Social Briefs By Mrs. Basilia Bell Ph. 5-5531 Mrs. Verta Finley was hostess to the T. F. Club, January 17. After a social hour a delicious lunch was served. Mrs. Sally J. Brown was host ess at dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young on inaugura tion day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams entertained Saturday evening. Guests included Mrs. Donald Stith and daughter, Maxine and Mr. Charles Goolsby. The Adamses had as their dinner guests on Sunday, Mrs. Melvin Shakes peare, Mr. Donald Stith and daughter, Maxine. Miss Eloise Finley was first j prize winner on the amateur show at the Capital theater. She re ceived a cash prize of $15.00. The Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Brooks had as their dinner guests Sunday afternoon, Senator John Adams and Mr. Charles Goolsby. Mrs. John Robinson was host ess to Mary Bethune Literary and Art club Thursday evening. Dur ing the business a play was pre sented to be staged by the mem bers in early spring. Mrs. Jennie R. Edwards was appointed chair man of the program committee I-“ “ 1 IDEAL Grocery and Market Lots of Parking 27th and F Street* TYPEWRITERS ! ANY MAKE SOLD RENTED REPAIRED Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No. 12th St. Phone 2-2157 Lincoln, Nebr. For Everything in HARDWARE Baker Hardware 101 No. 9th 2-3710 'ONE-STOP LOANS &100-$200-$300 or More FAMILY FINANCE CO. 206 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. C V. Stromdahl, Mgr. 2-7671 PIANOS RADIOS SEWING MACHINES WASHERS SWEEPERS Gourlay Bros. Piano Co. 212 So. 12 2-1636 Orders filled for parties, fraternities and sororities and other occasions. Genuine KarmelKorn Fresh Buttered Popcorn Pralines KARMELKORN SHOP 122 No. 14 YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF \ TO VISIT Corine Beauty Shop 224 North 7th Street Come in and get acquainted Phone 2-562C and Mrs. Helen Randol was ap pointed chairman of the enter tainment committee. Lincoln churches were well rep resented Tuesday when the Lin coln Council of Church Women met at First Methodist. Mrs. William Glenn was a guest at the regular meeting of Mary Bethune club Thursday evening. Miss Florence Reed of Detroit, Mich., arrived in time for Mrs. A. G. Smith’s admission to St. Elizabeth hospital. Mrs. Smith underwent surgery on Tuesday, Jan. 18, and is reported doing nicely. Mrs. Imogene Winters re-en tered St. Elizabeth hospital after receiving surgery several days ago. Mrs. Horance Venerable is re cuperating slowly after being severely burned in an explosion at her home Dec. 15. Graduation for Adult High Held Tuesday Night On Tuesday, January 25, the Lincoln Board of Education held commencement exercises for the January class of the adult high school in the public schools ad ministration building. The pro gram featured a discussion by members of the graduating class on “Living in a Democracy.” Dr. Gilbert S. Willey and Dr. James Pelley spoke to the class which was presented by Miss Ona R. Wagner. , Diplomas were awarded by Mrs. Roscoe Hill, president of the board of education. Rev. Melvin L. Shakespeare offered the invocation and bene diction at the exercises. Lest We Forget Those who are ill: Mrs. Imo gene Winters, St. Elizabeth hos pital; Mrs. A. G. Smith, St. Elizabeth hospital; Mrs. Horance Venerable, St. Elizabeth hospi tal; Mrs. Marcella Whitebear, 2001 Vine Street, Carver Home. CbichiSL JjuAA. * ■■ ‘ ' ' - ’ ' ' r"l,"g™> ! .., Hi there! Birthday greetings are in order for Emma White who celebrated her sixteenth birthday on Mon day, January 24 and then again for Betty Wilson who celebrated her nineteenth birthday on Wed nesday, January 26. Old age is gradually creeping up on them. * * * Since school was out for most of us last week there were parties, parties, parties, begin ning with Tuesday night when a group of teens had a jolly good time up to Phyllis Holcomb’s house making fudge and what not. * * e On Wednesday nigTit Susie Mae Whitehall, Nate Casteel, Hazel Wilson and Maurice Crouch enjoyed a cozy little eve ning together over to Susie Mae’s home. * * * Friday night the Bowen home was the scene of an informal gathering with Albert Bowen and Mary Collier as host and hostess. Guests present besides the immediate family were: Lo retta McWilliams, Hazel Wilson, Betty Bowman, Beverly Hol comb, Betty Wilson, Joyce Wil liams, Ed Moore, Howard Bean, Richard Holcomb, Donald Dor