The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, November 02, 1950, Page Four, Image 4

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    Social Briefs
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Mrs. James Dean left Monday
evening for California where she
will be with her daughter, Mrs.
Patsy Stith who is ill.
* * *
In the city last week were Mr.
and Mrs. D. L. Shakespeare of
Kansas City, Mo. They attended
the funeral of Mr. Shakespeare’s
mother, Mrs. Belle Shapespeare.
* * *
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank all my many
friends for the lovely cards anc
flowers sent me during my re
cent illness.
Mrs. Frank King. |
. !
* * *
Omaha had several Lincoln vis
itors over the week-end; among
them were Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Botts and daughter, Jo Ann, Miss
Delores Bowen, Mr. and Mrs.
Shorty Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Vincent Williams and Howard
* * <!
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Polk has
recently returned after spending
a month vacationing in Louisiana.
* * *
Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Simmons
of Omaha, Nebraska, conducted
the services for the C.M.E. church
here Sunday afternoon.
* * *
Persons participating in the 1
discussion sponsored by the
Quinn Chapel Senior choir, Sun
day night were James Ware,
Jeanne Malone, Delores Bowen,
Werner Lightner, Frank Hale
and Charles Bell all of the Uni
versity of Nebraska and Milton
Crow and Martin Luchei of Ne
braska Wesleyan university.
Maurice Croach sang a solo, No
body Knows The Trouble I See.
* * *
Post No. 8 of the U. S. Army
Mothers meets the second and
fourth Wednesday of each month
at the Urban League at 8 p. m.
The wife, daughter, sister or
mother of any service man or
woman regardless of branch of
service is eligible to become a
member. For further informa
tion call Mrs. Beulah Bradley,
Commander. 2-4358.
* * #
The Girl Scout Troop 21 at
tended Church services at The
Church of God in Christ Sunday
afternoon, they were observing
Girl Scout week.
$ * *
Sunday evening the Quinn
Chapel Board of Christian Edu
cation was organized. The offi
cers for the coming year are
president, Rev. Melvin Shakes
peare, vice president, Mrs. Clyde
Malone, sec’y., Mrs. Rae Lee
Harris, treas., Mrs. J. A. Shelby.
Chairman of five committees
were appointed by the president,
evangelism, Rev. R. E. Edwards,
Membership, Mrs. Rubie Shakes
peare, Program, Mrs. J. Wilson,
Church Policy, Mr. C. P. Lewis
and Stewardship, Mrs. R. E. Ed
wards. Charles Goolsby is Di
rector of Christian Education.
Youtli of the Week
This week we have chosen Bea
trice Gertrude Napue, 12-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Napue
as Youth of The Week. Beatrice,
known to her friends as ‘Bea’
is in the 8th grade at Whittier
Jr. High School. She was born
in Bow, Kansas. Before moving
to Lincoln with her family, she
lived in Topeka, Kansas. When
asked some of her favorites, she
said, “I like baseball in the field
of Sports and my favorite study
in school is Home “Ec.” One of
her pet peeves is doing dishes.
Beatrice, a member of Girl Scout
Troop 21, has two brothers.
I We Invite You l
I To Use Our Service |
Make WHITE'S Your
I Its
108 No. 10th Street
Just 27 Steps North of 10th S O Sfs
Elwood, Kansas
By Wiiberta Brady
Hello Folks:
Halloween and all its goblins,
cats, witches on broomsticks,
pumpkins and false faces has just
Friday evening, Oct. 20, the
Lincoln P.T.A. gave a Halloween
party at the school. Mr. Ellis
Freeman of St. Joseph showed a
series of pictures. Pop, chili, and
pie were sold. Everyone partici
pated in games.
The Baptist Men’s Chorus rend
ered services at the Handley Bap
tist church, Rev. O. F. Barnard,
Pastor, Wednesday evening, Oct.
Miss Barbara Wilson and Mr.
Lawrence Hoard of Kansas City
were united in marriage Saturday
evening, Oct. 21, at the home of
Rev. H. B. Brown who performed
the ceremony.
Mrs. Eunice Brown is here vis
iting her relatives and friends this
week. She is driving a ’50 Mer
cury this trip.
Mrs. Marie Graves and Larry
Joe are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
Gorman this week, Oct. 21-29.
Mrs. Opal Brady is visiting her
sisters in Armstrong and Roanoke,’
Mo., this week, Oct. 20-29.
Mrs. Cecil Johnson visited her
sister in Kansas City last week,
Oct. 13-18 who was in the hos
pital. She is doing nicely.
The folks of Elwood were very
sorry to hear of the death of our
former pastor’s mother, Mrs.
Shakespeare. Our deepest sym
pathy goes to the family in their
hour of grief.
Well folks, that is about all for
this week. I hope the goblins
didn’t get you Tuesday, Oct. 31.
As you all know that was Hal
Gets Math Scholarship
NEW YORK.—(ANP).—Charles
Edward Baugh, 23-year-old BMT
subway conductor, was among
eight persons holding full-time
scholarships to further their
education at the evening division
of the New York university’s
Washington Square college.
22nd and Vine
2-6583 — 2-6584
Brevy Miller
Sliced Leg O’Lamb
This 6 pound roast leg of lamb
combines well with browned po
tatoes and a fruity gelatin salad.
To prepare, select a leg of lamb
weighing 4V2 to 6 pounds. Do not
remove fell. Rub with 1V2 table
spoons salt and V\ teaspoon pep
Place roast, fat side up, on a
rack in uncovered roasting pan.
Roast at 300°F. for 35 to 40 min
utes per pound or to 175° to
180°F. on the roast meat ther- |
mometer. If desired, insert tiny
slivers of garlic into deep gashes
before roasting and remove be
fore serving.
Crumb Pancakes
1*4 cups stale bread crumbs
1*4 cups milk
2 tablespoons melted shortening
2 eggs
Vt cup flour
*4 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons baking powder
Method: Soak the crumbs in
milk and melted shortening until
soft. Beat the eggs light and add
to the crumb mixture.
Sift the flour, ten measure and
For Better Values
• Drugs
• Cosmetics
• Stationer)
• Candy
• Prescriptions
1325 O St. Lincoln
I Lincoln’s Favorite Potato Chip
sift with the salt and baking
powder. Bake on a hot griddle,
making them in smaller sizes
than usual. Serve them hot with
butter and syrup.
- 49
A leader is best, when people
barely know what he exists, not
so good when people obey and
acclaim him, worse when they
despise him.
Korn Popper
1413 N Street
Only the little white HULLESS
popcorn used. Seasoned just
right with best quality sea
Same location 18 years
Once eaten, you will join our man;
regular customers
We sell Red-E-Fax Check Registers
See Them
Phone 2-5818
Buy Toys on GOLD'S
Lay-a-Way Budget
Plan Now for Christmas
GOLD’S . . . Third Floor