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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1951)
Social Briefs | By Dorothy (.rero Tuesday evening May 8th, at a regular meeting of Newman Methodist W.S.C.S., Mrs. Edith Hill presented six of her students in a piano recital. They were: Wilene Letchter, Pat Johnson, Jackie Lintz, Charles Baker, Gwen Boler and LeRoy Humbert. Twenty persons attended the meeting including parents and members. Miss Charlene Colbert presented awards to the pupils in the recital, from their teacher. Mrs Fawntella Baker is presi dent of the organization and the meeting was held at the home of Mrs. R. W. Johnson. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams and family were the week-end guests of Mr. Adam’s mother,. Mrs. Mary Adams in Nebraska City, Nebraska. They motored back on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Givehand of Nebraska City. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tapp and family motored to Nebraska City for Mother’s Day. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buxton and daughter Beverly were in the city on Mother’s Day. They ar from Omaha. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnson and family and Mrs. Jeslena Bell, Mrs. Johnson's mother, motored to Nebraska City to view the Ap ple blossoms, on Sunday. a * a Mrs. Mildred Strawder and children of Berkley, California are spendirg an indefinite stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. a # * Prof. A. T. Walker, of St. ' Joseph, Missouri, brother ot Mrs. Corena Williams is reported very ill and has been hospitalized for several weeks. Mrs. Williams has returned after spending a week with him. t; * * Mr. A. E. Simms has returned from St. Joseph, Missouri where he spent the week-end recently. * * >* *? Urban League is sponsor- : rOtts* y M}-c- ®[r$)Compatu]' H/ IVEY'S GARAGE Phone 2-4295 2119 0 St. Jess Williams Springs Receives Scholarship WINIFRED WINSTON Winifred Winston, who will be graduated from Lincoln High School m June, has received a Fine Arts Festival Scholarship from the University of Nebraska. The award was made by Dr. Ar thur Westbrook. ing the Boy’s Town Choir in a concert Thursday (tonight) May 17th. Tickets are on sale at Dietze Music Store and the Ur ban League. Fisk Dean Speaker At Kentucky State FRANKFORT, Ky. (ANP)— Dr. W. J. Faulkner, dean of the Chapel at Fisk university, will be the Baccalaureate speaker at Kentuek State college, Sunday June 3, it was announced last week by President R. B. At wood. An outstanding speaker. Dr Faulkner was Y.M.C.A. worker in Philadelphia and pastor of the Congregational church in At lanta before coming to Fisk. !"■*" " iii (News From Wyoming Cheyenne BY MRS. H. C. JEFFERSON Mrs.M. Parker, noted evangelist ! from Philadelphia, held a three night meeting at Second Baptist church. The church was filled each evening and inspiration was high. Her son who is training in the Air Force here at Ft. Warren base, was at the piano each eve ning and proved himself a fine musician. Mrs. T. A. Maxwell and son of Ogden, Utah, and visiting Mrs. Annie Palmer, sister of Mrs. Maxwell. Mrs. Mabel Hough and son of Denver were Sunday guests of Major and Mrs. M. Burton. Mrs. Evelyn Van Dyke is able to be out after a two weeks ill- ; ness. Mrs. Irene Brown and daughter Carol, are in Wichita, Kas., where her sister is seriously ill in the hospital. Mrs. Charlotte Glasper spon sored the beautiful pageant, “The Old Ship of Zion” at the Second Baptist. Sgt. William Benefield was captain of the Old Ship. Sister Precious Jewel Gibson, 1 pastor of the Mission churches at Scotsbluff and Alliance, Net)., filled the pulpit at Allen Chapel , both Sunday morning and eve ning. Her sermons were filled with gospel truths. Rev. and Mrs. Charels B. Moore who have been visiting in Kansas and Missouri for the past month, returned home recently. The men’s club had a 6 o’clock dinner at Allen Chapel Friday. It was very well attended. Mrs. H. C. Jefferson enter tained at a 6 o’clock dinner in honor of Mrs. T. A. Maxwell of Ogden, Utah, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Palmer. Cov ers were laid for Mr. and Mrs Jerry Brown, Mr. Theodore Brown and son, Sammie, Mrs Annie Palmer, Mrs. Maxwell and the hostess. Wyoming Chapter No. 6, O.E.S., held their regular monthly meet ing. Sgt. Ben Jackson was ob ligated into the order. The pe tition of Mrs. M. Walker was pre sented and she was voted a can didate for initiation. Mrs. Eunice Cave gave a fine lecture. Mrs. Ethel Benefield, chairman of en tertainment, had a weight rally, a penny a pound from each member. Besides lots of fun it was a financial success. At the close Sergeant Jackson and the social committee served a delight ful lunch. Mrs. Lahoma Bailey is Wotrhy Matron; Rev. B. J. Washington, Worthy Patron. Mrs. Beatrice Gentry is able to be out after a week’s illness. Mr. Herbert Reese is also im proved. Mrs. Pearl Witt was in Denver , last week. While there she was ; guest of her daughter and son-in- j law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and family. Where Your Furniture Dollar Buys More 1532 O Street \ Shurtleff's Furniture Co. Flowers By Tyrrell's D. L. "Dell" Tyrrell's Flowers 6-2357 1133 No. Cotner .. MJ . I’ I ■ Make WHITES Tom j FURNITURE HEADQUARTERS Its jl 108 No. 10th Street Just 27 Steps North of 10th S O Sts. __ I HOUSEHOLD HINTS : By Mr*. Brev* Millet Phone 2-4051 Tuna and Macaroni Cassrole 1 can tuna. 6 ounces elbow macaroni. 3 tablespoons margarine. 1 tablespoon flour. 3 cups nil it l teaspoon salt. * % teaspoon pepper, ta cup catsup or cnili sauce, cup buttered crumbs. I can mixed vegetables. Cook macaroni in boiling salted water 12 minutes. Drain,. Flake ; tuna. Melt margarine in sauce j pan and blend in flour. Slowly add milk and bring to the boiling point. Season with salt, pepper and catsup Combine sauce with marcaroni and flaked tuna. Pour into a greased baking dish. Arrange a border erf drained mixed vege tables around the edge of the baking dish. Sprinkle the butter crumbs over the vegetables and macaroni mixture. Bake 25 min utes in a moderate ct^en, 350 de g-ees. Mrs. Edith Sampson Featured in Magazine Mrs Edith Sampson, first Negro appointed to represent the United Sta^s in the U N. General Assembly, is one of four women featured in the “What Are People Really Like?” de partment of May edition of Ladies Home Journal, top wom en’s magazine. In this item, Mrs. Sampson revealed her philosophy on the race issue. A picture shows her with Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, the other American woman delegate to the U.N. In this item, Mrs. Sampson is quoted as saying on the race question: “I made up my mind when I was 17 that color need not be a barrier, if you don’t let it be.” ’ n. O. MeFiold 1 Cleaners A Tailors ■ / ■ Specialise to Band-Weaving J 301 No. 9tb Phone 2-5441 ..—-T-w-gmingni Summer SKIRTS / to 5.95 * t • Broadcloth • Denim • Sailcloth • Picolay • Butcher type Rayon ® And many others J*. » £«» «>oje ever PoiraUr ,mmtr Alrtl », * *rea* “^z Brilliant floral patterns, ice-cube cool fah £s.*ss?t;r,“ -“d' * “»k«»•»^msnst £?.' OOI.irs Aeady-To-Wear.. Basement