sey, Bill Darnell and Gilbert Cramer. * * * Saturday night we switched over to the Finley home where Lopy and Vonna were hostesses at a strictly couple affair. Each girl invited one guest. They were: Hazel Wilson-Maurice Crouch. Betty Bowman—Richard Hol comb. Betty Wilson-Albert Bowen. Vonna Finley-Nate Casteel. Lopy Finley-Ed Moore. As one guest remark, “Girl, we had a fine time.” * * * Maxine Stith was a guest in Lincoln over the past week. She really had a groovy time during her stay since the fellows were especially nice to her. How about that Bertram, Richard, Robert and Charles? * * * The man about town these days is none other than Richard Hol comb. He’s quite a popular guy among the girls. * * * Cutest Couple of the Week: Thelma Martin and Ralph Wil son. I have also chosen Thelma as the best dressed girl of the week. * * * Glad to hear that Jeanne Ma lone is better now. She was ill a few days last week. • * * Attention Kliques: A regular meeting will be held Sunday, January 30, 1949 at the home of Phyllis Holcomb. Please be pres ent. * * * The weather last week, par ticularly Sunday, was a source of enjoyment for some of us, especially for those who could ice skate. Did you see Shorty Botts and Smoky Molden skating up and down the streets? Goodbye for now. FREDDIE. I HOUSEHOLD HINTS By Mrs. Brevy Miller Phone 2-4051 , ..i i i i i ■ t ■ ■ i i ■ ■ r T If you are looking for an easy inexpensive luncheon dish try these two. With this Frozen Banana Salad, you won’t need to have a dessert, use one of your favorite muffin recipes or better still use my popover recipe in “The Voice” Cook Book. Serve some of your favorite crisp pick les, some of that good jelly you have been saving just for special company and “presto” you have it. Creamed Eggs and Chicken in Noodle Ring 4 hard-cooked eggs 1*4 cups white sauce 1 cup diced cooked Parsley chicken 6 stuffed olives 2 oz. can mushrooms Make white sauce. Shell hard cooked eggs and cut in quarters lengthwise. Pour white sauce over eggs and diced chicken—heat. Add olives which are sliced. Saute mushrooms in a small amount of butter. Make Noodle Ring as follows: 2 tbsps. butter *4 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. salt M cup hot milk 3 egg yolks 3 egg whites stiffly beaten Cook noodles. Add butter, salt, pepper, hot milk, and egg yolks. Fold in whites last. Pour mixture into buttered ring mold. Set in SEWING MACHINES NEW & USED All Makes Repaired RENTALS O. K. SEWING MACHINE CO. 219 No 12th St. Phone 2-5668 pan of hot water and bake in 325* F. oven for 30 minutes. Frozen Banana Salad 2 pkgs. cream cheese 2 med. size bananas 1 tsp. salt Ms cup walnut meats ’/» cup mayonnaise Va cup maraschino Juice of 1 lemon cherries Vj cup crushed pine-1 cup whipping cream apple Crisp lettuce leaves lyiix cream cheese with salt, mayonnaise, and lemon juice. Add pineapple, sliced bananas, nut meats, and cherries. Fold in whip ped cream and pour into refrig erator freezing tray. When frozen, serve in slices on crisp lettuce leaves. Garnish with fresh fruit. Serves 6. no S^»*» to* «fc, Uwcalu M»b. » Hwm VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES & MEATS 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 . -- THE CHOICE OF'49 CONTES^ The VOICE’S annual contest lor Choice of the Year is on! A contest in which YOU, our readers, may select your choice for: Man of the Year Woman of the Year (The man or woman whom you think has contributed most to their «-om munity during 1948.) • GEORGE RANDOL ?ERN J. B. BROOKS BREVY MILLEK tt. L. MOODY ESTELLE DAVIS Best Dressed Man Best Dressed Woman (The man or woman whom you think is about the sharpest tiling out side of Esquire and Vogue.) HERSHEL BURDEN ISSr HIGHTOWER All-American Boy All-American Girl (The boy or girl whom you think has all the atributes of a typical An American personality, appearance,etc.) ^ RFRTRAM COOKE BETTY WILSON SatF rA^TEFI BETTY HOSE HUSTON mLIIAM BROADEN LORETTA McWILLIAMS RICHARD HOLCOMB RULES *• SF&f'ssssnnS,'.yf»" “ST"’”0"’ 2 If you would like tn file a candidate for any of the six above Titles, call or write THE VOICE, 2225 ‘ S” Street. Lincoln, Nebraska. 3. Only persons whose names appear in this space each week are bona fide contestants. 4. The contest will close at midnight, Sunday, February 27, 1949 and tne decision of the judges will be final. 5. A prizes will be awarded the winners in each class.