The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, August 30, 1951, Page Four, Image 4
| Social Briefs ) By Dorothy Greco | Mrs. Sallie Brown had as her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Middle ton of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young and Mr. and Mrs. Roseo S. Perry. Mr. Middle ton is the brother of Mrs. Perry. * * * Mrs. Helen Seward from Co lumbus, Ohio, and Mrs. Betty Gaines and daughter, Cheryl from Nashville, Tennessee, arrived last Sunday evening to spend a few weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patrick. * • * Mrs. Marjorie Winston and children spent a day in Omaha visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan ^Vinston. * * * Freddie Powell spent a couple of days in Lincoln visiting her parents. * A * Martha Hammonds, student nurse at Bryan Memorial Hos pital, has returned to Lincoln after spending her vacation in St. Louis, Missouri and Omaha. She was the dinner guest of Miss Robbie Lee Powell on Friday. * * * Mrs. Clyde W. Malone had vis itors the past week from St. Louis, Missouri. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Randol and daughters, Anne and Gertrude.1 They also visited their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Colley, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Randol, who entertained them at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Randol will return to their home at the end of the month. * * * |, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Colley have as their house guest this week, 'j Mrs. Lucille Levelis of Min- , neapolis, Minn. * * * Mrs. Anneta Smith will leave Friday to spend her second year as demonstration teacher for Vir ginia State College in Petersburg, ' Va. _ j1 Mrs. S. A. Douglas and children Armalene, Donald, Beverly and Sylvia left Friday to make their j home in California. Elder Douglas — will join his family lafcer. The1 Douglasses have made their homej in Lincoln for the past three years. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nevels, sr., and daughter, Joyce motored to Colorado on Sunday, Aug. 19th. Mr. Nevels returned Friday but Mrs. Nevels and Joyce remained for a few days. While there their son, Joe who has been stationed in Egypt, was flown to Colorado Springs airbase for medical at tention. | Mrs. Ralph Johnson, Patricia and Gwenldolyn left Monday to spend about two weeks in Ar kansas. * * * Many bridal courtesies in the !; ... the KING SIZE cleaning buy in Lincoln can be found at the Peerless Cleaners—322 So. 11th St., and 2919 North 48th St. Or just phone 2-6731. . . . have you looked over your fall wardrobe? REMEMBER "GRIME NEVER PAYS" CALL 2-6731 PEERLESS • CLEANERS 322 So. 11th Geo. H. Lemon Brstoch Office 371# Ne. 48th DONLEY-STAHL CO. LTD. 1331 N St. DRUGS—PRESCRIPTIONS SICK ROOM NECESSITIES WE APPRECIATE TOUR PATRONAGE form of miscellaneous showers have been extended to Miss Lo retta McWilliams. On Sept. 15, she was honored by Mrs. Betty Rogers and Miss Tony Smith at the home of Miss Smith’s sister, Mrs. Hazel Sherron. Sept, 20, she was honored by Misses Hazel and Betty Wilson, Betty Bowman and Jeanne Malone at the h6me Miss Malone. Sept. 28, Miss Vonna Finley gave a nitchen shower. Mr. Theodore Emory spent a week visiting his mother, Mrs. Louise Joseph, in Kansas City re cently. He also spent several days in Chicago. * * * Miss Loretta McWilliams is to today announcing the members of the bridal party for her Sept. 1 wedding to Maurice Russell. Miss Betty Bowen will be maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Betty Wilson, Hazel Wilson and Jeanne Malone. Chester Scott of Omaha will serve the groom-elect as best man. And seating the guests at Quinn Chapel church will be, Verne Wilson, Walter Bell, Robert. Hammonds and Henry McWil liams, uncle of the bride-elect. | Claudette McWilliams, cousin ofl ithe bride-elect will be flower-1 ! girl. * * * Returning from a vacation in Chicago, 111., was Mrs. Rachel Fields who spent a week with> relatives and friends. * * * Mrs. Lela Beck and daughter, Mrs. Louise Patterson of Beatrice, 1 Neb., were worshippers at Quinn ; Chapel A.M.E. church Sunday. ] • • > ] Mrs. Kathryn Conway of Chey enne, Wyo., Dorothy Molden and Mrs. Jackie Richerson of Port land, Ore., were in Lincoln due to :he death of Mr. William Molden. # * * ■■ i Mr. and Mrs. William McGinnis lave returned to their home in Kansas City, Mo., after spending about ten days with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Irving. -— i You Should Patronize Our Advertisers Union Ordered To Admit Negroes To Membership j HARTFORD, Conn. (ANP) — Local 35 of the AFL International i Brotherhood of Electrical