The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, November 24, 1949, Page Four, Image 4

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Social Briefs
A number of Thanksgiving
events have been planned for
the coming week. Union serv
ices will be held at Mt. Zion
Baptist church with Quinn
Chapel participating. Music will
be furnished by the combined
choirs of the two churches.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Temorlee Terry
will have as their dinner guests
on Thanksgiving day, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest V. Cruder.
* * *
The Rev. and Mrs. W. I. Mon
roe will be dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William B. Davis on
Thanksgiving day.
* * *
Mrs. Corrine Neal will be host
ess on Thanksgiving day with
Mrs. Eva Carter as her guest.
* * *
Reinald Murry will leave Lin
coln very soon to make his home
in Berkeley, Calif.
# # *
Mrs. Hazel Newstrom of Den
ver, Colo., is spending about two
weeks in the city with friends
and relatives.
* '» *
Mrs. M. L. Porter, mother of
Mrs. R. C. Brooks, is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. Mrs.
Porter resides in Okmulgee, Okl.
* * *
The Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Ed
wards were guests of _ Allen
Chapel A. M. E. church in Omaha,
Sunday, Nov. 13. Rev. Mr. Ed- j
wards was the morning speaker
at Allen Chapel.
* V *
The William Broaden family of
St. Joseph, Mo., were guests of
Quinn Chapel Sunday morning.
The Rev. Mr. Broaden, father of
William Broaden, student at
N. U., was guest speaker.
*■ * *
Mrs. G. H. Lintz has returned
after spending several weeks
with her sister in Saginaw,
Mich., where she had frequent
visits with former Lincolnites,
Mrs. Erma Saunders and Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Vaughn and Mrs.
Izetta Monroe.
* * *
Persons coming from out of
the city to be at the funeral of
Mrs. Qrvella Banks Collins were j
Mr and Mrs. William Williams
and sen. Mrs. Bessie Collins and
Mr Earl Griffin.
* * •
The Deca club met at the home
of Mrs. Elmer Robinson Novem
ber 5L The evening was spent
informally. A lovely repast was
served. Mrs. Carl Finley, re
Mrs. Arthur Patrick left Tues
day to hail the arrival of a
granddaughter, bom to her
daughter Mrs. Raymond E.
Gaines of Nashville, Tenn. Mrs.
Gaines is the former Betty Pat
Mrs. Anna Hayden Williams of
Omaha will be presented in a
concert on December 16 at the
Lincoln Urban League, under the
auspices of the Trustee Board of
Mt. Zion Baptist church. Tickets
are now on sale.
* * *
A party consisting of Mrs. R.
H. Powell and Robbie. Virginia
Boydston, Marie Collins, Virginia
Johnson and Kathryn Patterson
saw the production at the Wes
leyan theater Wednesday eve
The Korn Popper
1413*15 N Street
Lincoln 8, Nebraska
We feature white hulless
pop com exclusively
Mr. Clayton Lewis who has
been ill the past week is reported
much better at this time.
The Rev. and Mrs. W. I. Mon
roe, The Rev. H. R. Boston, of
Sioux City, Iowa, and Mrs. Geor
gia James were the luncheon
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Quallas Thursday, November
17th. The luncheon was enjoyed
by all.
BY Dorothy Greene
Greetings Gates:
Well this is my last column of
Teen Age Chatter for awhile,
now don’t start fussing. It won’t
be the last TAC column by any
means. I’m going to let Elois
Finley take up where I will
leave off. Good luck Lopy.
* * *
Seen at the great concert of
Roland Hayes Monday night
among the many people in the
audience, none other than Max
ine Stith and John Foster. I’m
telling you.
• * •
Speaking of the nurses (to be>
this week, Freddie Powell came
home Wednesday to spend
Thanksgiving with her family as
did Martha Hammonds go to
Omaha and Ada Coffey jour
neyed to Kansas City.
• • *
On Sunday afternoon a couple
of teens came down with the
Broaden family, Paul Thornton
and Fred Broaden. While in the
city they made some most inter
esting phone calls. Didn't they
* • •
New that Thanksgiving jts here
it means that Christmas is only
30 days away. Remember the
early bird catches the worm.
• * *
and fabric lends an ultra-so
phisticate air to a dressy satin
striped changeable taffeta bod
ice with black farUe skirt.
Well sc long until we meet
Bye now.
Umberger’s 2-2424
1110 O f'unermi anti \mbutance aer~*
ice. Verna Burke. Roy Sheaf t. Derate
Rohrh»'ifrh VtoTd OT&berger -'emHire .
