T 4 Quinn OlMfM A. 88. ft. Chord* 8th and “O" Street* Rev. J. B. BrooKs. Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship 8:00 p m. Young People* Fellowship 1:30 p. m. Evening service Tuesday. 8:00 p. m.. Prayer meeting Northstde Church of God 23rd and T Street. Robert jU Moody. Pastor. 10:00 a. m Church School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. 7:30 p. m. Midweek Prayer Meeting. 7:30 p. m. Friday Bible Study. For Diace of meeting call 2-4673. A11 on Chape* (Seventh-day Adventist Urban League—2030 *‘T’' Street. LeCount Butler. Associate Pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sabbath School. 10.45 a. m. Missionary Meeting. 11:00 a. m. Morn.ng Worship. 4:00 p. ru. Young People’s Society. Christ temple Charm of Christ (HoUneas* 2118 U Street Rev. r. O. McWilliams. Jr.. Pastor. 7:00 a. m Early Morning Prayer 10:00 a. m Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship 5:00 p. m Service at Carver Dome 8:00 p. m. H.Y.P.U.. Richard McWU Mams, president. 7:45 p. m Evening Service 1st A 3rd Mondays, C.W.W. W. meets at 8:00 p. m.. Mrs. Margie Turner, president. Tuesday. Btbl# Study. 8:00. Wednesday Prayer and Praise, 8:00. 1st A 3rd Friday, Jr. Choir rehearsal at parsonage. 8:00. 2nd A 4tb Friday. Young People’s Prayer Band. 8:00. Kathryn King, presi dent. You are always welcome to Christ Tempts Cburen. Church of God In Christ. 20th A 0. Rev. B. T. McDaniels, Pastor. 10:30 a. m. Sunday School. 12:00 Noon Morning Worship. 7 :00 p. m. Y.P.W.W. 8:00 p. m. Evening WorsMt*. , 8:00 p. m. Tuesday and Friday, regula service. Thursday, 1 to 3 p m., Sewing Circle. Wednesday, & p. m.. Prayer Band. Mt. Aon Baptist -hiuch Rev. W. 1. Monroe, Pastor. Comer 12lh and F Streets 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Baptist Training Union 8:00 Evening Worship Newman Methodist, 23rd A 8. Rev. William A. Greene, pastor. 9:45 a, m. Church School. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship. CME Methodist Church. 2030 T Street. First and Third Sundays. Rev. G. E. Bib-ms. Pastor. 9:30 a. m.—Sunday School. 10:30 a. m.—Methodist Training Union. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship. Let Us Not Forget Those Who Are III Mrs. W. R. Colley, 1035 Rose Street. — Mrs. Dora Hubbard, 1960 T. Mrs. Ruby Reed, 2042 S. Mrs. William A. Greene, 2263 S Street. Clyde W. Malone, 1035 Rose. Gilbert Hubbard, 2042 S. R. G. Huston, 2420 Holdrege. Joseph Green, hospital, Kear-i ney, Neb. Mrs. Lowell Davis. Check with us for ROOFING SIDING INSULATION "Self-Storing" Combination Windows Have your porch enclosed, , use Vacol Screen & Storm Windows. Free Estimates. 3 6mo. to pay. KIRKPATRICK BROS., INC. 1020 North 22nd 2-3861 j Sunday School j SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 1949. THEME: Jesus’ Death and Burial. Matt. 27:57-61; Mark 15:15-47; Luke 23:26-47; 24:1-6; John 19:23-37. On the Way to the Cross. All three Synoptic Gospels record the fact that the physical strength of Jesus had been so exhausted by the tortures to which He had been subjected that He could not carry the cross. A passer-by was pressed into service, and the fact that he had two sons who were well-known in the Christian com munity (the mere mention of their names is sufficient to iden tify them for Mark’s readers) in dicates that on that day Simon of Cyrene found a service which was life-long. Luke tells us the lament of cer tain women of Jerusalem as they looked on and of the dignity and unselfish sorrow of Jesus’ reply. Matthew and Mark tell of His re fusal to drink the drugged wine which charitable ladies of Jeru salem provided to ease the agonies of those who were to be crucified. He faced the end with unclouded mind. All three of the Synoptics relate the crucifixion of the two robbers, common criminals, whose company in death was intended as an added