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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1951)
Quinn Chapel A. M K. Church 9th and C Street*. Rev. J B. Brooks. Pastor. 6:00 p. m. Young Peoples Fellowship. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m Morning Worship. Tuesday 8:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting. Nerthslds Church ef God *3rd and T Street. Mrs. Alice Britt. 10:00 a. m. Church School 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. 7:30 p. m. Midweek Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p. m. Friday Bible Study. For place of meeting call 2-4673. Alloa Chapel < Seventh-day Adventist) JLeCount Butler/ Associate Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sabbath School 10:45 a. m. Missionary Meeting 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship 4:00 p m. Young People’s Society CHRIST TEMPLE Church of Christ < Holiness) 2149 U Street. Phone 2-3901 Rev. T. O. McWilliams. Jr.. Pastor Rev. T. T. McWilliams. Sr. Ass’t Pastor Order of Worship Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Service at Carver Nursing Home. 2001 Vine Street, 5 o’clock. Evening Service. 7:30 pm. Mt. Zion Baptist Church Rev. W. 1 Monroe, Pastor Corner 12th and F Streets 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship 6:30 p. m. Baptist Training Union hjOO p. M. Evening Worship NEWMAN METHODIST. •3rd and S; Ralph G. Nahan. pastor. SUNDAY—Church at study. 10: church •t worship, 11 a.m. MONDAY—Trustee board meeting. WEDNESDAY—Gladsome service, 7 to • p.m. FRIDAY—Ministry ot music, 6 p.m. CME Chare h. • 2030 r Street. First and Third Sundays 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 10:30 a.m., Methodist Training Union. 11:00 a.m.. Morning Worship. Church of God la Christ. 9:00 a.m., Sunday School. 11:00 a_m.. Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.. Y.P.W.W 8:00 p.m.. Evening worship. 8:00 p.m. Tuesday and Friday, reg ular service. Prayer band 9 p.m. Junior church •ervica. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, praysr and Bible pastor. Rev. Charles Williams. BabyLivesA fieri 0 Minutes of Death WACO, Tex. (ANP)—A month old baby is now doing all right here after a recent 10-minute taste of death. The tot is Van Pell Evans, jr., son of Van Pell Evans, executive secretary of the Waco Negro Chamber of Commerce. Young Van Pell, who is only about six weeks old now, got sick one night a couple of weeks ago, , and his parent- called a doctor desperately. When the pediatri cian arrived, they figured it was too late because their baby had “died’* ten minutes before. The doctor, whose name has not been published, decided that it was not too late. He began to apply artificial respiration. VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES & MEATS 22nd and Vina 2-6581 — 2-6584 Sunday School */ Lesson The Southern Kingdom Scripture—11 Kings 18: 1-7; Isaiah 31: 1-3 PRESENT DAY APPLICATION By Frederick D. Jordan Los Angeles, Calif. Peace and security can be es- ! tablished in no other way than by spiritual strength. Our lesson shows clearly the futility of try ing to establish a kingdom on any other basis. Peace is even worse than the tragedy of war, as our nation today must learn, as well as the other nations of the world, when it involves moral compro mise. Splendid as are all organ izations which aim to produce in ternational security, every sensi ble person knows that we will never have a safe world until we have righteous people living therein; and that we will never have righteousness until God is , given first place in our lives. Not the atomic bomb, but God | Himself is our security. The leaders in our lesson were cow ards and compromisers until Hezekiah came along. He did not vacillate, but was willing to take a moral stand and he also believed in forceful action. He was not a fanatic, but he hated evil and supported righteousness. That is the type of leadership we need today. The Church and na- ■ tion cooperating will insure the moral health and prosperity, and the security of our nation. BEAL'S GROCERY Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Meats 2101 B TeL 2-6933 M’S own The Singing Ambassadors from Boys Town THURSDAY. MAY 17 S:0O P.M. Admission $1.00 League News Urban League Active In Orientating New Construction Workers The Lincoln Urban league have been quite active in finding rooms for the new construction workers who recently arrived in our city. A total of about fifty workers are here. The Secretary, Mr. Parker, taked with both shifts of workers Friday and Saturday in an ef fort to get them orientated ac claimed into the city life of Lin coln. About fifty more workers are expected to arrive in the city dur ing the week (May 14-19). The workers are employed by j the Chalmers and Broton Con- : struction company, erecting an elevenator at 24th and Fair St. Most of the workers hail from Kansas City, Mo. __ Boy Scouts, Cubs In Growing Process The Boy Scout Troop at the Lincoln Urban League is becom ing quite active and showing signs of growth. The Boys par ticipated in the housing survey of Lincoln and will serve as ushers at the Boy Town Choir Concert, May 17th. Mr. Kelley, Parker, Reed and Bradley attended the Scout Round-Table this week and re ported great interest in the ac tivity. Mr. Kelly held a meeting with the Cub Mothers in an effort to vive the interest in the Cubs. Things rae really beginning to I pop Cub-wise. . ■—1 AUTO PARTS MOTOR REBUILDING MOTOR EXCHANGE BEN’S NEW WAY AUTO PARTS 2018-2024 “O” St. Ph. 2-7039 “9 out of 10 your best bet is Ben” .—WINTERHALTER’S Have ALL the Materials You'll NEED for Your Spring Cleain-Up, Paint-Up PROGRAM 14th at P Street I George H. Wentz lac. PLUMBING & hEATING . 1620 M Phone 2-1293 I Your. City | Light Department | "iii". Please Ask For UMBERGER’S AMBULANCE 2-8543 lJmberger’t Mortuary, Inc. Gillett Poultry FRESH DRESSED POULTRY QUALITY EGGS Phone 2-2001 528 No. 9tb HY-LINE CHICKS Bred Like Hybrid Corn HILL FEEDS POULTRY SUPPLIES HILL HATCHERY 910 R 2-7025 DONLEY-STAHL CO. LTD. 1331 N St. DRUGS—PRESCRIPTIONS SICK ROOM NECESSITIES WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE When You Need PAINTS GLASS MIRRORS WALLPAPER PAINTERS' SUPPLIES Remember the: Van Sickle Glass and Paint Co. 143 South 10th St. 2-6931 Lincoln. Nebr. ROSE MANOR STUDIO 1421 O Street Phone 2-2241 Portraits by Appointment George Randol P 4 of t Prices reasonable Work guaranteed SKYLINE i ICI CREAM STORES 1433 South St. Phone 3-8118 1417 N St. Phone 2-4074 J 4ft Products Manufactured At Main Plant Skyline Farms So. 14th St. ....-o. .. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION I Oth and 0 St. Since 1871 bert* e AMilk comes from select ed cows, regularly inspected by health authorities! WE INVITE YOU TO TASTE qnd COMPARE 1 REACH „Af%B A cno GRADE A MILK