OWfe «* Ml* Ug>l Wfimaper TWwdiy. XwimIm U, IM9 Haskell Hoiw* Burned In Ni^ht Fire _ lunot t£. Mte last I'M® j Cb ttst iSraK. Mr mxrstsL I innes vsre te aesGTrwsEL 25* iisr» «%.< r^rw SsaaF F5re Ogn nffirt H Maim1? a* te** test Ksanert grm»m*r *f a ragar ee imit ®r Xa. J«ei w ate ^^■sr "iiflr this eg Tiff teres ana: I. tmiitrst. at tee aete, lftr* —, atteoa^gt tee sa^ MH son tea: see « ikbk rf ter sues wst 2i..'»2rffr. ■ct'Stsc te msn-BTrrer State Medics* Plan Local Health Group* Ik 1 B MjCaarfty- Ornate*. 7 r T~ i C Pg # jhh2l "p^cfTg ^ tegrog loci 'rn^itp- ”ro»-i« Itemifiin "fig sag as £ shut siL-nag laHl ] i TStis arum. IziLam-f m iw Ins *,nrrs«. rfflSant "Ssa: art •aaubmnpc. Smrlrr j ij TKatsr u: ad Ine ignrr saoe ttsos £ W t Cnurr-T nr Hfmea Sarr ses n! vmtzx. Ik. IfcOasrSisr s * SHr " "3T T’is merdtstl iiinrrry rriwr p «k !Ki; •-■inwB ,i.ii. .:-• a ■»«- &cl— ".mi tig Tt^artr rats nrsr zmuxt m tag P.trmr:i£ 3;mnr g teargi r» Or. J~»ropx gfi Imnin. ''TTis purpiae a* '3kg •gfc.rrr «mrr.iif & m arj.iit 3&g pmoeng rf MaCarke*- r^jargy. *3fc ^ mr pacr liiic Ins "mrnnia mmL as rurr ■ZL£« GAfSi. Imff. £*« jac €e^e si Jobs Ciinea,. I I afie,:.- j£LmSlB _ «* Dehators From 22 Schools To Meet iiSlzSSS- SCBBttUi **t ■Tcr.r’i* iZ~-i tj .t caAe^i x Ilia. Fcirrao: iiTit — : r^T—. -~?vrr nMe TFesa^far*. GannS^ a£ Tl«sa. CeHrai Sfcr*g a Ftrgtrrif. Ckafr SCHTg A ft X. K aifUTrafgr ii Zteaira ■—3G*jt_ A.i_— fsasars sc S-t^d Fails. S. B... 36e rrasssa W-sa^aa. I_,tarcji. THa— rug? -~,i**t** Hasdugi. s~g- Sn^vss IfewHtE Stea- ac 5ac-«g^rtri. Tjscant* toMP JbC" -tTgparm * *Somt Ura£ -mm «unmi ysrrjMffahLac ail Tjgsr iiup^ajgr.cm.— twwa 3s mm uttiz ac Se^crvss «saE r^ffiggr WMTffMfti, Sas. «e Frj^ay so* ^arrtnsa? 3G»r.. I niflt wdL :« atnr ^r^aast: a? Ac gasnure. Pittsburgh Gets First Negro Jutige i.1'.1 a it ~ 'TTriT S. ~a": »m,p1 t«§— Desse-rasar Star*; JHWB JTCgr TiS "^ruRii.'-in 4 ~ I J*W m aia^iacag . • . ; — . w_ Ta. *ob Discrimination Hit At Council FEP Hearing Mrs. B. L. Bell Named Head of Loeal NA ACP Mrs B&sLa* I~ Be >4> Vise, xai *Aac*ed prfsaaer atf me L-c ^ tracuch d the JIAACP at the Karggecg; the Ber. *.:©ert L» Ms*;®?'- erio laes aer a me «r SHBzaeaaa as presae- 5«r sererx* csk 'anil ta*e ?3*ce a: me Deeeax .__ ter msECtng. CaunOBf -irm. c =7 ^enrr M iere. Sirs. F.D.R. Raps Bar Group For l > Rights Blast .tcnssc ’ *1 -armc me 'ieHSsrs taar rag ^te «aai3y be sht*rt m be x rnemsners vhei the Caa& rnmis raturuc acres*."" se si. *Seu Iebb try astra: ^ near, taat «mtrik if- ie Amsrxaa 3s- As sarsamtE is id -Hsmefcy Throng ae tarifcS Tfc^g w.zisxm*ig.