The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, August 19, 1948, Page FOUR, Image 4
j Social Briefs By Mrs. Basilia Bell Ph. 5-5531 Mrs. Edward G. Craft left Sun day morning with her sister, Miss Arline Huddleston who heads the hospital at Fort Smith, Ark., to visit two sisters in San Francisco, Calif. They will spend about three weeks in California after which Miss Huddleston will return with Mrs. Craft for a short visit in Lincoln before returning to her home. * * * Rev. and Mrs. William A. Greene returned Sunday, Aug. 8, from the District Conference at Topeka, Kans. Rev. Greene had the honor of preaching at Asbury Methodist church while there. * * * Mrs. Charles Walker spent a few days in Omaha with friends recently, • * * * Mr. Wendell Curtis, who has been indisposed for quite some time is reported somewhat im proved. * * * - Word was received Saturday, August 14, by Mrs. William Dean, of the death of her brother, John nie Wingfield of Galveston, Texas. * * * Mrs. Frank Pierce has as her guests a sister-in-law, Miss Lila Fay Pierce and her friend, Miss Verdis Ross both of Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Pierce’s mother-in-law, Mrs. D. A. Pierce also of Kansas City arrived Sunday and will re main several days, * * * Mr. and Mrs. George White of Alameda, Calif., are the proud parents of a baby boy. Both the young people are former Lincoln ites. Mrs. White was the former Ardella Dean. * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shepard were recent visitors to Omaha as guests of Mrs. Shepard’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Baker. Other guests at the Baker home in Omaha were Mrs. Baker’s parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Hillard of Denison, Texas. * * * Mrs. Geraldine Webster and son, Michael of St. Paul, Minn., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Johnson. Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Johnson were former schoolmates at Texas college. * * * Miss Esther Parker left the city for a short visit in Kansas before an extended trip east. * * * Mrs. William Beach was hostess over the week end to her girlhood friend, Mrs. Dolores Blackwell of Omaha, who was accompanied by Mrs. Charlotte Crawford, case worker for the Red Cross. * * * Mrs. Betty Hill of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, was honored Wednesday afternoon with a beautiful lunch eon given by Mrs. John Miller. Invited guests were Mrs. Hill’s hostess, Mrs. Walter Bell, Mrs. Robert Letcher, Mrs. Fred Brad ley, Mrs. Edwin Todd, Mrs. Wil liam B. Davis and Mrs. Melvin Shakespeare. * * * Mrs. Fred Bradley was hostess Saturday evening to a group of friends. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. Granville Coggs, Mrs. Eugenia Brown, Miss Hazel Smith, Miss Virginia Davis and Mr. Em met Howard. * * * The Rev. John Favors will at tend the Area State Convention to be held in Omaha during the week. * * * Mrs. Mary Edwards of Los An geles spent the week visiting her brother, J. D. Bowen and other relatives. She was accompanied by her granddaughter, Dorothy Spann. Mr. Bowen left with them Sunday to join two other sisters, Mrs. Essie English and Mrs. P. A. Abner in Birmingham, Ala. After an extended visit through the south, Mrs. English will accom pany Mr. Bowen to Lincoln and the other two sisters will return to their home in California. While in the city Mrs. Edwards, better known to Lincolnites as Mother Edwards, was guest speak er during the seventh anniversary celebration of Elder B. T. McDan iels, pastor of the Church of God in Christ, 20th and U streets. * * * House guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Denton are their daughter-in law, Mrs. L. C. Denton and her son, L. C. jr., of Kansas City, Mo. They will spend about two weeks. * * * Mrs. Twila Fields and her two children, Tommie and Zelma Lu cille of Sioux City were guests several days last week of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tapp. Mrs. Fields will visit in Nebraska City before returning to her home. * * * Miss Jackie Molden is visiting in Portland, Ore. Miss Molden is a sister to Howard Molden and lives with her parents in Weep ing Water. * * * Mrs. Pervilla Dennis has re turned from Rockford, 111., and Chicago where she has visited with relatives and friends. * * * Kathryn, Betty and Patty King are spending the week in Denver visiting their sister, Mrs. Robert Lewis. They accompanied their niece and nephew, Bobby and Barbara Lewis home. * * * The youth of Christ Temple church rendered a beautiful bene fit program Friday night to buy a communion set. