The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, May 11, 1950, Page Four, Image 4
»■■>■■■ w *-+-• it »-»'§ • • m-r-iT' t'-fft—-r *■ - — Social Briefs $ i By Dorothy Grrene Mrs. Corena Williams had as guests over the week end her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elugh Walker of To peka, Kas., and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Lida Riley of Flint, Mich. «s * * * Mrs. Ralph Johnson had as week end guests, Miss Esther Parker of Elwood, Kas., who is now employed as a bookkeeper at St. Joseph. Mo. Miss Parker formerly lived here. Sunday aft ernoon guests at the Johnson home were Mrs. Mabel Glenn arid her mother, Mrs. Frances Cloud of ^ Omaha. They came to Lincoln for the Scott recital which was at Quinn chapel. Mrs. Johnson’s mother, Mrs. J. T. Bell and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Laura John son were guests of Mrs. A. E. Simms at the recital. The John sons were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Spann, Sunday after noon. *fi « * Freddie Powell was in Lincoln over the week end visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Powell. She was among those who participated in Ivy Day exercises on the campus. Among others were: Eloise Jones, Char lene Dudley, Florentine Craw ford and Barbara Waldron. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams and children, Barbara, Jeannette and Joey jr., left Saturday for Ne braska City, Neb. Mr. Adams re turned Sunday evening and Mrs. Adams and children are expected back Sunday, May 14th. * * * Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Burns have announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Frances Jean, to Forrest Frank King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry King. The wedding will be an event of June 3rd. * * * Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooke were Dr. A. Wayman Ward, his son, W. Way man Ward, W. Williams of Chi cago, Mrs. Belle Taylor, Mrs. Orie Cooper and Mrs. Charlotte Craw ford of Omaha; John Foster and Charles Goolsby. * * * The Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity had special guests at a party Sat urday evening at the home of FASHION-OF-WEEK BLASSIC LINES with dress maker touches are combined in a three-season suit of rayon wrin kle-resisting suiting. The jacket features the new soft, bloused back with narrow self-belt. In navy and white, or pink and navy. James Cole. Robert Fairchild and L. H. Williams, graduates of the University of Nebraska and char ter members of Beta Beta chap ter, who are now successful busi ness men in Tulsa, Okl., were hon ored. * * * Mrs. H. Cooke had as her guests over the week end Janet McCall and Estrelda Horton, both of Chi cago. $ * * Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Botts and daughter, Jo Ann motored to Glenwood, la., last Sunday morn VJmv OqsL (JhailsiA.' By Eloise Finley Hi Teens: Well another week has rolled around. Wednesday many teens were at the Urban' League to hear the Deep River Singers, including Vonna Finley and Albert Bowen; Phyllis Holcomb and George Alexander. They seem to have enjoyed the program very much $ * $ Arriving home Thursday, May 4, from San Diego and San Fran cisco were Bobby Finney home for 30 days leave and Charles Finney who has been discharged. I know a certain girl who will be down very soon from Omaha, don’t you? Smiles. * * * Sunday visiting in Lincoln were Chester Scott’s sisters, Florence and Clara Bell both of Omaha. * * * It comes time again to have another girl and boy of the month Girl of the month—Betty Bow man. Boy of the month—James Ware. * * « Nicest couple of the month is— Phyllis Holcomb and George Alex ander. * * * Five most popular record of the month are: 1. It Isn’t Fair, 2; Almost Lost My Mind, 3; My Foolish Heart, 4; I’ll Get Along Some How, 5; So Long —. Bye Now, ELOISE. ing, returning by way of Council Bluffs, la., where they joined oth er Lincolnites for a picnic at Play land Park in Omaha. Those pic nicking with the Botts were Frank Nevels, Tony Smith, Collins Davis, Betty Wilson, Howard Bean