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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
Social Briefs i By Dorothy Grwof Mrs. E. B. Bennington of Kan sas City, Kas., made a surprise trip to Lincoln to spend a couple of days with her daughters, Mrs. Lenora Letcher and Mrs. Zeola Hammonds and their families. Mr. Guy Stevens, sister. Mrs. Pearl Benford of Minneapolis was a recent visitor in Lincoln. Mrs. Benford is also the aunt of Mrs. Margaret McWilliams. On receiving a card from our household hints editor, Mrs. Brevy Miller from Asheville, N. C., she was having a wonder ful time. Mrs. Frank Williams, sr., left last week to spend a few days with relatives and friend in Hannibal, Mo. Panola and Gladys Bradford are spending a few days in Lin coln. They live in Omaha, Neb. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.—Mrs. A. R. Adams has started what might be called an extended va cation. She left Sunday for Sioux City, la., where she will spend three weeks with her chil dren and friends. Following that she will visit friends and relatives in Lincoln, Neb., and Manhattan. Kas. The Rev. and Mrs. R. H. ! Powell and family motored to Grand Island. Neb., Sunday. Freddie, the youngest daughter, is home on vacation from the Uni versity Ho-pital nursing school in Omaha, Neb. They were accom panied by James Adkins. Bobbie Jean Newton is home after receiving surgery at St. Elizabeth hospital recently. Mrs. Maggie Smith of Omaha, Neb., was among the worshippers at Quinn Chapel Sunday morning. She arrived in Lincoln Wednes day to attend the missionary con ference held at Quinn Chapel August 2nd and 3rd. She was the house guest of Mrs. Phannix. It’s a son for Mr. and Mrs. Ob bie Brown, born Sunday, Aug. 6th. Mrs. Brown is the former Eugenia Simms. Also a new arrival is a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. LaVenda Hill of 2710 South 9th. A little girl graced the house of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Reed recently. Mis. Reed is the former Ruby Hubbard. The Rev. Melvin L. Shakes peare returned to Elwood, Kas. to resume his services at Bethel A.M.E. church after having a month’s vacation. During his ab sence the Rev. A. Newton, of Beatrice, Neb., took his place. Mrs. Eunice Jackson and Mrs. Laura S. Adams of Kansas City, Kas., were house guests of the Shakespeares during the mission ary convention. The word “girl” appears twice in the King James version of the Bible. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR GOLD CUP BREAD - IDEAL Grocery and Market Lote of Parking 27th and I’ Street# FOR A BETTER DEAL ON A NEW OR USED CAR.SEE Hompes Tire Co. Home of Hudson 1701 Phone N 2-6524 Lot 1928 0 St. v i 1 ■ (THE OLD-TIME^ (JUST ASKTHEM^J ( FOR SERVICE^ ( ' ^ " SHOPPER AND AND THEV'LL RlG-HT, AMD it days TO " THE NEW VALUES TOO 0EAL Ay " a (MAPPER'S a ■ ■ 1^ ^*e »._w. m«auw» co- | Save with safety ■ _l ■ I ■ - * 11 1 ll iiiiBiifBiimtiitBiiTBiiiiiBiiBiiiiiBW'tria,'*i^,M‘<j**' -*^1 “El” in Hebrew names such as Elisha, means God. Trilby is famous for her beauti ful feet. New Year’s Eve in Scotland is called Mogmuna.v night. The first United States Census was taken in 1790 Opening Saturday 7 p.m., August 12 El Grotto Cafe Everyone knows that there is nothing better than delicious tasty well prepared food. Good home cooking, tender, juicy steaks, chops, fried chicken, barbecue, French fried shrimp, luscious desserts and What Have You. All these delicious dishes and more will be served at the opening Saturday, at the El Grotto Cafe, 218 No. 10, 7 p.m. August 12. Mrs. Effie Mae Johnson, proprietress of the cafe feels sure that everyone will be pleased and will enjoy the good food and good service the El Grotto will put forth. r --a-'.-1—'' The Korn Popper 1413 N Street . Only the little white HULLESS j ! popcorn used. Seasoned just ! right with best quality sea ; soning. BEAL'S GROCERY I Freeh Fruits & Vegetables Meats 2101 II TeL 2-6933 , IOc-‘2.»< - 39* Lincoln* Favorit* Potato Chip _ _I n HARDY’S WAREHOUSE STORE OFFfRS YOU A WONDERFUL 19 PIECE COMPLETE HOME OUTFIT ONLY *299“ . I * ' * EASY TERMS ONLY $25 DOWN $15 A MONTH Not Exact II JHHnBil ALL READY FOR YOU TO SET UP HOUSEKEEPING Here's what you get . . . For tho living room you gat a comiort abli davenport, matching lounge chair, coil**, lamp or and tables, two table lamps and beautiiul floor lamp. For the bedroom you get six pisces . . vanity, beach, cheat, bed. innerspring mattress and coil spring. For the di * AHY ROOM MAY BE nette • • • You get a smart table and PURCHASED SEPARATELY lour chairs. ( Store Open All Way Every Day and Tiies. & Fri. Eves. HARDY’S WAREHOUSE STORE 905 NO. 16TH . ACROSS FROM ELGIN