh
ters in Sacramento.
• • •
Mr. Harry Adams spent several
days in Des Moines, Iowa recently.
• • *
Rev. and Mrs. John L Humbert
had as their house guest last week
Maurice Crouch. On Sunday after
noon they had dinner for Maurice
and Miss Emma CameL
• • •
Sunday night Rev. and Mrs.
Humbert entertained Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Gore of Kansas City,
Kansas. Mr. Gore is Mrs. Hum
bert’s cousin and Mrs. Gore is
cousin of Janet and Leon Byron.
The Quinn Chapel senior choii
presented a Christmas program on
Sunday, December 23rd. The pro
gram consisted of special numbers
and songs by the choir. The spe
cial selections were rendered by
the following: An organ solo, Mr.,
Van Slonecker, piano selections by
Miss Donna Gardner, violin solo
by Miss Wanda Garder, vocal solo
by Miss Vonna Finley and a read
ing by Mrs. M. L. Shakespeare.
Mrs. John C. Adams was mistress
of ceremonies. ,
* * *
The Masonic Lodge, Lebanon
No. 3 F.&A.M., is having its annual
St. John’s day banquet Thursday,
December 27th at the Lincoln Ur
ban League, 7:30 pan. Special
music will be featured following
the banquet Estell Powell Is
For Everything in
Baker Hardware
101 No. 9th 2-3710 '
The Bread you need
foe Energy
At Your Friendly Grocer
alf-yaar costume wit la this popu
lar grey menewear rayon flannel,
[ with its nipped In walet, hip
( stiffening, and feminine detail In
I the cure silk flame colored trim.
chairman of arrangement.
Mrs. William Beach left Mon
day to spend Christmas with her
husband in Kansas City.
o o e
Mrs. Evelyn McGinnis of
Kansas City, Missouri spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Irving.
* * «
The first inspirational meeting
of the Omaha area of the Ne
braska conference of the AME
church will be held in Omaha,
Nebraska, Friday, December 28th
at Bethel A.M.E. church. The Rev.
W. A. Fowler is pastor.
* * * i
Mrs. Eugenia Brown is home "
spending the holidays with her ]
parent, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Simms, j
* * *
Miss Evelyn Edward, daughter '
of Mr. sund Mrs. R. E. Edwards '
is here to spend Christmas Holi
days. Miss Edwards is now living
in Omaha, Nebr.
Boys Town Choir Hailed
The sweetest voice ever heard
I are those of the 55 youths who
[raise their hearts and voices for
I Boys Town. Ranging in ages from j
11 to 17, the unique ensemble1
1 from Boys Town, Neb. under the
direction of Father Francis
Schmitt, has given a prominent
place to Negro boys.
Howard McCue is one of their
commissioners. He was observed
at both the Carnegie Hall and TV
and radio concerts as one of the
_ mainstays of the baritone section.
Southern California Conference
Laymen’s League
The African Methodist Episcopal Chnrch
Coley W. Stafford, President
Season’s Greetings
To the Bishops, General Officers and Laymen: The spirit of the
Lord should be upon the church as we come Into the Christmas
season. It gives us the assurance that God’s purpose cannot fail.
Through the believers the darkness is passing away. The true
light shineth through the gospel which is the power unto salvation
will prepare us to faee another m«; year with courage. Let every
Layman in every church bt steadfast and unmoveable in the
will of the Lord.
La Mellanee Beauty Shoppe
Professional Beauty Care
1043 North 23rd 2-4266
i pm • Jipnij j
| Miss Sampson
Household Hints
Miss Mary Sampson
2811 S. 24 — 3-GJS12
Mrs. Odessa Johnson
1310 A St. — 3-0701
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year. From your
old, tried and true friends, Mary
and Odessa. And as many of them
15 you can take. Take a lot.
Winter nights are cold. But
New Year cheer is warm within,
and there was and never will
be a better time for a party than
the day we start on another cycle
—on. New Year's Day. Then we
welcome the new friends along
with the old, and there is a cer
tain glow about the house that
comes from the heart.
Well, the gong has rung.—No
New Year’s party would be com
plete or right at all without a
punch bowl. Having the bowl, you
must have something to put in it.
No doubt you all have your own
ideas and your own old treasured
recipes for punch. There are more
I of such than of all the punch cups
manufactured since Eve made that
apple punch, and that’s a good
But here’s a Cranberry job that
may take your fancy. I hope it
will. Somehow cranberries seem I
so nice and appropriate in winter,
r guess it’s because they’re red,
and red takes the mind off the
cold. Just like a red dress. So
what more do you want?