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown, Mrs. Bessie Gill, Mrs. Alma Austin, Mr. Gardner Brown and Mrs. Florence Chrisman motored to St. Joseph, Mo., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Hershell Kitchen and other relatives. * * * Mrs. Montrella Evans and her son, David and sister, - Miss Bea trice Motley of Alliance stopped over for morning service at Christ Temple Sunday morning. They were enroute to Omaha to visit their sister, Miss Tressa Motley who is In a hospital as a result of an accident. * * * Rev. and Mrs. T. O. McWilliams are vacationing as well as holding a revival at Arnold, Neb., with the Rev. James Hull, formerly of Lin coln. V. * * * Mrs. Leola Fields of Rockford, III., is spending a month with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradley. * * * Mrs. Clyde Coulter spent the week end in Omaha as the house guest of Mrs. Ellen Bancom. * * * Lawrence Dean, 1018 Rose, had a heart attack Tuesday and was rushed to the hospital. He is home now and reported much improved. * * * Mrs. J. H. Dean left Monday for Oakland, Calif., to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Stith. * * * Mrs. Ruby Waugh of' Little Rock, Ark., left for her home after spending the summer session working on her Masters in Educa tion. While in the city she was the house guest of Mrs. Ralph W. Johnson. Another house guest of Mrs. Johnson’s was Mrs. Mabel Glenn of Omaha who spent last week end. * * * Mrs. John Robinson was an Omaha guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Glenn recently. * * $ | Mr. Warren Williford and his r-----: Jsjltl CkfSL QhaUaJL By Dorothy Greene. Greetings Gates: Well the time is almost here for some of you students to re turn to school. (Oh happy day), tac Betty Wilson left recently for an extended visit in Denver. tac • Lois Hatcher has returned from her vacation in Kansas City. Her cousin, Doris Roberts, returned with her. tac Miss Beatrice Motley was the dinner guest of Dorothy Green Sunday afternoon, she was en route to Omaha to visit her sis ter who is in the hospital there, tac The Urban Leagnue Girl’s Club sang at the Singfest Sunday, Aug. 15, at Pinewood Bowl. * tac We are so sorry to hear that Delores Bowen is ill. We hope she will be much improved by the time you read this. tac Miss Ionna Adams has returned from a trip to Des Moines. She had a most enjoyable trip. Bye Now Dotty. little daughter, Mayme Marie, at tended a famly reunion in Little Rock, Ark., last week. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. G. Bradley of Omaha were in Lincoln Sunday visiting Mr. Bradley’s nephew, Mr. Fred Bradley and Mrs. Brad ley. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Howard were Omaha visitors over the week end. They were accompa nied by their house guests, Mr. Howard’s sister and consin, Mrs. Georgia Dixon and Miss Gloria Duckworth of Salina, Kans. * * * Mrs. John Favors will have as her guest during the week, Miss Joyce Dean of Omaha. George Sheldon, governor of Nebraska from 1911-1913, was the republican nominee for gov ernor of Mississippi . in that state’s 1947 election. Smith Pharmacy 2146 Vine Prescriptions — Drugs . Fountain — Sundries Phone 2-1958 PRESTO . . . A NEW ROOM PAPER & PAINT FOR EVERY NEED QNE DECORATIVE VVAjJJVW ANP PAIMIf • 14th and P Phone 2-7549 MEADOW GOLD Means Just The Very Best Grade A Milk Ice Cream—Butter BEATRICE FOODS CO. i i|__ HOUSEHOLD HINTS I* By Mrs. Brevy Miller Phone 2*4051 j mm t. ••• <-x , - « *.*'< ...mmmrnmmmmmm » Jar — ■ BUTTERSCOTCH ANI> RAISIN PIE 1 Cup Ralalns Boiling Water. % Cup Brown Sugar. Few Grains Salt. 4 TablespoonS Corn Starch. 2 >4 Cups Milk, Scalded. 2 Eggs, Separated. 2 Tablespoons Butter or Vitaminized Margarine. 1 Teaspoon Flavoring. Any Kind. 3 Tablespoons Brown Sugar. Cover raisins with boiling water. Let stand 15 minutes. Drain. Combine sugar, salt, and cornstarch. Mix well-beaten yolks with % cup milk. Blend thoroughly. Combine with re maining milk. Add slowly to su gar mixture. Cook over hot water until thick and smooth. Add flavoring> butter, and drained •raisins. Cool. Pour into bake<i pastry shell. Cover with mer ingue made by combining stiffly beaten egg whites and 3 table spoons brown sugar. Bake in slow oven (325° F.) 20 minutes. MONTE & SONS Body and Radiator Shop Expert Wrecked Car Rebuilding Body and Fender Repairing RADIATORS— Cleaned, Repaired and Recored Complete Paint Jobs 2222 O St. . Phone 2-5097 Lincoln’s Favorite Potato Chip I— , , ...... . - For Everything in HARDWARE Baker Hardware 101 No. 9th 2-3710 | I VINE ST. MARKET GROCERIES & MEATS 22nd and Vine 2-658* — 2-6564 1 V Wk Strawberry Cake % cup butter % cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup strawberry preserves 2Y* cups flour 1 tap. soda % tsp .cinnamon Vfc tsp. allspice % tsp. nutmeg % cup thick sour milk or buttermilk Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten eggs and mix. Then &dd the strawberry preserves. Add sour milk in which soda has been dis- * solved alternately with the flour and sifted spices. Beat only until smooth and place in a greased pan 8x13. Bake in moderate oven 45 minutes. Cool and ice. Tomato Mince Meat pts. chopped tart apples 1 pt. chopped green tomatoes 2 tsp. cinnamon • 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. allspice 1 tsp. cloves 3 cups sugar 1 lb. raisins »4 cup vinegar 1 cup suet chopped fine Peel and chop apples. Mix all ingredients together, bring to a rapid boil and simmer until thick. Pour into sterilized jars and seal. I * ♦