The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, March 30, 1950, Page Four, Image 4

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    |- Social Briefs 1
\ nr IhrrviMt On*** t%»m* ?
Mrs. R B. Lane and Mrs. Charles
William* of the Church of God in
Chrtet spent several days in
Omaha attending a missionary
meeting recently.
* * * I
The Rev. and Mrs. John L.
Humbert were called to Grand
Island on two occasions the past
week because of deaths there.
Willis Palmer accompanied them
on Friday.
* * *
Mrs. William I. Monroe has
been confined to her home several
days th*- past week due to illness.
u * *
Jeanne Malone was student
leader for Lenten vesper services
at Love Library, Wednesday at 5
p m. Rex Knowles, pastor to
Presbyterian students at tbe Uni
versity of Nebraska, gave the
% %it
Omahanr on hand Sunday alt
ernoon foi Alpha Phi Alpha initia
tion were Eugene Harrison, Dr.
Price Terrell, Earl Hunigan, John
Barber, Ralph Shelby, Von Rich
ard Tumble and Alfred Grice.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs Clifford Harris of
Chicago were worshippers at
Quinn Chapel Sunday morning.
Mrs. Harris arrived a week ago to
be with her grandmother, Mrs.
Virginia Brown, who w'as hos
pital iz.ed Friday, March 17. Mrs.
Brown suffered a stroke and is
little improved as we go to press.
SF * #
Mrs. Amts Smith left Wednes
day lor Daytona Beach, Fla.,
where she is dean of women at
Bethune Cuokman College. Mrs.
Smith, who w as called home, due
to illness of her mother, Mrs. Lil
lian Mile', left her much im
* * *
Mj» Mary Sampson is home
after reve ring surgery at St.
£uctx’o*r;r txtmprtal
* -* •
Mr anc Mr-* John McWilliams
anc Mr ano Mr* Walter Gill had
a. the - g ..evti recently the par
The '50 Ford \
For selling 2,000 subscriptions to "THE VOICE,"
a popular weekly
“Dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, social and spiritual life of
■ great people ”
See this car on display at
O'SHE Ay,- R OrpE R S
14 & M
FOR further detail call or write:
Rev. Melvin L. Shakespeare
2225 S Street
Lincoln 3,
Phone 5-6491 or 5-7568
Starting date April I through May t
Anyone May get one or more of
these AWARDS.
This RCA Victor Television Set
GIVEN for selling 500 subscrip
tions to THE VOICE.
See this RCA Victor Model-9-TC-249 at
Should you not qualify for an award a commission
will be paid on each subscription.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Beauriiul J. C. Higgins
Air - Flo - Design Bike for
selling 200 subscriptions
10K gold plate Elgin
WRIST WATCH for sell
ing 100 subscriptions to
ents of Mrs. McWilliams and Mrs.
Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gar
denhire of Alma, Kans., their sis
ter, Mrs. Bertha Jarrett and their
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Gardenhire all of To
peka, Kans..
* * *
James Hill has returned home
after receiving medical care at
Lincoln General hospital,
* * * *
Mi. Leslie Woodson of Topeka,
Kas., was week end guest of his
sons who are. in school here. He
was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph L. Dunn and Mr. Nimrod
Ross of 2124 Q street.
* * *
Special Notice — The members
of the Steward board of Quinn
Chapel A.M.E. church reported a
successful program on Sunday
afternoon and expressed apprecia
tion to the persons of the various
churches who participated.
* * *
An Easter breakfast is being
planned at Quinn Chapel and the
public is invited,
* * *
Robbie Powell and Charlene
Colbert were among Nebraska
coeds who made averages of 6 or
above and attended the Mortar
Board tea the past week. Miss
Colbert received the Mortar Board
scholarship for the first semester
and is a columnist for THE
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cooke,
2001 S St , are parents. A son,
Michael Horace, was born Satur
day, March 18.
* * *
Mrs. Susan King of Chicago left
Saturday after spending about
two weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Horace Cooke.
For a quick dessert sauce, melt
| down any good flavored jelly.
England’s sea power came into
being with the defeat of the Span
ish Armada.