PUNCH: Cook 8 cups of cranber
*ies in 8 cups of water until all
±ie skins pop open. Strain through
i cheesecloth. Do not stir or press.
iTou want to keep it as clear as
Jossible, a deer ruby red. To the
uice add 1*6 cups of sugar, 2 or 3
iticks of cinnamon and 15 to 20
doves. Code for 5 minutes. Add
i lemon, sliced, and 4 cups of
freshly brewed tea. Pour into the
x>wl (punch bowl, of course).
Sprinkle with nutmeg. SERVE
pair of calf sweetbreads, and don’t!
let them put you off with any
thing different. Put them in cold
water for half an hour, then drain
them and set to cook in cold
salted water. (Well, the water
will get hot after a while, won’t
it, so why the giggles?) After
they begin to cook, keep them
doing so for about 20 minutes, and
be careful not to overcook, and
be sure not to undercook, but
cook carefully just about 2Q min
utes after they begin to cook. Is
that clear?
Second Step Ahead.—Now take
them off and plunge—and I mean
PLUNGE, and no nonsense about
it—into a bowl of ice water. Let
th^T> (the sweetbreads and the
ice cubes) stick around in the
bowl for a good half hour. That’s
time enough to hear the news and
try to remember who was Mark
Antony’s third wife on the cross
word puzzle.
» Take them out and drain and
• dry in a towel (clean one), then
' trim off every scrap of membrane,
i muscle and fat, and take off the
thin membrane that clings closer
than the petal to the bud.
Chop the sweetbreads quite fine.
(Be sure now, they’ve got to be
cold and firm.) Maybe you’d bet
ter try out what is a limpet on
your puzzle. That will give them
an extra 15 or 20 minutes of com
munion with the ice cubes. This
is quite a recipe, isn’t it?
Chop pretty fine and mix in
1 Vt, cups of chopped, cooked
mushrooms. Canned ones, if fresh
ones aren’t about, do all right.
Proceed to make a thick cream
sauce—one that can take it, as
the boys say. Put in the double
boiler 1% cups of milk. (I call
this cream, but don’t mind me.)
Blend nice and smooth 4 table
spoons of butter or margarine
with 4 tablespoons of flour and
add to the heating milk, grad
ually, gradually, stirring all the
while. It’s not lumps you’d be
having, so help me!
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
2101 H TeL 2-6933
Make WHITE'S Your
108 No. 10th Street
Just 27 Steps North of 10th S O Sts.
sweetbreads and mushrooms to
gether with the cream sauce. And
1 forgot to say that before you put
in the sweetbreads, etc., it would
be well to treat the sauce to a
little egg-beater technique.
Smooths things out just wonder
ful. Season with a couple of
tablespoons of grated onion, salt
and pepper to taste. Leave herbs
and carrots out of this.
Stir a lightly beaten egg in now
and cook a few minutes more,
over water always. But stir. Oh,
how you must stir. Now pour
out into a shallow pan and chill
in ttie refrigerator until firm.
EATING. Shape the mixture into
fingersized croquettes. (I wear a
size 6Vi, and this recipe should
make 25 to 30 croquettes.) Dip
in fine cracker crumbs, then in
beaten egg, again in crumbs and
fry in deep fat or salad oil. Drain
on paper. Serve hot. Garnish the
plate with parsley!
oblong casserole for a pie dish, or
two regular SI in. piepans. Line
with pastry and bake as you do
any pie shelL FOR THE FILLING:
Soften 2 envelopes of unflavored
gelatin in Vi cup of milk. Scald
2 cups of milk. Beat 8 egg yolks
slightly and mix with 1 cup of
sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Cook
in the double boiler until the cus
tard coats the spoon. Take from
over the hot water and add the
softened gelatin. Stir until dis
solved. Cool and add Vi cup
cream, Vi cup chopped nuts, Vi
cup chopped figs, Vi cup of
chopped nuts, Vi cup of raisins,
Vi cup of maraschino cherries.
Chill until thick. Beat 8 egg
whites stiff but not dry. Add 1
cup of sugar a tablespoon at a
time. Beat well in between. Fold
this fluffy meringue into the cus
tard. Pour into the two pie shells
or the large one. Sprinkle the top
with toasted coconut and chopped
maraschino cherries.
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