2 5030
Mrs. Orvelhi Collins
Mrs. Orvelle Banks Collins, 36,
died Sunday Nov. 13, in Casper,
Wyo., where she had resided for
the past seven years. She was
affiliated with Bethel A. M. E.
church and as
an accom
plishe d m u -
sician, played
at the Southern
Mrs. Collins
was of Lincoln,
where she
worked for
KFAB during c£SF&A.
her high school days and was
known as the “Little Girl with the
Talking Fingers.” She was also
employed by KFOR and w*as a
member of Quinn Chapel A. M. E
Mrs. Collins w as a daughter Elk
of the Goldenrori Temple No. 390
L B. P. O E of W.
She is is survived by her mother.
Mrs. Ritha Banks; husband.
George Collins: grandparents, Mr
and Mrs. Tom Estes; uncle. Jim
Estes, all of Lincoln: sister, Mrs
Pamona Stanton of Cleveland, and
uncle Clarence Estes, Chicago
Funeral services were held Fri
Day Nov. 18, at Umberger's
chapel, with Rev. J. B. Brooks.
Rev. Melvin L. Shakespeare. Rev.
Trago McWilliams jr„ and Rev.
Eugene Edwards officiating.
Cooper to Stale
CHICAGO. (AKP>. Gov. Adlai
E. Stevenson appointed Jack L.
Cooper, local radio program, di
rector. as vtoe-efaainnan of the
Illinois State Interracial commis
sion here last week.
The pest eacsae as recognition of
Cooper': t-ortaerar ® :: idea,
brotherhood tisroug: ius radsc
programs aethcated to better feu
man refat ibm*
A C»«4 Plus Is
rot e cab ob ncxrr
Alwajr* a targe stack ta
pick fr»m
1641 O IJmtmlm 1U4S
f »r (f*« 4# m»»il>ilU6 *4 IB* RWm
Qa»n VOww
•rji »•. tact—T-M4*
Yr»« (iHb 4m DfMttttUM
You can order printed j
(Cariis Jfmnj
See our huge selection All
Alike arul Boned Assortm’ta,
also Nor crun Cello Packs.
Prices as U>w as 4.90 lor 100
ConiflfH Bidi r 6 II itm C«4
O&olftrnruil ^tatirnimi
£turr & Printing do.
215 North 14th Street
(School o' * oromerce Bldf.}
Open Shopping Nights to 9 j
Rf Mr*. Rmr Milln Ition* 2-4051
>♦« ■» »«»■«*»* »»> * * * «-»•
How to staff turkey: Salt the
inside cavity—*• teaspoon salt per
pound of bird. Don't pack the
stuffing. An overstuffed bird i
makes a soggy dressing, and bird
may burst during roasting. If
you're not p’arming to roast bird
right away, chill the stuffing be
fore filling the bird.
How to truss: Bind legs and
wings closely to body of bird. It
will cook more evenly, brown
more evenly, look better on the
platter, and carve more easily.
After stuffing bird, skewer neck
skin to back. Fold wings so tips
hold neck skin. Close body cav
ity opening with skewers and
cord. Tie legs to tail.
How to roast: Grease skin with
melted cook mg fat. Place bird
breast down in shallow pan. Use
flat rack or V rack. Unless bird
has generous Layers of fat under
neath the skin, cover with rec
tangle of cheesecloth or thin white
doth large enough to cover top
and sides Do not cover pan. do
not sear bird, do npt add water.
When bird is approximately
three-fourths done according to
timetable, turn it breast up, re
placing doth over bird.
Turkey Timetable.
Dressed weight temperature Time
8 to 10 pounds 325' 3 to 3% hours
10 to 14 pounds 325 3H to 4 hours
14 to IS pounds 300 ' 4 to 4 Vi hours
Plan roasting schedule so tur
key is out of oven 15 to 25 minutes
before serving. Bird absorbs juices
ard is easier to carve.
Savory Stuffing.
1 cup plus 2 t a be spoons margaiine or
Vi cup minced onion
2 V* teaspoon salt
V» cup diced celery
1 Vi teaspoon poultry' seasoning
4 Vs quarts lightly packed crumbs or cubes
from day-old bread <18 cups)
Vi cup minced parsley (optional)
Vi teaspoon pepper
Day before: Melt margarine in deep
kettle; add onion; simmer until tender.
Meanwhile, combine rest of ingredients.
Add to onion; heat well without brown*
ing, stirring frequently. Cool, then use to
stuff crop and body cavity of turkey
weighing about 10 pounds, drawn weight.
Truss bird; refrigerate at once until
roasting time.
Roast Loin of Pork.
Remove 8 pound pork loin from re
frigerator; sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Then rub surface with cut clove of garlic,
if desired. Arrange loin. - ribs down, on
rack in open, shallow roasting pan Add
no water; don't flor. Insert meat ther
mometer so bulb reaches middle of thick
est lean part. Roast in 325* F. oven 35
minutes a pound or until meat thermo
meter reads 185° F. Makes eight servings.
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
2101 B TeL 2-6933
\[ _ ^
The hssaf si clean used ears.
120 No. 19 St.