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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1950)
r \£hjUAdt&A [j Quinn Chapel A. M. E. Church 8th and C Streets Rev. J. B. Brooks, Pastor. 6:00 p. m. Young Peoples Fellowship 7:30 p. m. Evening Service 9:45 a m. Sunday School 10:45 a. in. Morning Worship Tuesday 8:00 p. m., Prayer meeting Nortliside Church ot God. 23rd and T Street. Robert L. Moody, Pastor. 10:00 a. m. Church School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. 7:30 p. m Midweek Prayer Meeting 7:30 p m. Friday Bible Study. For place of meeting call 2-4673. Alton Chapel. (Seventh-day Adventist) LeCount Butler, Associate Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sabbath School. 10.45 a. m. Missionary Meeting. 11 :00 a m. Morning Worship. 4:00 p. m. Young People’s Society CHRIST TEMl'LE Church of Christ (Holiness) 2149 U Street. Pho-a 2-3901 Kev 7. O McWilliams, Jr., “astor. Rev T T McWilliams, Sr., Ass’t. Pastor Order of Worship. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Service at Carver Nursing Home. 2001 Vine Street, 5 o’clock. Evening Service. 7:30 p m. Mt. Zion Baptist Church Rev. W. 1. Monroe, Pastor. Corner 12th and F Streets. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. 11;00 a. m. Morning Worship 6:30 p. m Baptist Training Union. 8:00 p. m. Evening Worship. Newman Methodist, 23rd St S. Rev William a. Greene, Pas.tor. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 6:30 p. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. CME Methodist Church. 2030 T Street. First and Third Sundays. Rev. J W. Simpson, Pastor. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 10:3<! a. m. Methodist Training Union. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Church of God in Christ. 9:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:00 Morning worship. 6:30 p. m. Y. P. W. W. 8:00 p. m. Evening worship. 8:00 p. m. Tuesaay and Friday regular service. Prayer band 9 p. m. Junior church serv ice. 7:30 p. m. Thursday prayer and Bible pastor, Rev. Charles Williams. Recipes of the Week Friday Special 2 cans white meat tuna 2 cans mushroom jsoup 1 bag potato chip* Vi stick butter Vi teaspoon pepper Grease baking dish with butter. Put layer of tuna, potato chips and mushroom soup—adding pep per—until dish is filled. Top with potato chips. Dot with butter. Bake 25 minutes in moderate oven 375° F. Mrs. Anna Huff I Alumatic aluminum combination win dows are built to serve for the life of your home—or longer! Custom-fitted, they’ll never shrink, rot, warp, or rust! Serve without trouble, annual repairs. Once they’re up, they’re up for good! j Sunday School : Lesson ! *_ , I Hosea Reveals God’s Forgiving Love. Seri i»t ii re—H osca Printed Portion—Hosea 11:1-4, 8rll; 14:4-9. Memory Selection—1 will heal their hack baek.sISdhiKr, I will love them freely. Hosea 14-4. God’s Love for Prodigal Israel. Hosea’s prophecy has a forecast of the New Testament parable of the prodigal son. “Hosea traces the father’s love for the prodigal son in the history of Israel. The prophet points out how great, strong, and tender has been the divine love and how un appreciative and ungrateful the chosen people; hence justice de mands the execution of judgment But Israel is still the son of Je hovah, and the divine compassion goes out for the prodigal; there fore the punishment will be tem pered by mercy, and after it has accomplished its disciplinary pur pose Israel will be restored to the divine favor.”— Frederick Carl Eiselen, from Prophecy and the Prophets, the Methodist Book Concern, 1909. The love of God has ever watched over the prodigal son. It is that protecting, yearning out reach of the Divine that saves him from his worst self. It is God’s love at last that awakens him and sets him on the road to his father’s house, where he is for given and restored to his fullest manhood. t Our modern detective agencies employ men trained to track down the criminal, and they nearly always get their man and bring him to court for trial, and, if he be guilty, for punishment. There is no evidence of love in such a transaction. But God’s loving providence can reach out and bring back the most stubborn and hardened criminal, for there is no escape from him whose mercy and goodness can redeem and restore. Many of us