| Social Briefsj «* Oorothj Green The Ministers’ Wives council met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. G. Nathan, 2263 S Street Mrs. R. H. Powell was co-hostess. Guest speaker for the afternoon was Mr. Lynnwood Parker, executive secretary of the Lincoln Urban League. * * * Miss Freddie Powell, daughter of the Rev and Mrs. R. H. Pow ell, left Sunday for Omaha after spending her two weeks vacation in Lincoln and Kansas City. , * * * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Green left Sunday evening for Chicago. 111., where they will spend two weeks with their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Green. * • * Mr. and Mrs. John C. Holland have returned from a two-week vacation in Washington, D. C.. where they visited Mr. Holland s father, Mr. G. A. Holland. On their return trip they visited his sister and other relatives in Vir ginia. A point of interest was the fact that they toured the high school and state college where Mr. Holland attended school. Mrs. Holland is the former Mrs. Be ulah Ceaser. • • • Mrs. Hazel Wilson has returned after spending a few days at the bedside of her mother in Denver, Colo. • * • Mrs. R. G. Nathan wife of the Rev. R. G. Nathan left last week to spend several weeks with friends and relatives in Boston. Mass. She was accompanied by her children. * * * Mrs. James Fuller has returned after spending several weeks in Gadsden, Ala., visiting friends and relatives. She left June 18th. to spend a few days in Topeka, Kansas where she will attend a conference. • * * Mrs. John Miller left last week to spend some time in St. Louis, Missouri with her sister. She was accompanied by her daugh ter, Mrs. Leona Brown. * * * Miss Dorothy Green was hostess at a party Saturday night at the Urban League celebrating her 21st birthday The guests j gathered in the lounge where they spent the evening in formally. Miss Green received many lovely gifts. Convention Held In Kansas City Mattie Sue Nevels, daughter of Mrs. Mattie Nevels, and Mrs. Melvin Shakepeare, were elected as delegates to represent Quinn Chapel A.M.E. church at the Annual Sunday School and A.C.E. League convention of the Omaha and Kansas City District, held in Kansas City Wednesday and Thursday, June 20th and 21st. Miss Dorothy Green, Omaha Dis trict Sunday School Superin tendent was also in attendance. Army Mothers Hold Two Day Convention The United States Army Mothers held their fifth annual state convention June 12-13 at the Comhusker Hotel. The two day convention was opened by Mrs. Josephine Yates, C o m mander of Lincoln Post No. 5. Mrs. Laura Ehleman of North Platte, State Commander pre sided. Dr. Scott, manager of the Lin coln Veterans Hospital, praised the organization very highly for the splendid work. Tuesday evening a memorial service was held in honor of soldiers killed during the past years. It was conducted by Chap lain Jones of the Lincoln Veterans hospital. At the Wednesday noon lunch eon, Mrs. Jessamine Doran, Past National Commander and now National Organizer spoke on the importance of mothers in the world today and the special role as the organization views it, to be played by Army Mothers. Mrs. Beulah Bradley, Commander of Post No. 8 was a delegate to the convention. Mrs. Mary Nau, new Post Com mander of Post No. 5 was elected State Commander by the U.S. Army Mothers at the final session. AUTO PARTS MOTOR REBUILDING MOTOR EXCHANGE BEN’S NEW WAY AUTO PARTS ‘101S-2024 “O” St. Ph. fc-7039 “9 out of 10 your ’ns*1 bet u Ben * POT.rriCAT >nVKRTTrF’ r'JT POT tTICAT, .AHyEHTISEMENT______ Spends Summer In Lincoln * ,^v V* £ '-V VS** g . . • } Mrs. Anita Smith is spending the summer at home with her mother, Mrs. Lillian Miller and her aunt, Mrs. J. E. Miller. THE EVANS CLEANERS — LAC7NDERERS Save Mono dee our Cash and Carry Plan 533 No. 12th St Dial 2-6961 OONLEY-STAHL CO. LTD. 1331 N St DRUGS—PRESCRIPTIONS SICK ROOM NECESSITIES WE APPRECIATE TOUR PATRONAGE - —:-- ™l When You Need PAINTS GLASS MIRRORS WALLPAPER PAINTERS' SUPPLIES Remember the: Van Sickle Glass and Paint Co. 148 South leth 81. , »«»81 "ttr' ROSE MANOR STUDIO 1421 O Street Phone 2-2247 Portraits by Appointment George Randol. P A. of A Prices reasonable Work guaranteed I SKYLINE ICE CREAM STORES 1433 Sooth St. Phone 3-8118 1417 N St. Phone 3-4074 AD Products Manufactured At Main Plant Skyline Forma So. 14th St MEMBER FEDERAL DEFOE IT INSURANCE CORPORATION 10th ond 0 St. Since 1871 PARRISH MOTOR CO. The home of clean used can. 120 No. 19 St. Vofe Fur The C ARTER CHANGE at the Special City Election JULY 10 . . . and be sure to register NOW (if you are not already registered) There'll be a big meeting of all folks in the Urban League area at the League Hall the evening of June 29. Come and learn the facts about LINCOLN'S URGENT FINANCIAL CRISIS This advertisement sponsored by the Citizens* Connell.