work ers was ordered to admit Mans ! field T. Tilley and Warren B. j Stewart to membership in the un ion. The State Civil Rights com mission, after a series of public hearings found that the union had fostered a pattern of discrimina tion against Negroes. Pointing out that the union is powerful in Hartford and that most electrical contract work is done by union labor, tl^e tribunal observed: “A union card thus be comes the open sesame to em ployment for any individual desir ing to engage in the electrical trade ” The tribunal also found that since denying the applications of the pair on the grounds that they were too old for apprenticeship and were not sponsored by an employer, the union had admitted four white persons and had al ways given preference to rela tives of members. Tilley, 30, and Stewart, 25, ap plied for apprenticeship in 1949 after completing courses in elec trical work in trade schools and; holding electrical jobs prior to their army service. Serving on the tribunal gave the findings were Leo Parskey of Hartford, Miss Jane Anderson of Bridgeport and Boce Barlow of Hartford. School Supply Specials Keg. NOW 2- Ring Notebooks 65c, 39c 3- Ring Noteboks 1.95, 98c OTHER ITEMS Fountain Pens — Pencils Dictionaries «r Globes Artist Safeties T aischRrolhers JLi'stationeksJ# printers 1124 O St. 2-6838 | ... . —————— i -—— . — i --- CLEANING and SANITATION ! SUPPLIES All Type* Brooms—Furniture Polishes Mops—Floor Seal and Wax Sweeping Compounds Mopping Equipment Kelso Chemical 117 North 9th St. 2-3434 VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES (j MEATS 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 f~nm warn Your City Light Department i r ——■ 1 I rr— The Nebraska Typewriter Co. 125 No. 11th ^Lincoln 2-2157 Royal Typewriters Mimeograph - Duplicators Dictaphones - Clary Adders i j Sold - Rented - Repaired Flowers By Tyrrell#s D. L. TyrrtlTs Plotters 6 2357 1133 No. Cotner Where Your Furniture Dollar Buys More 1532 O Street Shurtleff's Furniture Co, ["household hints By Mr*. Brevy Miller Phone 2-4051 ■— Banana Cake with Walnuts Vi cup fat 1 Vi cups sugar 2 eggs 1 cup mashed bananas V4 teaspoon salt X teaspoon lemon extract X teaspoon vanilla Vi cup sour milk 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder Vi cup black walnuts Cream fat and sugar. Add rest of ingredients and mix well. Pour into shallow pan lined with waxed paper. Bake 25 minutes in mod erate oven. Cool and serve topped with whipped cream or custard sauce. This is a rich dessert so only small portions should be i served. Scalloped Meat Meat, cold, cooked. 2 cups Salt, 1 Vi teaspoons Pepper. Vi teaspoon Onion juice, Vi teaspoon Fat, 2 tablespoons Flour, 3 tablespoons Meat stock, hot, 1V4 cups Crumbs, 2 cups Make sauce with the fat, flour and seasoning and add % cup of the hot stock and the rest gradu ally. Put one-half of the crumbs in the baking dish. Pour sauce mixed with the meat cut in small pieces in dish. Cover with crumbs and brown in oven 20 minutes. Either cracker or bread crumbs may be used. Macaroni Loaf 3 cups cook macaroni 1 Vi cups tomatoes Vi cup chopped cheese 3 tablespoons chopped green peppers 2 tablespoons chopped celery 2 tablespoons chopped onions ' 1 teaspoon salt V* teaspoon pepper Vi cup crumbs 2 eggs 3 tablespoons butter, melted Mix ingredients and pour into greased loaf pan. Bake 35 min utes in moderate oven. Unmold carefully. Garnish with parsley. Cherry Butter 6 cups seeded red cherries 4 tablespoons orange Juice 5 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon Mix ingredients and let stand for one hour. Boil gently, stirring frequently, until the butter thick ens. Pour into sterilized jars and when cool, seal with melted par affin. Cocoanut Bars 3 eggs, 2-3 cup sugar, 1 tea spoon vanilla, Y4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Beat eggs and sugar. Add rest of ingredients, mixing lightly. Pour into greased shallow pan and bake 25 minutes in moder ately slow oven. Cut in bars while warm and roll in confectioner’s sugar. You Should Patronize Our Advertisers ■ill—iiiwniiiiiii i mi rt;■xmmmz'’ | | FREADRICH Jj BROS. I • • • • Since 1902 I The Best Place To Trade 1 After All—1316 N Street 1 9 i September 2-7 4 NEBRASKA'S BIGGEST 4-H CLUB * 1 EXHIBIT « THRILL SHOWS AND AUTO 4 RACES 2 WORLD'S GREATEST OUTDOOR • REVUE A NEBRASKA'S ONLY EDUCATIONAL * EXPOSITION | • DAYS or PUN 0 NEBRASKA'S OREATIST SHOW ~~.. 4 I \ Footnotes... for the back-to-school set! A new budget line of children's shoes . . . sturdy and well built ... to give the maximum wear per dollar! Shown is one of many in stock! m SADDLE SHOE Sizes 49 to 12 3 Sizes m 95 4 to 10 .. *1 GOLD’S . . . Basement IM " -■