~r me U. 5. reusee jwrfari. *e me U~ S -"■ »r:.vr ^ «r*rf*-« r.'innr '-'-:«T1T- anr tie CT-iet— Trnr <*> -scoet inr Tange teens* am the aediBraiiiiEi- wtnarrr. :r:cnse errit amt meedem tar a_ reettjjes. r»ir aon»£*t mat ■tset* tat etituf. Sr« »e«w« ar tte TTram hn taag-asoer t, write?—flfce. laerx eui ITtarr. Sit-r&i j. Masasber 19, fee Lrpsbtne C—reJ bcU fee fed erf ss psfe£K beasneaes s^ber Bes©* krtMt 25 passed m fee Last Jes sie erf fee it^sSaSsre ar^acii etiaged fee amn.' as e-cry wba* is v^-r>or-. as rejeareg.^ d,u’ei:T.;r i*c fee casncri*. pmsaAed by De. 'sagar Z. erf exar^rrre jamstagRaan. 3* rrm'rr ’feje fee SAC survey ®* Cyrt W_ Lnom aa-' sz^tj*9* aa ——I ndusrscs ! ^ “ ~ sForbidden Neighbors9 -$ * * gnadfac of He jsale, Charles Goeibby. Voice stuff member. §«fiS54*i £4-3 jfa; He world is rtV£.~4 Ar^-i.-i £ ••fLTnml of -Is anr Amenta is srmrwTnt Xeciruski tor leader - ■Hay ass pse^nessree ofmarracy. A- Jesters, Omaha. He J&eferasfa Small "s awiriai aid ariHorufiy >r t retesH mere Had bees “no icopoe He prob i —r ■r.innw»Ti*tfi r. *^£4® fary off Omaha CrHr league 2L ‘Pergui rtf He rug need full «nguLr?-mms jg>; saeut be ei p&ayto.' be sadd. fa a react!-— hob- nusmess near bad bees urged is lace ansane is “unprore rrnwrmrt w -rr»- crwf T' Leg S;cuaar eetai&ie serre— Hey if He Onafra Vtma league nrinjaed sue dbae a saney of wnrbers Here stowed :ndy Vi% me I-JU»I oppfayafae Seg-ae? Hfur.nir iaa. far stf House were xmbereifaiiy’ei defaei xunre draatT n» ys* is irate a far— -EC I ® Tr waA is labor or neiTi.h r-lmagfu rstZtass,, Jfes Sl'-uuedt Prtnaa. atiar ney amt »t*ia£ 3stoer_ ^eariring fa- JL.mu fLscifa A ;mt saranry. ggmaeg xur He fas tag: nne Hsrd if wunmc Ssgmes m Cftswa ace raner und Hus ar skics fnnx narre fas fa cbbtic — faa Har | tqgr sense, dresu fast faic sac fatoe grabsKbcE. fa wmct us riETcac'ed n ox- y 58rC far »mae stasis JCTr of He waxmf wmaes fate to Twnuu jsb£. mnuSEruJ La-fa* Hxsft He iacE. atf yds icgHrrmiir? irnfafamas He Ifcsgm otokaap niguugxwBC dy traar aascie tmannpm m. He S33 i wiiMw fa fagxe fCeucast-E fa Tirrr irw»r Wn OtHer -Hstunffiry was effa-ed S^F CfaTMa Pfatog, Sea! W. Bteesrae. C30- gfag Magn”' Joxm 21 ICbre. tHBta-affi art AVC -ggu*eHriac-T« wfa tagas-ied Hal farmSf- ant bu am srssr— gLUHi aervaet rare*-: gad Paul TTrllgtr. rsucat A twwwTfafc _m He <*f ip* wni rTESBC WJfa He xresugar s rtairmr-ag ot far tJ^TTyrif»y r rtsr-ra£ war 3* szui be facto mnfissons as 5feBgmto frse ary yaf re nar ibs si far Sentence For Killing *n£t hue roEToesunL as i giUBU nf Ids tar x Tesrir pmsmiz*. Staraa: Lee Cr-Hnr mis. 28„ -t**FLr\a*r -fear .at grtrr ^*n3—imf Uap ar Ete*r taey nar Efias jug yfyTwrr: tar «»Rr> "ataadft Tuner nEtluiggx * tar Crane •turTT- t**^ ij U