[Jjzb/l ClqsL QhaUsUL '
Hi Teens:
Well another week has rolled
around. The Streaks won a bas
ketball game recently at the Ur
ban League when they played
Grand Island. Among those pres
ent were: Betty Wilson, Betty
Bowman, Jeannette Venegar, j
Ionna Adams, Nolan Davis, Mel
vin Botts and many others. They
reported having a swell time.
• * *
Friday, March 24, seen at Lin- j
coin High ‘high spot’ were: Frank
Parks, Clarence Zanders, Sonny j
Walker, Cecil Hatcher and my
self. Cecil and I were on the
floor show. We both sang.
* * *
Saturday, March 25, the Sharps
and Flats Glee club gave a for
mal party. Refreshments were
served and the evening was spent
informally. Helping to make up
the guest list were: Connie Wil
son, Chester Scott, Andrey Brooks,
Albert Starks, Beverly Holcomb,
Willie Ricks and Marian Brad
ford. By the reports of the party
they seem to have had a lovely
time. Connie and Audrey were
visitors from Hastings, Neb.
• * *
Another Hastings visitor re
cently was Lowell Smith, who
motored to Lincoln on last Sun
day. Marion Bradford of Omaha
also made a return visit over the
week end. We were happy to meet
these young people at morning
church services. Hope you liked
our singing.
* * *
Cutest couple of the week: Bet
ty Bowman and Robert Ham
* * *
I heard that Ada Coffey spent
the week end in Kansas City with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
* ♦ *
Next week I should like for
all of you teen-agers to answer
the question: WHAT I THINK
Bye now, ELOISE.
| It s ISew at N.U. |
By Cbirlent J. Colbert
The Modern Language depart
ment brought to the campus last
week one of the top-ranking films
of Latin America, “Dona Barbara,'’
which starred Maria Felix, ac
claimed by some to be the most
beautiful woman in the world.
The dramatization was so good
that the film attracted not only
students of languages and those
Spanish-speaking countries, but
others as well.
* * *
Congratulations to Jeanne Ma
lone, a senior student at the Uni
versity. Miss Malone was one of
eleven senior women honored at
a tea given by the Black Masque
chapter of Mortar Board. The co
eds were selected on the basis of
high scholarship and participation
in activities.
* « «
Lowell Thomas, Jr., lectured at
St. Paul Methodist church last
week. He described life in Tibet
and showed a film entitled “Out
of This World: A Journey to
• » *
“Once in a Lifetime,” the fourth
theatre production of the year,
was run three days last week.
Thirty-six students were in the
cast which presented the hilarious
comedy, which was a satire on
* * *
The Junior-Senior prom, the
first to be sponsored by the Jun
ior class in several years, was held
Friday night in the Union ball
room, with Dave Haun’s orchestra
furnishing the music.
* * * -w
Jeanne Malone, Charles Goolsby
and George Randol will be fea
tured on a radio show Thursday,
March 30. The program is under
the direction of the University of
Nebraska Radio department and is
entitled “The Story They’ll Never
Print,” by Erik Barnouw.
Pineapple Dessert
Or Angel Food Pie
1 cup cold water
*4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
2Vi tablespoon cornstarch
Cook until thick in double
boiler, stirring constantly. Then
set aside to cool. Add 3 egg
whites beaten stiff and small can
of crushed pineapple. Line your
tin with rolled graham cracker
crumbs. Pour mixture in and
pour 1 cup whipped cream on
top. Put a layer of cracker crumbs
on top and mixed chopped nuts
with it is desired. Serves 16.
You can also put this mixture
in baked pie shells if desired with
nuts on top of mixture.
Roquefort Cheese Dressing
\ cup salad oil
Vi cup vinegar
Vi pound Roquefort cheese
Vi teaspoon paprika
V4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Few grains salt
Combine ingredients. Beat until
blended. Serve on meat or vege
table salad.
Former Lincoln Resident
Dies in Kansas City, Kans.
Word was received here last
week of the death of Mrs. Mayme
L. Griffin, former resident and
member of Mt. Zion Baptist
church for many years.
Mrs. Griffin had been in poor
health since leaving Lincoln sev
eral years ago following the death
of her husband, Edward. She died
at Douglas hospital, Tuesday,
March 14 and funeral service
was held on Saturday.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Pri
cilla Pierce and a niece, Mis.
Electa Quick.
Benjamin Franklin was the first
Postmaster-General of the United
j States.