The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, October 07, 1948, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    Social Briefs
By Mrs. Basilia Bell Ph. 5-5531
I _ .... ..... . ...... .'
Mr. and Mrs. Hanceford Beard
have returned home after spend
ing a weeks’ vacation in Denver
where they enjoyed many sights
of interest.
* * *
Mr and Mrs. Hazel Kelly of
Detroit. Mich., spent several days
with Mr. Kelly’s mother, Mrs.
Arthur Blackwell and Mr. Black
well. The Kellys had spent their
vacation in Parsons, Kansas and
v*ere enroute home.
• * *
Mrs. Sarah Polk has returned
after spending the summer at
Steam Springs, Colo.
Mrs. William Becks of Be
atrice, Neb., was accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Louis? Patter
son and her son, Richard when
she attended the NAACP dinner
Friday evening. The Beatrice
guests are frequent visitors to the
* # *
Mrs Lenora Letcher is now an
apprentice in the Corine Beauty
Shop, on No. 7th street. The
Corine Beauty Shop is announc
ing the introduction of the new
Lustrasilk and is inviting the
ladies to see the demonstration at
the shop on Thursday, October 8.
• • •
Mr. Charles Goolsby spent Sat
urday night in Omaha. He re
turned to Lincoln Sunday morn
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Finley ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Givehand, their daughter, Jane
Louise and Mrs. Givehand’s moth
er, Mrs. A. R. Adams to Lincoln
Sunday afternoon. They motored
from Nebraska City and spent the
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph W. Adams and Mr. and Mrs.
Herman, Tapp.
• * •
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore
of Hiawatha, Kas., Mrs. Hazel
Landon, ' Miss Dorothy Moore,
Sanford Beard and Clinton Fletch
er of Omaha were Lincoln visitors
Sunday afternoon.
* * *
Mrs. Benjamin Jefferson and
family has just returned after
spending a month visiting rela
tives and friends in Kansas City.
* « *
Announcement was made last
week of the recent marriage of
Mrs. Della Powell and Mr. Elbert
Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Fields are
making their home at 237 So. 20th.
* * *
The Rev. O. J. Burckhardt of
Omaha was a Lincoln visitor on
• * *
Mr. W. R. Colley is much im
proved after suffering a heart at
tack on Monday.
♦ * *
The T. F. club with Mrs. R. W.
Ambers, president, held its first
fall meeting Sept. 14 with Miss
Anna Johnson as hostess. Sept.
28 the club met with Mrs. Anna
Newton as hostess. Plans for fall
activities are being programmed,
according to Miss Virginia Davis,
club reporter.
* * * ^
The United Church Women’s
Kensington club is completing
plans for a tea scheduled at Mount
Zion Baptist church Sunday, Oc
tober 17. The public is invited.
* * *
The men of Beta Beta enter
tained Omaha candidates for the
Sphinx Club last Saturday night
at the Northside Y.M.C.A. Eugene
Harrison, Welcome Bryant and
Arnett Bonner were in charge of
the arrangements. Alpha Phi Al
pha members attending from Lin
coln included Alfred B. Grice,
Samuel E. Gooden, Ernest Jones,
and Jerry Crowder. Charles
Goolsby is president.
“In the Bible the ignorant may
learn all requisite knowledge,
and the most knowing may learn
to discern their ignorance.”—
Cooperation Wins on the
Telephone Party Line, Too
Real teamwork is needed to win football games and for a
smooth telephone party line.
Today, continued shortages of vital materials make it pos
sible for us to continue our expansion program only by party
line telephone installations.
, So won’t you please be a good party line neighbor, lc
means better telephone service for everyone—including you.
Tkm kHnonln Mpkwii and TsUprsph Co
Jervwtf Ih Ptcfkf %
' . I I
Greetings Gates:
This week I decided to add a
little humor to my column so
here it is. “Hope you like it.”
“Dad, we learnt at school today
that animals have a new fur
every winter.”
“Be quiet! Your mother is in
the next room.”
* # *
Clerk, to farmer who is city
shopping: “How about a nice
snappy bathrobe, Hiram?”