degradation for the Man on the central cross. Luke tells of the penitence and faith of one of them and of the tender assurance of pardon in heaven which came from Jesus who, even in His last agony, could recognize and re spond to the voice of faith. Jesus’ Prayer of Pardon for His Executioners. Luke alone records Jesus’ prayer for the ignorant in struments of the Jewish and Roman authorities. The whole spirit of Jesus’ life make it un likely that His prayer was limited only for the executioners. For the Jewish authorities, too, were blind to the true nature of their action. The prayer of Jesus should have prevented the cruel hatred through the ages of the Jewish people as guilty of the death of Jesus. Only a small group of Jews were guilty, and for them the Lord pleaded their ignorance as a pardon. Dare we refuse to join with the pardoning Christ in His attitude to the people He dearly loved? Anti-Semitism is anti Christian. How Little Children, Were Told of the Reason that Christ Was Crucified. Dr. Alexander Macleod had a friend who was teaching a school in Jamaica. This teacher had made a rule that every one who told a lie in school should receive seven strokes on the palm with a strap. One day a little girl named Lottie Paul told a lie, and was called before the school to receive her punishment. She was a sensitive little thing, and the teacher was very sorry to strike her, but he must carry out the rule of the school. Her cry of pain when she received the first stroke went to his heart; he could not go on with her punishment. Yet he could not pass by her sin, and this is what he did. He looked over to the boys, and asked, “Is there any boy who will bear the rest of Lottie’s punishment?” And as soon as the words were spoken up started a little fellow called Jim, who said, “Please, sir I will.” Van Sickle Quality Paints Manufactured in Lincoln Van Sickle has had the pri vilege to serve you for over 40 y ears. 143 So. 10 2-6931 Alliance Life Mirrors Typical Community By Beatrice Motley. ALLIANCE, Neb. — Participat ing in an enjoyable hike Monday, were Misses Theresa Motley, Stella Woodlee, and Delores Young. The girls hiked to Lake Bronco where they enjoyed a swim and picnic lunch. A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Woodlee, Monday. Refreshments were served and all had an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nelson have moved to Omaha. The Nelsons motored to Omaha Thursday, June 2, to set up housekeeping. The Omaha Rockets Baseball Club spent Thursday in Alliance. The Rockets were on their way to participate in a game in a nearby town, Minatare, Nebraska. Seen busily gardening this Week were Mr. Mills Lear, Mr. M. C. Woodlee and Mrs. M. P. Motley. We shall all be waiting for har vest time. Mr. Edward Meehan has been ill for some time and is recuperat ing at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. Meehan’s brothers, Dennis of Omaha and William of Chicago were recent visitors during his ill ness. Mr. M. C. Woodlee was among those motoring to Minatare, Ne braska, to enjoy a pleasurable baseball game played by the Omaha Rockets. Mr. David Taylor entered the Veterans’ Hospital in Hot Springs, South Dakota. We are hoping for his speedy recovery. And Jim went to the desk and re ceived without a cry the six re maining strokes. Dr. Macleod tells the story, and adds: “And it was the vision of a Heart gentler still than that of this brave boy, but gentle with the same kind of gentleness, which filled the master’s eyes with tears that day, and made him close his books and bring his scholars round about his desk, and tell them of the Gentle One, who long ago bore the punishment of us all.” The story he told is ours to day. The Voice “Advertisers” are making this publication possible, show them your appreciation by your patronage. QUALITY PHOTOS Lower Prices—Faster Service PHOTO NOOK • a m. !