and Verne Wilson. * **; Charles Goolsby attended the biological medical science section of the Nebraska Academy of Science held at the Nebraska Wes leyan University, Friday and Sat urday of last week. 200 Applaud Miss Scott, Mezzo-soprano Almost 200 persons expressed their approval of the singing of Miss Clara Belle Scott, young mezzo-soprano from Omaha, last Sunday evening as she was pre sented in a concert at Quinn Chapel church. Quinn Chapel ushers sponsored the event. Miss Scott displayed a warmth of tone unusual at her age, smooth ness and good breath control. The smoothness of her progres sion and flexibility together with her other qualities certainly point to Miss Scott as one of the most promising voices heard here. In reply to the enthusiastic ap plause, she offered “My Friend” (Mallotte) as an encore. A beautiful bouquet of spring flowers was presented at the end of the second intermission by H. O. McField, president of the usher board. Miss Doris Darling accompanied at the piano. The program was as follows: i Into the Night .Edwards Because . D'Hardelot A Brown Bird Singing .Wood Morning . Speaks II Group ll: Carissima . Penn Bless This House.Braha Were You Tltere. Burleigh Swing Low Sweet Chariot. Burleigh III Lord’s Prayer .Malotte I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked. . .O’Hara Holy City . Adams Ability to Think (Continued from Page 1) will express himself in speech, literature, music and the arts in achieving his destiny.” The de velopment of a world minded view arose after the first war and was strengthened in War II, he averred. The things that, go to make up a good citizen of our nation are needed for good world cittzenship. The fraternity has long fought for equal opportunity If You Have A Bad Break! CALL: 2-6931 And We’ll Fix It For Fou — Van Sickle Glass & Paint Co. 143 So. 10th Lincoln, Nebr. Household Hints By Mrs. Brevy Miller Phone 2-4051 ... Chocolate Cake 2 cups cake flour 3 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon sait % cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg, well beaten 2 squares chqcolate, melted % cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix and sift the dry ingredi ents. Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy. Stir in the well beaten egg. Add melted chocolate and blend thoroughly. Add the sifted dry ingredients alternately with milk, stirring well after each addition. Add vanilla. Bake in two greased layer-cake pans in a slow oven (350° F.) for about 45 minutes. Allow it to cool; then frost it. Rhubarb Crunch 2 cups diced rhubarb •T4 cup granuated sugar 2 tablespoons flour >4 cup brown sugar \'t cup flour Vi cup rolled oats % cup butter Arrange rhubarb in a greased baking dish and sprinkle with granulated sugar and 2 tablespoons of flour. Mix together brown sugar Vi cup flour and rolled oats. Cut in butter as for pastry. Sprinkle over rhubarb and bake 40 minutes in a moderate oven (350° F.). Serve with cream. Serves 4. and good citizenship, education for citizenship being one of its major programs. Some forty brthers concluded the program with the singing of the fraternity hymn. Following the address, a recep tion was held for Dr. Ward at the Student Union. ROSE MANOR I STUDIO 1421 O Street P|one 2-2247 Portraits by Appointment George Randol. P. A. of A Work guaranteed Prices reasonable ■TMiW III I IJIJI W IIW.KI.M HIW MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 10th and 0 St. Since 1871 ■ ■ ■■ - ■ ■ -—-—- I I KiYlTOWII II BEAUTIFUL NEW COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN STORM WINDOWS % —IWkmg to tom. • VENTILATION AS PE3IMD SAm iri? tmior to tmh tlto nlfcn naNHlto « * AIN-PROOF VCNTILATSOIt— •httlj rtot ibc ItMT ptori tolW to* ririU. * PLASTK BEAD CLAZOW — ferifr fri to MM W |kw Iwiringi, AVAll ABIC IN AMT JWU Manufactured b& down payment 36 mos. to pay lllpysfone Alloys Co., Derry, Pa. 44*. HtMufartnron of Atom num W«_Jcr«. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Call for Free Estimate DUFF-BRUNING CO. 3-4373 Lincoln, Nebr. 2-1595 l “ ■ HAND LACED...HAND LASTED /HOC