Hiram: “Nothing doing, young
man. When I take a bath I don’t
wear no clothes.”
* * *
Farmer’s Wife (to druggist):
“Now be sure and write plain on
them bottles which is for the
horse and which is for my hus
band. I don’t want nothin’ to
happen to that horse before
spring plowin’.”
* * *
Science professor: “What hap
pens when a body is immersed in
Coed: “The telephone rings.”
* * *
A young lady who had never
seen a game of baseball attended
one with her escort.
“Isn’t that pitcher grand?” she
said. “He hits their bats no mat
ter how they hold them!”
* * *
Old Maid: “Has the canary
had its bath yet?”
Servant: “Yes, ma’am. You
can come in now'.”
* * *
Farmer: “You can’t go wrong
on this mare. She’s sound, gentle,
a good worker, and a fine saddle
City man: “I’ll take your word
for all that, but what I want to
knows is, is she tender?”
* * *
“English is a funny language,
after all.”
“Why so?”
“I heard a man talking of a
political candidate the other day
say: ‘If he only takes his stand
when he runs, he’ll have a walk
* * *
A well-known analyst of retail
sales points out that women
spend 85 cents of every dollar.
Such a wife is a jewel. So many
spend $1.37.
* * *
“I just swatted five flies—two
males and three females.”
“Two on the card table and
three on the mirror.”
* * *
“A woman fell overboard from
a ship yesterday, and a shark
came up and looked her over
and went away.”
“He never touched her?”
“No. He was a man-eating
* * *
Sonny—Dad, what do you call
a man who drives a car?
Dad (a pedestrian)—It all de
pends on how close he comes to
me, my boy.
Lotman's Grocery
1945 R Street
Meats and Vegetables
For All Makes of Cara
2018 O 2-7039
1029 Rom Street
Phone 3-2046
Portrait* by Appointment
George RandoL, P. A. nf A.
Meet reasonable
Work guaranteed
By Mrs. Brevy Miller Phone 2-4051
Angel Pie
4 egg whites beaten stiff
% teaspoon salt
Add 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup sugar—added slowly
Put in greased pie tin and bake
in 250 degree oven for one hour.
4 egg yolks beaten light
% cup sugar
4t4 tablespoons lemon Juice
4 teaspoons grated lemon rind
Cook in double boiler until it
thickens. Cool. \k pint whipping
cream (more if desired). Whip.
Spread half of cream on pie, then
lemon filling and remainder of
cream on top. Put in refrigerator
for 24 hours.
Contributed by Evelyn Soukup,
2612 LaFayette Ave.
Chocolate Brownies.
Don’t bake brownies too long;
they should be moist and chewy.
2 1 oz. squares unsweeted chocolate
Vt cup shortening
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
% cup cake flour
H teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts
Melt chocolate and shortening
over hot water. Beat eggs and
sugar until thick and lemon-col
ored. Stir in cooled chocolate and
fat, f'ur salt, vanilla and nuts.
Pour into *» greased 8-in~h square
cake pan and bake in moderate
oven F.) minutes. Cut
in squares before cooL May be
22nd and Tina
2-SMS — 2-SM4
sr— ' -.ith cholocate or served
Mexican Beans.
1 16-or can oven baked beans in to
mato sauce
1 cup grated American cheese.
% green pepper, diced
Combine all ingredients and
pour into greased casserole dish.
Bake in moderate overn (350* F.)
for 45 minutes. Serves four. {
Corned Beef Turnovers.
2 cups cooked corned beef, chopped
2 cups cooked potatoes, diced
2% tablespoons chopped onion
Salt and pepper
\ cup milk or stock
3 tablespoons lard or drippings
Mix corned boof, potatoes and
chopped onion. Season to taste
then moisten with milk or stock.
Put small amount of fat in fry
ing pan and heat. Spread corned
beef mixture over pan evenly.
Cook slowly until underside is
well browned. Fold in half like
an omelet and serve hot with
chili sauce. Serves five.
Smith Pharmacy
2146 Vine
Prescriptions — Drugs ^
Fountain — Sundries
Phone 2-1958