The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, December 23, 1948, Page THREE, Image 3

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I' I
Quinn Chapel 4. H. E. Church
9th and "C” Streets
P* Rev. J. B. BrooKs, Pastor.
9:45 a. m. Sunday School
10:45 a. m. Morning Worship
6:00 p m. Young Peoples Fellowship
7:30 p. m. Evening service
Tuesday, 8:00 p. m.. Prayer meeting
Norttaside Church of God
23rd and T Street.
Robert u. Moody, Pastor.
10:00 a. m. Church School.
11:00 a. m. Morning Worship.
7:30 p. aa. Evening Worship.
7:30 p. m. Midweek Prayer Meeting.
7:30 p. m Friday Bible Study.
For place cf meeting call 2-4673.
A lion Chapei
(Seventh-day Adventist).
Urban League—2030 "T" Street.
Frank W. Hale, Jr., Pastor.
LeCount Butler, Associate Pastor.
9:45 a. m. Sabbath School.
10:45 a. m. Missionary Meeting.
11:00 a. m. Mom ng Worship.
4:00 p. m. Young People's Society.
0T Christ Temple Chare* of Christ (Holiness)
2149 U Street
Rev. T. O. McWilliams, jr., Pastor.
7:00 a. m Early Morning Prayer
10:00 a. m. Sunday School.
11:00 a. m. Morning Worship
5:00 p. m Service at Carver home
6:00 p. m. H.Y.P.U.. Richard McWil
liams, president.
7:45 p. in Evening Service
1st A 3rd Mondays, C.W.W.W. meets at
8:00 p. m., Mrs. Margie Turner, president.
Tuesday, Bible Study, 8:00.
Wednesday Prayer and Praise, 8:00.
1st A 3rd Friday, Jr. Choir rehearsal at
parsonage. 8:00.
2nd A 4th Friday, Young People’s
Prayer Band. 8:00. Kathryn King, presi
You are alwaye welcome to Christ
Temple Church.
Church of God in Christ, 20th Jk C.
Rev. B. T. McDaniels, Pastor.
10:30 a. m. Sunday School.
12:00 Noon Morning Worship.
7 00 p. m. Y.P.W.W.
jfc 8:00 p. m. Evening Worship.
8:00 p. m. Tuesday and Friday, regula
Thursday, 1 to 3 p. m., Sewing Circle.
Wednesday, 8 p. m., Prayer Band.
Ml. Zion Baptist Church
Corner 121-h and r Streeta
10:00 Sunday School
11:00 Morning Worship
6:30 Baptist Training Union
8:00 Evening Worship
Newman Methodist, 23rd A 8.
Rev. William Green, pastor.
9:45 a. m. Church School.
11:00 a. m. Morning Worship.
6:30 p. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship.
CME Church.
2030 T; Rev. George L. Ray, pastor. 1st
and 3rd Sundays. Tiftfe 11 a. m.
Card of Thanks
Rev. and Mrs. Robert L.
^ Moody wishwto thank their many
^9* friends for the flowers, cards, let
ters and blood donated during
Mrs. Moody’s recent illness. She
is now improved.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Moody
2123 “T” Street.
■■■■ " ■■■■ .—■ i —T
Bundle Predicts
Arab-Jewish War
At An End
HAIFA. (ANP). Chatting with
reporters at a press conference in
this tense city Dr. Ralph J. Bunche
predicted that the end of the Jew
ish and Arab controversy in Pal
estine was in sight.
Although he made no positive
statements on the situation he did
say that peace was a “real possi
bility.” <•
The acting United Nations me
diator recently returned to the
truce center here after confer
ences in Tel Aviv with King Ab
dullah, and later with Israeli
Prime Minister David Ben-Gu
rion, and in Rehoth with Israeli
President Chaim Weizmann. .
While here in stricken Pales
tine Dr. Bunche has been pro
vided with one of the heaviest
guards ever provided a diplomat.
Several jeeps and an armored
car jammed with civilian and
military police are accompany
ing him at all times.
Although he gave no specific
information on the results of his
conferences he hinted that more
would be revealed in his ' report
to the UN Security council. He
did say that the Arabs have tacit
ly accepted the existence of the
state of Israel.
“A more assuring truce will
come,” he said, “when sizes of
opposing armies are reduced and
leave the fronts.”
Marian Anderson
To Institute of
Arts Project
NEW YORK. (ANP). Marian
Anderson, Pierre Monteux, Gregor
Piatgorsky, Jean Sibelius, Deems
Taylor and Lawrence Tibbett
have been added -to the National
Arts Foundation of musical ad
Plans are underway by the
foundation to establish an Insti
tute for creative work in the arts,
modeled after the Institute for
Advanced Study at Princeton,
N. J. Here artists will carry on
independent work in their chosen
Carleton Smith, authority in the
expressive arts, was named di
rector of the National Arts foun
1619 “O” St. *-2911
1108 NORTH 10th ST. PHONE 2-1489 |
V | 2
v, wishes to extend l
% *
| $
j to “THE VOICE «nd to {
| All its subscribers
1 2
i S
i 2
> 1 By iS
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I s
Shirley Graham Guest
Lecturer at New School
NEW YORK. (ANP). Shirley
Graham, lecturer and author of
a biography of Frederick Doug
lass, is among the guest lectur
ers in the course, “The Negro in
American History,” which Dr.
William DuBois is presenting at
the New School of Social re
Miss Graham will address the
students in the downtown village
center on “Frederick Douglass
and His Times.”
Pearl Primus to
Study Native
Folk Dances
Pearl Primus, one of the coun
try’s foremost dancers, left early
last week for a one-year re
search mission to Africa to study
the music, folklore and dances of
the natives in Belgian Congo and
West Africa. The study is being
made under a Julius Rosenwald
She plans to study the dances
and culture of Nigeria, Ashanti,
Gold Coast, Liberia, Senegal,
French West Africa, and that of
the pygmies and the Watusi
(giants) of the Belgian Congo.
Patient Recovering
After Operation
Carolyn Greene 7, daughter of
Mrs. Frances Greene, 2215 S, is
recovering nicely after a tonsil
lectomy at St. Elizabeth hospital.
Seven Quit Phi
Kappa Psi Frat.
Over ‘Race9 Angle
Seven members of the Swarth
more college chapter of Phi Kappa
Psi fraternity resigned from the
Greek-letter organization here
last week in protest against the
national council’s decision to sus
pend neighboring Amherst college
chapter for initiating a Negro
pledgee, Thomas W. Gibbs of
Evanston, 111.
In a letter to the campus news
Wriling Paper
Priced from $1 up
1124-26 O Street
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paper, the seven said they could
not “justifiably belong to any
fraternal organization that chose
its members on the basis of race
and religious creed, rather. than
on merit.” Included among those
resigning was the chapter’s presi
dent, Heinz Valpin, of Washing
ton, D. C.
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