have not rightly understood the nature of God. We have emphasized His justice too much. And yet justice without love is mere vengeance. God has sought to save sinners from the beginning of time. His love burns on, and at last conquers and brings home the sinner. Present-Day Application BV I'RKDKRKK l». IOKAX I.os Angrles, ( alii. This comes as a message of love and forgiveness. God loves those who are rebellious and sinful. He loves those who go astray and will draw them to Himself and forgive their sins. There is just one condition—one hitch—they must desire to turn from their sinful ways. But to this also there is one trouble—if we continue to in dulge in sin, knowing full well God’s forgiveness will be forth coming when we get tired of sin and turn to Him—the longer we continue in sin, the less desire we have to turn from it. We cannot sin with the expectation of re penting before it is too late. Sin can get a foot-hold in our lives and so dark our spiritual vision DOAN-ROSE AUTO SALES INVITE YOU TO INSPECT THEIR STOCK OF NEW & USED CARS Ilf? So. 10th Terms—Trade—Warranty VERY NICE HOME FOR SALE With Furnishings If Desired Attractive 5-room dwelling belonging to Kathryn Conway and Bradford Conway will be sold, subject to court approval, to person making highest offer. Voice readers all know this house which is located at 2117 T Street House consists of living room, dining room, kitchen, two bed rooms and bath. Basement and attic unfinished, Automatic gas heat, Gas hot water heater. Landscaped. Furnishings now in houso may be purchased if desired. Present tenants are Joseph Butler family. For further information and to arrange for inspection, call or see CHARLES LEDWITH, Receiver Telephone 2-1277 1113 Sharp Building '• • • » b *’ ! ' ' ^ " Notes of Interest Women were not allowed to appear on the stage in Shake speare’s time. Dutch youngsters put their wooden shoes before the fire place on Christmas eve. Off the island of Mindanao in tlie Philippines the ocean is the deepest—35,400 feet. The Louisiana Purchase almost doubled the size of the United States. and so harden our heart that we are led farther and farther away from God. We can go compla- | cently on following the desires of our own hearts until something happens and we do not have time to repent and be forgiven. I met a young woman, many years ago, who impressed me with the state ment that wher she was 50 she would start going to church regu, larly, work in the church, join a lodge so that she would have a spectacular burial, and in general settle down and live the good life. She said that by that time life would owe her nothing and she would be ready to look toward its end. She is now past 50 and feels that she still has time to “settle down.” I judge this be cause she has not mentioned her plan in recent years. For Everything in " HARDWARE m Baker Hardware "lOl No. 9th 2-3710 r T|B!!lllBl!lllB!!iiiBHiilBiii!S ■ BIIIIBlIIIIBillllBHIliB^ II. ©. Mi lirlil ■ Cleaners & Tailors _ . „ ■ Specialize in Hand-Weaving 301 No. 9th Phone 2-5441 j|j;>B£li!mBllllBi!ilB!:i!!BI!l!B!lll!Bll!IIBI!!l>B!iB!!l<l. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR GOLD CUP BREAD PHOTOS »s low as $2.50 per ,jOI. 8x10 Enlargements $1*00 Pach Other sues at lower than usual prices. PHOTO NOOK, 1443 0 St. LET DONLEY STAHL CO. 1331 N St B—UR—druggist Gillett Poultry FRESH DRESSED POULTRY QUALITY EGGS Phone 2-2001 528 No. 9th TYPEWRITERS ANY MAKE SOLD RENTED REPAIRED Nebraska Typewriter Co. ISO No. 12th 8t. Phone 2-2161 Lincoln, Neb. BEN'S NEW WAY AUTO PARTS 2018 O St. Ph. 2-7039 Home of Complete Banking Service Nat ional Hank of I 'omin«»■*<»«* Corner 13th and O Street * Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation For the FIRST Time in LINCOLN • ROBERTS MILK in HALF-GALLON CARTONS! You save extra steps and extra trips when you reach • EASIER TO CARRY! for R0berts Milk in the new • EASIER TO HANDLE! HALF-GALLON carton ... ^ TO FIT INTO available for the first time in YOUR REFRIGERATOR! this community. This big, handy, milk con tainer is a special boon to housewives . . . because it’s lighter . . . easier to handle . . . and takes less refriger ator space than two quart cartons. Try this convenient HALF-GALLON carton soon . . . and compare 1 REA£H RICHER FOR MILK . IN THE NEW HALF-GALLON CARTONSI