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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1948)
Social Briefs By Mrs. Basilia Bell Ph. 5-5531 .. .. Mrs. Eva Carr, 1616 No. 27 is spending Christmas .vacation vis iting- relatives and friends in Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, Galves ton and other parts of Texas. She will be away about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holcomb will have family dinner Christmas day. Their guests will include Mrs. Holcomb’s brothers and their fam ilies, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Thom as and their daughter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomas and their daughter, Janet, and Lonnie Thomas, all of Omaha. Mrs. Harry C. Garner of Omaha spent Friday in the city as house guest of her daughter, Mrs. Betty Burns, and special guest of her nephew William who has joined the Armed Forces. The bazaar given by the United Church Women’s Kensington at the Urban League was a great success. Each church had a sepa rate booth which was decorated in its church colors. The profit re ported was more than $100 dol lars. Mrs. Brevy Miller is presi dent and organizer of the organ ization. The all church Christmas party held at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Edwards on Saturday evening was a delightful affair. The members exchanged gifts and showered the pastor and his fam ily, the Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Brooks and their children, with many gifts. It was another of those suc cess efforts being registered at Quinn Chapel A.M.E. church un der the administration of its new minister. Mrs. Clyde Coulter attended the funeral of a friend, Mrs. Ellen Baucom of Omaha recently. The funeral was held in Wellington, Kans. Mrs. Coulter was guest soloist for the Lincoln Council of Church Women’s pre-Christmas program heard over station KOLN. Mr. Robert Taylor of Davenport, Iowa was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dean a few days the past week. Clifford Easley is home for the holidays visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Easley is stopping with his aunt, Mrs. Effie Carter. The United Church Women’s Kensington was hostess Wednes day evening at a pre-Christmas party at the Urban League. Gifts were presented the guests. Among the guests was Mr. Nimrod Ross who has lived in the city for more than 40 years. He is a very informative individual and a man of wide experience. He gave an interesting talk. Mrs. Wm. Byron Davis gave an interesting account of club activities. The group was led in carols by Mrs. Charles Walker. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Brevy Miller, presi dent, was presented with a large Christmas candle. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson will leave Saturday to spend the holi days in Chicago. Mrs. Johnson was a participant at the Christmas party of the Na tional Hair Dressers Association held at Cotner Terrace, Decem ber 6. Mrs. Johnson’s guests at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Letcher, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gibson, Mrs. Lloyd Cole and Mrs. William Burns. Mrs. Christine Ward Reeves re ceived surgery in Kansas City, Kans., the past week. A movie entitled “The Babe of Bethlehem” will be shown Friday night at the Children’s Christmas party at Mt. Zion Baptist church. The program is sponsored by the Sunday School and under the di rection of Mrs. Arthur Patrick. Langston Profs. Before Oklahoma Science Academy TULSA, Okl. (ANP). Dr. S. P. Massie, head of the chemistry de partment at Langston, and Roscoe C. Chesley of the social science department read papers at the meeting of the Oklahoma Acad emy of Science held here recent ly at the University of Tulsa. The Oklahoma Academy of Science is affiliated with the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science. Its mem bership is drawn from individ uals engaged in the ' field of science. Dr. Massie’s paper was on “Polemerization;” Mr. Chesley’s, on “Cartelization, its Effect Upon IjJjee Enterprise.” Parents Seek Restoration Of Science Courses Dropped in ‘Equalization Move FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (ANP). Parents of white students were up in the air here last week over a move made by the King George county school board in cutting off five science courses from the cur riculum of the King George high school. The action, as explained by the board, was in line with ad vice from Judge Leon M. Brazile of the 15th judicial circuit that the board must comply with the court injunction to equalize courses of study in white and Negro schools. Judge Brazile had told the board that it could equalize study courses in only one of two ways: Either by bringing the Negro cur riculum up to par with that of white schools or by eliminating from the white curriculum all courses not now taught at the Negro school. The board adopted the second alternative. fjSnwiiirMii | ""'BATTERY Weak, Run-down? Cold weather puts a tough pull on car batteries. Don’t let your auto slow down under the strain. Just remember—in cold weather your car is no better H than your battery. I Anti-Freeze Van Horn’s servicemen take every precaution . . . use the best of pro ducts in preparing your car for, or the adding of Anti-freeze. Drive in ... Ask for this service before win ter catches you cold. I VAN HORNS "66" Superservices & Q—2-5811^ . _ . j ( By Dorothy Greene. | Greetings Gates: v Here’s hoping that you teens have a very very merry Christ mas and that all you want for Christmas will be yours. * * * Bill Burns left Friday for the Navy. Too bad, girls, we lose an other boy to Uncle Sam. * * * The Teen Age Club had a very fine formal party Monday night. All the lassies looked real sharp and the lads didn’t look so bad either. * I have chosen this lovely maiden .as the Teen of The Year “1948” She is Betty Wilson, who I consider the most all around girl in Lincoln. I’m sure you all agree. * Songs of the week: “It’s Too Soon to Know,” by Dinah Wash ington; “All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth,” Spike Jones. * * * For best dressed girl of the year I have chosen Miss Lois Hatcher. By the way this lucky girl is spending her holiday vaca tion in Kansas City. Real crazy. * * * Next week I’ll give you my ideas of the all around boy, and the best dressed boy. Bye Now, Dotty. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many many friends for the lovely cards, flow ers and the many visitors I had during my stay in the hospital. Miss Gladys Easley ( Chicago Seeks to Ouster Bud Young F rom Low Rpnt Flat CHICAGO. (ANP). Claude ^‘Buddy” Young, the New York Yankees $20,000 a year halfback, and 25 other tenants in five low cost housing projects face evic tion suits .filed by the Chiqago Housing authority in circuit court here last week. The suits were filed because all of the 26 ten ants have incomes higher than that permitted In low-cost gov ernment-owned and operated housing units. When Young, his wife and son moved in to the Altgeld Gardens in 1946, his income was $20 a week from his soldier’s rehabilita tion allotment. Patronize Our Advertisers. NEW YEAR CARDS I Algo Thanks For Xmas Cards and Gifts Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street ' Open Thurs. ’til 9 Jess Williams Springs GILLETT POULTRY POULTRY AND EGGS 528 No. 9th Tel. 2-2001 ’ Plenty of Parking Space ONE-STOP LOANS &100-S200-S300 or More FAMILY FINANCE CO. 206 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. C V. Stromdahl, Mgr. t-7671 r HOUSEHOLD HINTS : i By Mrs. Brevy Miller Phone 2-4051 Delicate Grape Juice Fill boiling hot quart jar half full of washed stemmed blue grapes and add V\ cup su gar to each jar and fill with boil ing water and seal immediately. Grapes may be eaten or squeezed to give deeper color. DESSERT Apple Crisp. Vi cup sugar ' Vi teaspoon cinnamon Vi cup brown sugar 1 cup flour Vi cup melled butter Cooking apples Slice enough apples to fill a large pie tin or 8x8 cake pan. Mix sugar and cinnamon lightly into apples. Mix brown sugar and flour with melted butter. Spread on top of apple mixture. Bake in moderate oven 35 to 45 minutes or until apples are ten der. Top with whipped cream. MAIN DISHES Super-special Ham Loaf Vi cup brown sugar X teaspoon dry mustard 2 tablespoons vinegar 3 slices canned pineapple Salt Pepper 2cups rgound cooked ham lVi cups ground fresh pork 2eggs 1 cup milk lVi cup finely crumbed crackers Vi cup finely crumbed potato chips Mix brown sugar, mustard, and vinegar. Put in bottom of loaf pan. Cut slices of pineap ple and arrange in pattern on bottom of pan. I Combine ground ham, fresh pork, beaten eggs, milk, crumbed crackers and potato chips. Mix well. Pack in pan being careful not to disarrange the pineapple slice pattern. Bake loaf in 375 degree oven for about \Vz hours. Unmold bringing the pineapple slices on top. Ice Box Pie 3 egg yolks 1 can Eagle Brand milk 2 lemons, grated rind and juice 1 box of vanilla wafers Roll the wafers as fine as meal and moisten with a little melted butter then press them into the pie plate for crust. Beat the egg Gilmour-Danielson Drug Co. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS 142 So. 13th St. 2-1246 BEAL BROS. GROCERY J Freeh Fruits & Vegetables Meats 2101 R TeL 2-6933 j George H. Wentz Inc. PLUMBING & HEATING 1620 N Phone 2-1293 VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES & MEATS 22nd and Vine i 2-65&I — 2-6584 yolks, add the can of milk and beat hard again, then add the juice and rind of lemon and beat together. Pour mixture into wafer crust. Make a meringue of the egg whites and brown in oven. Place in refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours. Serve with nippy cheese. The filling requires no cooking as the lemon cooks it. It’s fine too. Apple Torte 2 cups graham cracker crumbs V4 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons melted butter 3 eggs, separated 1 tall can sweetened condensed milk 2 tablespoons lemon juice and grated lemon rind 2 cups fresh applesauce % teaspoon salt Add butter and cinnamon to graham cracker crumbs, and spread evenly over a 10-inch pan. Beat egg yolks, add con densed milk, lemon juice, rind, applesauce and salt. Fold in beaten egg whites and pour into pan. A few more cracker crumbs may be sprinkled over top. Bake 45 minutes in mod erate oven (350 degrees F.). Cut eight. Apple Pan Dowdy 1 % cup sugar % teaspoon cinnamon V4 teaspoon nutmeg 14 teaspoon salt 3 lbs. pared sliced apples M cup cooking molasses 3 tablespoons butter *4 cup water Line a casserole with pie crust. Mix sugar, spices ,and salt, and sprinkle over apples. Fill casserole with apples, add mo lasses, butter and water. Cover with punctured pie crust, tuck edges together, press to sides of casserole. Bake in hot oven (425 degrees F.) 30 minutes. Remove from oven. With spoon, break top crust in pieces, and fold into 4 apple filling. Return to oven, and bake 20 minutes at 350 de grees F.) or until apples are tender). Serves six to eight. THE EVANS CLEANERS — LAUNDERERS Save Money Use our Cash and Carry Plan 333 No. 12th St. Dial 2-6961 SMITH BROTHERS Good. Coal and Everything to Build with. 2341 No. 48 Phone 6-2527 “Be Kind to Your Clothes” PEERLESS CLEANERS 322 So. 11 Geo. H. Lemon Branch Office 2719 No 48tb Smith Pharmacy 2146 Vine Prescriptions — Drugs Fountain — Sundries Phone 2-1958 ^ "typewriters ANY MAKE SOLD RENTED REPAIRED Nebraska Typewriter Co. 130 No 12th St. Phone 2-215? Lincoln. Nebr. CALL 2-7331 — ' ! ■ i' . —