• • p.as. tond*»i 1443 “O” Street liaeotn, Nefcr. | CLEANING and SANITATION SUPPLIES All Types Brooms—Furniture Polishes Mops—Floor Seal and Wax Sweeping Compounds Mopping Equipment Kelso Chemical 117 North 9th St 2-2434 PIANOS RADIOS SEWING MACHINES WASHERS SWEEPERS Gourlay Bros. Piano Co. 212 So. 12 2-1636 j Jess ' Williams Springs Omaha Dist. AME Missionaries Meet Here June 10 Friday, June 10, missionary workers of the Omaha district gathered at Quinn Chapel for their third quarterly inspirational meeting. After organization was completed in the morning, Rev. C. C. Reynolds of Kansas City, brought the sermon in which he asserted that “man can rise no higher than his inner self.” Mrs. Mary Kidd, Kansas City, Nebraska Conference Branch president for the missionary so ciety, spoke briefly about the scope of the work being done in Kansas and Nebraska and in the Omaha district by AME churches. At the afternoon session, music was furnished by a girls quartet made up of Elois and Vonna Fin ley, Barbara Moody and Winifred Winston. Miss Winston also sang “Ave Maria” (Schubert), accom panied by Miss B. Kelley. Mrs. Eugenia Brown led the quartet. The main speaker was Mrs. Minna Harriot, Kingston, Jamaica, who emphasized that there is still a great need in our time for more brotherly love. Mrs. Harriot told in some detail about the manners and customs of the Caribbean island. She said that there was still a great need for evangelists and Christian social workers there, especially to reach the less learned peoples that live in more isolated mountain areas. HOUSE PAINT OUTSIDE WHITE *545 5L In Five Gal. oLts $3.33 We Rent Sanders. Also Edgers Nice Selection of Fine Wallpapers. Popular Prices. ELLERS Wallpaper and a Pint Phone 5-6168 119 So. 9th St. U)stddini}, Qrwiiaiwn& $8 75 Per 100 Beautiful shell white invita tions or announcements, double envelopes, folded, tissued and inserted Printing Department LATSCH BROTHERS, INC. 1124-26 O St. 2-6838 10<-25<- 39* Lincoln'* Favorite Potato Chip L - — - - i-— -- - - — Umberger’s 2-2424 1X10 Funeral and Ambulance serv ice. Verna Burke. Roy Sheaft, Darold Rohrbaugh. Floyd Umberger Families MOM Form New Baseball Nine, Miller Mgr• Well summer time is baseball time and everybody loves to play baseball. Sunday afternoon we saw a neu aggregation practicing on the nigh school diamond. There were: Vaugh .2b. Emery Rogers .ss. Anderson Betts .lb. Stapleton # Houston ..P. Duncan Molden .P. Madison Fields . E- Wi,Bon Mitchell . C. Tarpley Motley .. Griggsby Burrell . The players are forming a new team, the Lincoln Larks, of which Mr. John Miller will be manager. 46 Years 13th & O National Bank of Commerce Lincoln, Nebraska Member F.D.I.C. First Door North Varsity Theatre Elgin and Hamilton Watches For Graduation COURT S. MULLEN JEWELER 14514 No. 13th Street Phone 2-7912 Lincoln. Nebr. Arthur Griswold Co. Inlaid Linoleum, Gold Seal Congoleum 1 1426 "O”_ 2-5Q00 | VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES & MEATS 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 ROSE MANOR Studio 1029 Rose Street Phone 3-2046 Portraits by Appointment George Randol, P. A. of A Prices reasonable Work guaranteed fl A RUG-CARPET and FURNITURE CLEANING SERVICE With 42 Years of Successful Operation Featuring IN THE HOME OR AT OUR PLANT SERVICE Adapted to the needs of Your Furnishings YOUR CARPET AND RUG PROBLEMS SOLVED— You don’t have to wait any longer for GOOD CARPCT at lOWfft PRICK Our Factory selling does the job—consider these prices and sizes—in 5 Decorator Colors in Modern, deep-napped Chenille. We also have the latest Patterns in Mohawk Carpets & Rugs. Visit Our Factory Sales Room and inspect these values. LINCOLN RUE FACTORY & CLEANERS D. ©. Pettit, Mgr. A. K. Petttt, A»*t. Mgr. 3601 So. 37 S & H Stamps or. Cleaning 4-2354