The Voice Popularity Contest WALTER CLAYTON BELL 3rd, is the 3 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell, jr., of 1942 U street. His birthday is February 9th. 1,590 votes. —Rose Manor Studio LLEW ELLYIf BOWLER, nephew of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph W. Johnson, 2301 S street is 3 years old. His birthday is Octo ber 30. 950 'votes. —Hose Manor Studio JEANNETTE LUCILLE ADAMS, daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams, 2411 South 8th street, is 4 years old. Her birthday is March 9th. 880 votes. —Rose Manor Studio JERRY RONELL PETERSON, 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson, 334 South 23rd street, celebrates his birthday on February 26th 840 votes. —Rose Manor Studio LAWRENCE DALE WEEKS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Weeks, 2826 North 51st street, is 8 months old. His birthday is October 8 th. 810 votes. —Rose Manor Studio JULIUS BLAINE BROOKS, son of the Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Brooks, is 14 months old. His birthday is February 6th. 720 votes. Pictured above are the six babies that have the highest num ber of votes. In each of the addi tional issues of The Voice the top six babies will be pictured, until the close of the contest which is July 28, when the three winning babies will be pictured. The other four contestants are as follows: Michael H. Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cooke, 2001 S street, 610 votes. Freddie Dandridge, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Don Thelmon, 545 No. 22nd street, 410 votes. Steve Kunkee, sorT”of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kun kee, 2324 A street, 200 votes. Robert C. A. Sorensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorensen, 1745 Euclid Ave., 400 votes. Citizens’ Council meeting at Urban League, Friday, June 29. Be sure to attend. Citizens’ Council meeting at Urban League, Friday, June 29. Be sure to attend. _ _' Court S. Mullen 139 No. 11th Located in Capital Hotel Lincoln, Nebraska L"—.. — 1 1st Prize .",.$25.00 War Bondi 2nd Prize.$10.00 3rd Prize..$ 5.00 Winners will be determined by the number of votes they re ceive. Votes can be secured through new subscriptions, subscription renewals or by sending in the coupon at the end of this announce ment. A special subscription price has been made for this contest. $2.00 for a 1 year subscription which will entitle you to 200 votes; $1.25 for a 6 month subscription which entitles you to 125 votes. The coupon is worth 10 votes, the price of a single issue of THE VOICE. __ - My votes for THE VOICE BABY POPULARITY CONTEST I WORTH 10 VOTES WORTH 10 VOTES Mail or Bring This Coupon to Our Office Box 2023 Lincoln, Nebr. Clydes Dairy Store 2230 R St. Ice Cream 25c & 27c a pint Showalisi/L (Roofi/u^ fomparuf^ Roofing Insulation Siding 233 North 22nd St. 2-2493 ALSO KEYSTONE SELF-STORING STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS HY-LINE CHICKS Bred Like Hybrid Corn HILL FEEDS . POULTRY SUPPLIES HILL HATCHERY 910 R 2-7025 C.I.O, lead (Continued from Page 1) also gained economic justice. The status of the highly-paid skilled]' worker will not be secure if his more humble brothers are ex ploited or pushed around. Rights Must Be Extended To All That same principle applies in the field of civil rights. I .rejoice, I know you do, in the long delayed recognition of the superb talents of outstanding diplomats, piofessional people, artists and scientists in the Negro community. “The growing acceptance of their splendid talents and the recognition of their tremendous contributions to American society has enriched the lives of all of us. It is equally important, how ever, that the rights and privileges of full American democrats, citizenship be extended not just to a few outstanding leaders but to all the Negro people of Amer ica. “That is what we in the CIO | have been trying to do. Our recognition of the value of toler ance and fair play developed not because we were particularly angelic. Our concepts and ideas about the dangers of discrimin ation, segregation and intolerance t me out of thv crucible of our own experience in the factories and mines and mills.” By GEO. H. LEMON . . . the Lincoln Athletics sure came through in their two home games; the rains continue to drench this section of the country and the PEERLESS Cleaners are continuing to hit three baggers and home runs— with scarcely a foul tip. . . . someone said the other day —“your dry cleaning sure peps up my clothes” and of course that is exactly what we have been preaching now for a long, long time. As Faye Emerson might say. “There is more bounce to the ounce” in our dry cleaning. "GRIME NEVER PAYS" CALL 2-6731 PEERLESS CLEANERS 322 So. 11th Geo. H. Lemon Branch Office 2719 No. 48th (For Everything in HARDWARE Baker Hardware 101 No. 9th 2-37101 *20 20flt *>, Un«*l«« N«fc. • flMM 14747 IDEAL Grocery and Market Lota of Parking 27th and F Streets I VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES b MEATS 22nd and Vina 2-6583 — 2-6584 Make WHITE'S Your FURNITURE HEADQUARTERS Its 108 No. 10th Street Just 27 Steps North of 10th S O Sts