The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, August 10, 1950, Page Two, Image 2
TIh® ^©n©® PUBLISHED WEEKLY “Dedicated to the promotion of the cultural social and spiritual life of a great people.*" Melvin L. Shakespeare Publisher and Kditor Business Address 2225 S Street Phone 2-4085 U No Answer Call 4-/508 Ruble W. Shakespeare...Advertising and Business Manager Dorothy Greene ...Office Secretary lira. Joe Greene.......................... .Circulation Manager Member af the Associated Negro Press and Nebraska Press Association ..Entered as Second Class Matter, June 9. 1947 at *he Port Office at Lincoln ftebraska under the Act of March 3, 1879. I rear subscription.*2.00 Single copy. ~.6c EDITORIALS The views expressed in these columns are those of the writer and not necessarily a reflection of the policy of The Voice.— Pub. Organize Lay League ELWOOD, Kas.—Bethel A.M.E. church of Elwood, Kas., organized the Laymen’s League July 7, 1950. This league is a very outstanding association because it gives the delegates and members of the church a chance to have a voice in conference. The elected officers are chair man, Hester Hoggatt; vice chair man, Clarence Lamasters; secre tary, Mable Tapp; assistant secre tary, Freda Gorman; treasurer, Gabriel Munroe, and chaplain, W. H. Brady. The ladies of Bethel church gave a wonderful pie sell, July 21. —Nova J. Barker, reporter. Only one mail pouch was ever lost by the Pony Express. CONFERENCE SCHEDULES THE FIFTH EPISCOPAL DIST. D. ORMONDE WALKER, Presiding Bishop August 9th, Puget Sound held in Tacoma, Washington. August • 23rd, California Confer ence, held in Fresno, California. September 6th, Southern Califor nia, held in San Diego, Califor nia. September 20th, Colorado Con ference, held in Tucson, Ari zona. September 27th, Kansas Confer ence, held in Lawrence, Kansas. October 4th, Kansas-Nebraska Conference, held in Leaven worth, Kansas. October 11th, North Missouri Conference, held in Moberly, Missouri. October 18th, Southwest Missouri Conference, held in Kansas City, Missouri. October 23rd, Missouri Confer ence, held in St. Louis, Mis souri. George Washington laid the cor ner stone of the White House. Luke, author of a book in the New Testament, was a physician. Subscribe to The VOICE—Your subscription helps make this pub lication possible. j H. O. McField ' Cleaners & Tailors ■ | Specialize in Hand-Weaving | 301 No. 9th Phone 2-5441 % ■ ■ ■ K m- ft - iQllij RUjgUjkUngUJUMgj CALL 2-7331 .. .. - ■ THE EVANS CLEAVERS — LAUNDERERS Save Monej/ Use our Cash and Carry Plan 333 No. 12th St. Dial 2-6961 Umberger’s 2-2424 1110 Q Funerai ana Ambulance Serv ice. Verna Burke. Roy Sheaff, Oarotc Rohrbaugh. Floyd Umberger Families 2-5060 Smith Pharmacy 2146 Vine Prescriptions — Drugs Fountain — Sundries Phone 2-1958 VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES & MEATS 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 PARRISH MOTOR CO. The home of clean used ear*. 120 No. 19 St. ---- ---- - CLEANING and SANITATION SUPPLIES Ail Types Brooms—Furniture Polishes Mops—Floor Seal and Wax Sweeping Compounds Mopping Equipment Kelso Chemical 1.7 North 9th St 2-9434 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 10th and O St. Since 1871 Make WHITE'S Your FURNITURE HEADQUARTERS Its 108 No. 10th Street Just 27 Steps North of 10th & O Sts. Be Ready for School Opening ... Get your school supplies Now! NOTEBOOKS—PAPER PENS AND PENCILS RULERS — ERASERS BRIEF CASES 1124-26 O Street — Pres, and Mrs. Stafford Able Leaders In Southern California By Benjamin Wesley Inghram The members of the Southern California Conference are grate ful to, and high in praise of the President of the Laymen’s Leagues, Mr. Coley W. Stafford, a Christian gentleman of the old school. His enthusiasm and zeal has set a flame of Lay evangelism never before seen in California. He and his supervisors are travel ing through the state in groups, singing, preaching and organizing. Following him are preachers, evangelists, missionaries and lay men. His weapons are Christian and spiritual. His understanding of men, his patience and sympathy toward them makes him a great leader, traveling with him to all these meetings is Mrs. Staffor^, encouraging us with her presence. The goal is an active Laymen's League in every church, co-oper ating fully with the program of the church and pastor. AUGUST PRESENTATION I tk Wide assortment of furs, styles, prices MOUTON (processed lamb) COATS • Detailed cuffs and collars • Ripple ba6ks • Luxurious warmth • For casual or dressy wear • Long-wearing • Attractive Logwood shade • Buy for only *99 plus tax SEE ALSO • Beavers • Coneys • Raccoons • Muskrats • Seals priced proportionately low. 10%. Down on Loy-a-Woy Budget Plan GCMLD'S . . . Second Floor