The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, October 25, 1951, Page 2, Image 2

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    TIh® W
Dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, social and spiritual
life of a great people."
Melvin L. Shakespeare
Publisher tditor
dasiaes* Address 2225 S Street Phone 2-4085
U No Answer Call 5-7506
Ruble W Shakespeare. Advertising and Business Manager
Dorothy Green . . .. Office Secretary
Mrs. Joe Green . .Circulation Manager
Member ef the Associated Negro Prene and Nebraska Press Asseelatlen
Entered as Second Class Matter, June 9. 1547 at teh Post Office at Lincoln.
Nebraska under the Act of March 3. 1879.
1 year rubscrtptlon........ .$2.50 single copy.........«.10c
jut-of-state 1 Sear Subscription $2.50—Single Copy 10s
rhe views expressed in these columns
aeoessarily a reflection of the policy
are those of the writer and not
of The Voice—Pub
Committee of 100 Families
The “Committee of 100 families”
is composed of progressive Lin
coln citizens who are interested in
the progress of the community.
The committee was organized
three years ago for the purpose
among other things, of supporting
THE VOICE advertisers and
thereby adequately maintaining a
publication to serve the best in
terest of the community. We have
received very fine co-operation'
and the results have been com
mendable. To see these names;
together in print gives some ideal
of the tremendous possibilities and I
merit of such strong co-operation.
THE VOICE has weathered
five years, during which time the
paper’s pages have carried local,
sectional and national news, and
it has become an accepted part of
local life . .. familiar in the home
of the progressive Lincolnite.
This “Committee of 100 Fami
lies” is only a small part of the
families, friends and interested
readers in the city and throughout ’
the country who are responsible j
for the success of THE VOICE. i
Southern Negroes Make Gains
Recently speaking in Richmond,
Va., the veteran NAACP admin
istrator, Roy Wilkins, paid a de
served tribute to the initiative
and courage of Southern Negroes,
who have too frequently been
represented, fro propaganda pur
poses as being helpelss and ter
It is most timely to have
pointed out, as Mr. Wilkins did,
that “it was the Southern Negroes
who challenged in the courts the
old ‘Grandfather Clause’ which
Sculptor Completes
War Memorial Design
By Alice Lamb
(ANP)—Thurman Dillard, Negro
sculptor of Colorado Springs, hasj
completed his design for the sec
tion of the United States Junior
Chamber of Commerce’s war me
morial building in Tulsa, Okl., to
be built by the Colorado Springs
The design is now on its way to
the Jaycee war memorial board
for approval. Title of the design1
is the “Phoenix Arising From ■
Flame.” It will be located in an,
outdoor section of the war memo-!
rial and constructed of white steel I
rods, transparent plastic rods, red;
and transparent glass crystals,!
while the wing feathers will bej
ndicated with transparent plastic
ods on chromium wire.
jkept them from the ballot box.
It was the Southern Negros who
started and carried through to a
victorious finish the 20-year fight
against ‘White Primary.’ It is the
Southern Negroes, operating
through the courts, who have
opened the doors of Southern
white universities to their young1
people. It has been the Southern
Negroes who have taken a lead-.
!ing part in the 50-year fight
against lynching, riots and Klan'
terror. It is now the Southern
Negroes in Virginia, South Caro-j
lina and Georgia who are asking!
the courts that segregation be
abolished in elementary and high
fKliauMB1 »««1 l|
from II
The home of clean I
used cars.
I (
■ 120 No. 19 St. ■
i ;
ana i ita: iii,ai;;!ia:'::a'"a a. ■ ■ 1
Brownie Troop 27 j
Has Full Program
Brownie troop 17 has been very
active this fall with their leader
Miss Robbie Powell and her as
sistants, Mrs. O. Nathan and Mrs.
H. Peterson. They have taken up
many phases of interesting things’
such as sewing, making Christmas
presents for their mothers, cook
ing; at their last meeting Friday
afternoon they made fudge;
games, group circle games and
waitsing, hiking and holding
dMrt eomntiOK la French. On
OeSiCie: T'h. hey vS *zzesd a
aurre sc he Tsrhry heaaff, F®r
Sowesoner 3th. hem vdl ae a
Fuher-Ceu^twr aipjjer nruuihug
all he Sr* Sesuts %nrt hneicis
:n he ihstrfet Vie 3i<v*w
Wemhers vf 2# am J*a*
•gCr^riHactu Jty» lee ifcrwwe £a*t- ■
MA* '-V*iemW?e Uietfl ZVmm 4*
letter fie
**#•***• tM ♦jf # * + I
Congratulations from
D. L. "Dell" Tyrrel
Thanksgiving is near
Chrysanthemums for your Center piece
D. L. "Dell" Tyrrel
Tanner's Flowers
1133 No. Corner Bird. Phone 6-2357
Congratulations to The Voice
or THC
StoAtT Investment Company
#Tf«JiiWrr X MG • 2-J303
tc**COiJN 8. NtiRMU
. ... -■■■ 1 • "—
C^onyra tu (a tions
Oft Your
5th Anniversary
and Best Wishes ter
Continued Success
Tw An Always Welcome at
5c and 10c 5c h> $1.00
1 •• »OUm» »**
Architect, Engineer and Artist
1211 P Street 2-3206
J. G.
Besf Wishes
for Continued Success
Dr. M. F. Arnholt
Congratulations on your
5th Anniversary
Phone 2-2484
1308 N Street Lincoln, Nebr.
CoM Rubber M:, **■.
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